Chapter 15 "This world isn't for us"

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They were preparing the house for the dance all day.The arrival of Ginny Ron and George was keeping Hermione away from her thoughts.

And that was good, she wanted to focus on her friends not on some Deatheater living in their house.

You kissed that Deatheater though.

She rolled her eyes at the thought, how could see be so careless?
It was a mistake, yes, a stupid crazy mistake that she should forgot as soon as possible.

But at that moment, as she was standing in the middle of the living room with her friends talking around her, she was too lost to pay attention on them or anything that was happening around her.Because at that moment all she could think about was him.His eyes, his hands, his body against hers, his lips and everything about him.

He was like a drug and now that she had her first dose, she wanted more, needed more.

A glass ball fell off her hands then and made a loud noise as it broke and thousands of tiny crystals covered the floor.

Her friends turned around to look at her.

"Hermione are you okay?" Ginny asked as she walked towards the confused witch.

She closed her eyes for a second and sighed, "Yes I am fine, sorry it just fell of my hands."

"It's okay." Ginny smiled putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "But are you sure you are good?You've been quite off since we arrived."

That was true.

And if she couldn't tell her best friend was she was doing, maybe she shouldn't do it at all.

She smiled, "I'm fine really, just a bit tired, I should get some sleep before the big night."

Ginny nodded, "Go on then, we will finish the rest."

"Thank you."

And with that she left the room and headed upstairs.

As she reached the first floor she saw him opening his door and getting out of his room, he hadn't seen her yet.

When he finally raised his head and their eyes met, he stopped where he was, some metres away from her and slowly exhale.

Smoke came out of his mouth and nose, and it was only then that Hermione noticed the cigarette between his fingers.

"You're smoking?" She asked.

"Sometimes." He said, putting the little object between his thin, pale lips.

The action made her shattered, yes it was a discusting habit but it made him so elegant and perhaps, hot?

He chuckled, "Staring Granger huh?"

She was indeed staring.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes, "I just didn't know that you are a smoker."

"That's no reason to stare though, is it Hermione?" He smirked.

Her mouth flew open at the sound of her first name coming out of his mouth.

What game was he playing?

She didn't know, all she knew was that he wouldn't win, this battle was hers and only hers.So she just smiled at the blond and took a step closer to him.

She looked up at him, her smile never leaving her face, "Maybe I wasn't staring because of this."

He practically chocked in his own smoke and removed the cigarette from his lips in his tries to breath properly.

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