Chapter 21 "I went to war with myself for you"

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She slept on his bed that night, his arms never left her body, he was holding her tight, making sure that she wouldn't go anywhere, making sure that she would stay right there with him.

Because he needed her. He hadn't admit it to himself yet, but it was true and sooner or later he would realise it.

He didn't sleep, not even one second, he stayed awake, lost between thoughts.The things that he had said to her just hours ago, things that he hadn't even realise before. He didn't know he was in love with her, he didn't know what it felt like but...when she had asked him, when she had looked him in the eyes, he had found an answer to everything at that very moment. The moment that the world froze and for some seconds, it was theirs to share.

His lips formed a light smile then, he looked outside the window searching for stars. The sky was full of them tonight. The witch was silently sleeping beside him, her head resting on his chest.

The world outside seemed...beautiful, Draco noticed. It was dark but the moon was brighter than ever. He could see the empty street, there was a couple there walking while holding hands. They were laughing, hugging and kissing each other without a care for the world, because it was theirs as well.

He sighed and lowered his head to look at Hermione.

"Fuck." He whispered to himself.

Her words came back to his mind.

"Find something to live for and then live for it."

He thought he hadn't anything to live for and maybe he was right but... she made him feel like life was worth it.

And that fucking scared him.

For the first time in his life he wouldn't let his selfish self win, he wouldn't drag her down with him despite what she said.

Because deep down he knew that he would hurt her so badly, he could never forgive himself.

"Fuck." He whispered a bit louder this time.

He softly moved her from his chest to the pillow next to him and rose from the bed. He exited the room, slowly closing the door behind and moved to the next floor.

He reached Potter's closed door, it took three knocks for the Gryffindor boy to open it.

"What the hell Malfoy?" He argued silently rubbing his sleepy eyes. "It's past midnight!"

"I need to talk to you."

"We can talk in the morni-"

"No." He cut him. "It has to stay between us so it has to happen now." He explained in a cold voice.

Harry looked concerned, "Very well then, come in."

Draco did as he said and the other boy closed the door behind them.

"Have a sit." Harry pointed two chairs by the window.

Draco nodded and walked farther into the room. When they were both sitting, Draco turned to face him.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment.

The other wizard was observing him closely, waiting for him to speak.

"I need to ask you for a favour." The blond started.

Harry frowned, "A favour?"

He nodded. "Yes. I know how Veritaserum works, I have used it to my... victims before." He explained. "And I can guess what kind of questions you are going to ask."

"Yes, so?"

Draco locked gazes with him, "Weasley and Granger can't be there when I'm under that potion."

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