Henry's POV~ Me and the boys went back to the house, but not before Patrick made us stop for beer. Once at the house, we drank a little, I only had a few cause I knew y/n was coming home and she would kill me to see me drinking too much, as much as she wouldn't admit it, I knew it hurt her to see me doing things my dad does, which ends up leading to abuse. I was especially careful on drinking since I didn't know if dad would be home or not tonight. Patrick drank the most but then we cleaned up and just hung around. Talked about who to bully, fought with each other, etc. Y/n came in and Victor went to greet her, I still can't believe out of everyone, she's closest to him. They were saying something before Victor looked out the window and then followed her upstairs.
Y/N's POV~ Well, now I have to explain to Victor why I'm blushing. "Why you blushing y/n/n?" He asked while smirking. He looked out the window to see Bill walking. "Ooh Bill walked you home" He stated quietly so no one else would hear. "Hush Victor!" I whisper-yelled before running upstairs with him following. Once upstairs he told me to explain. So I told him, "Nothing is going on, he just walked me home since he lives near by and I gave him a quick, friendly, hug" I shrugged it off like it was nothing, but to me it was a huge thing. He made me feel a way I've never felt before. He's just so cute. But he still smirked, guess he read my mind, and walked out. "You better not saying anything to my brother and them!" I yelled after him. He yelled back "No promises y/n/n!" Before running down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. I changed into shorts and a crop top, slid on my shoes, grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
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Henry looked at me and said "Woah, where the fuck do you think your going?", I turned to him and said "To hang out with some boys, maybe fuck one, not really sure yet" He stood up right away as did Patrick. Patrick always acted like another brother to me. "I'm going out with Delilah and Beverly, why would I go find random boys and fuck one?" Patrick smirked which caused me to roll my eyes. Henry sighed and came up to me, then said "Put a sweater or something over that" I rolled my eyes and said "Why so protective?" He smirked and said "Well Victor said Billy walked you home so I gotta be more protective now" I shot Victor a glare and playfully hit him while he laughed. I went upstairs and put on a sweater that Bill bought me, just to piss Henry off. I walked downstairs with my keys in my bag and said "Bye I'll be back later!" I ran out of the house and they all followed, I heard Belch yell "DIDN'T BILL BUY YOU THAT SWEATER?!" I laughed and kept running. Not once looking back to see their faces.
*At Delilah's house in her room*
We were sitting there in her room chilling when Beverly said "Y/n, who do you like? Be honest!". I looked down and laughed a little. "Bill" I mumbled. They jumped up and started yelling. "Oh hush! Relax, it's not like he'll like me back", Delilah sighed and said "You never know". I turned to Bev and said "Bev, when are you gonna ask Ben out?" Her face went red and she said "Soon" while looking down. We goofed around and I told them about how Victor found out and told them about Bill walking me home and so on. Then Delilah started telling us about one of her classes where the teacher did something stupid and so on. We we're just being ourselves, honestly their the bestest friends I could have asked for, aside from the Losers.
Henry's POV~ Y/n really knew how to annoy me. But that's one of things I love about her, she's a small bit like me, with her attitude and all, but mostly, my sister is unique and isn't afraid to show her true self. What if she really does like Bill? Do I approve? Do I not? What if he doesn't like her? All these thoughts rushed through my head before Belch snapped me out of my thoughts. They ended up leaving a few minutes later. Y/n called and said she would be home soon. But my dad ended up coming home first. He rushed through the door, grabbed a beer and cracked it open. A few minutes later he came up to my room and started yelling at me. "Where the fuck is y/n? You let that slut out?!?!" He yelled. I looked up at him and said "Y-yes sir she went out with 2 friends, she'll be home in a few, but she isn't a slut" I said while glaring. "Don't talk back!" He screamed in my face, spit flying. Then all I heard was the sound of the belt hitting my back and felt his fist hit my face.
*15 minutes later*
My dad was downstairs, probably passed out. My eye was swelling and I had marks on my back. Y/n came home and quietly walked passed our dad and up the stairs. She knocked on my door and said, her voice no louder then a whisper, "Henry?" She opened the door and rushed to my side. She saw my eye and I showed her the marks on my back. She hugged me careful to avoid my marks and started tearing up. "I'm so sorry Henry, I should have been home", I looked at her and said " No, don't feel sorry, he's an ass, he called you a slut and yelled about me letting you go out, I trusted you so I let you go, it's fine" She pulled away and said "He's such an asshole, that's it I'm done" She walked downstairs and I knew right away what she was gonna do. Dad was up and in the kitchen. I stopped her and said "Don't, he'll hurt you y/n" She pulled away from me and said "I have to, now stay put before he hurts you again", my little sister taking charge, this won't end well, I would tell the police, but he's a cop, so telling the police won't help much.
Y/N's POV~ I'm so sick and tired of our dad just pushing us around, I've had enough, calling me a slut and hurting us. I rushed downstairs ignoring Henry who kept trying to stop me. I tapped my dad on the back and yelled "STOP HURTING US! WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU? I'LL TELL YOU, A NO GOOD ONE, CALLING ME A SLUT AND HURTING HENRY BECAUSE HE TOLD ME I COULD GO OUT, THAT COULD BE YOU TELLING ME AND MAKING RULES BUT YOUR A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT WHO HURTS US, FUCKS RANDOM BITCHES AND THEN YOU MAKE US DOING EVERYTHING! FUCK YOU! IF I COULD I WOULD MOVE OUT BY NOW!!". He looked at me in shock before his face turned red with anger, oh fuck, I'm gonna die now. He slapped me across the face 5 times, then punched me, I fell to the ground and he kicked me. Now I have a bruise or two on my sides. I rushed upstairs as he left, wonder where he's going, probably to to fuck a plastic bitch. Henry looked at me in pure shock, probably because of the words that left my mouth. He went up to my room with me and looked at me. "Holy shit y/n/n" I laughed a little but stopped. It hurt to laugh. I looked down and said "Probably bad timing but, do we have a spare bag, mine got ruined.." He chuckled a little before going to the hall closet and pulling out another bag, "Here, this work" He mumbled while handing the bag to me. I smiled a little and nodded.
*The next day at school*
I caught a ride from Belch today cause I didn't feel like walking. Henry's eye was bruised but he was okay. I had some marks on my face but figured not many people would notice. I met with the group, but was stopped when Bill and Mike noticed my face. "What the hell happened?" Mike asked. I sighed and looked down "My dad" I mumbled. They knew he would hurt me and Henry but when they would see it, it wouldn't be fresh marks. We headed off to class, me and Bill went to class together and once in class started working on our project. We got most of it done but had only a few final touches to finish next class. My next class was boring but I couldn't keep focus, my mind kept thinking of Bill. He looked hurt when he saw my face...does he truly care? Will he ever like me back?
*End of day*
I walked into the crowed halls. People were pushing past one another rushing to the closest exit. No one wanted to stay in this school longer then they had to. I went to my locker, grabbed my things and put them in my bag. I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the west entrance since I knew Victor and them would be there, I decided to get a ride with them today since I was really tired and didn't feel well. But of course Gretta had to come bother me.