Chapter 22-Merry Christmas pt.2

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Eddie's POV~

10:15 AM

Yay it's Christmas! Haha I'm so happy. I wish I was out with friends again. Mom wouldn't set up a tree because she's worried I'll get "sick". I sighed and walked downstairs, mom must've still been asleep. I walked into the main room and gasped, there was a tree, A TREE! I walked up to it, but stopped, how did a tree get here? Am I being watched? WHO BROKE IN?! I relaxed myself before approaching the tree once more. There was a piece of paper, I opened it and read it.

Dear Edward (Eddie),
Merry Christmas! Me and the Losers decided to get you a tree, we used the spare the key that you suck at hiding, also, I'd rather have done this then spent Christmas inside your mother, and I wouldn't wanna get crabs.....okay well that's all since Y/n is yelling at me to cut it is Stan......and everyone else

I rolled my eyes at the comments he made, his hand writing was kinda sloppy but oh well. My boyfriend is suck a dork. I smiled at the tree and ghosted my finger over some of the branches.

Ben's POV~

10:38 AM

Mom flipped a pancake and placed it on my plate, smiling at me as she did so. I took my plate to the table, three pancakes sat on my plate, covered in whipped cream, strawberries, and more. I immediately dug into my food, my dad was sitting across from drinking coffee and eating slowly. My mom took a seat next to me, 

"Ben, we'll open up gifts in a moment, lets just eat as a family right now" 

I nodded and kept eating until I was full.  Soon, we sat on the couch and opened gifts, I thanked them and went upstairs, hanging up the stuff and setting it up in my room. I layed on my bed and picked up a book. I opened to where my bookmark was and started reading.

Richie's POV~

10:45 AM

I laughed to myself as I thought about all the reactions Eddie would have from the note we left. I thought about it and laughed some more before someone nudged me. I sat up and looked at Bill, who was doodling away in his book.

"Hey man, watch your feet" I said laughing

"S-sorry Richie"

I leaned up against the wall next to him, he let me come this morning, since no one was really home. I usually always celebrate Christmas with Bill, I have for as long as I can remember.

"Hey Big Bill, remember when Christmas was just us, and then it was with Eddie and Stan, the original losers?" I asked as I looked at him

"Y-yea, what f-f-fun w-we had" He laughed a little

I tried to look at what he sketching but he kept it hidden from me. His mom yelled from downstairs so we got up and went downstairs, Bill made sure he closed his book and put it on his desk. We sat on the couch and watched TV while his mom brought breakfast for us.

Bill's POV~

10:47 AM

I was sketching something for Y/n, but I don't want people to see it yet, it looks so bad. My mom called me and Richie downstairs and gave us breakfast. I went into the kitchen to get more juice, my mom and dad were sitting there, talking every now and then. I placed mine and Richie's cups on the counter and grabbed the juice, pouring it quickly.

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