Chapter 12-Who are the Loser's? pt.2

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Belch's POV~
We parked the car outside of Henry's house and walked in. We waved to Butch who just focused on the TV. Henry had told us what happened so we knew not to bring up Bill or the others. I walked into the kitchen to see Y/n mixing something on the stove. "Hey kid", she turned and smiled. But it wasn't her usual smile, this one was the one she had been giving to everyone, there was sadness in it. "Hey Belch, can you set out plates?" I nodded and set them on the table. She placed food on each plate and walked out with one for her dad. We all sat down and smiled as she cane back. We started eating when Patrick brought up stuff that shouldn't have been. Of course he does this, he is never one to listen. "So y/n" Patrick started, she looked up and gave him a questioning look. "Have you talked to Denbrough since the break up?" Henry shot him a dirty glare before I kicked him under the table. "Ow Belch what the hell" He hissed, Y/n looked at him and sighed, "No Patrick, I haven't talked to him since it happened and I don't want him brought up right now so please shut it" She said looking at us all. Patrick rolled his eyes and went back to eating. I did the dishes so y/n could just relax. She went upstairs to the guest room with Victor since he would be spending the night so she went to go help him set up the room.

Y/N's POV~
I was putting on a clean blanket for Victor since he was spending the night tonight. I jumped on the bed and laughed a little as Victor looked at me and smiled. "Y/n/n, I know you don't wanna talk about it but, what do you say tomorrow we all go around town and try to take your mind off of it, yea?" Victor said sitting next to me. "Sure Vic, that sounds nice" I'm still upset but trying not to show it, of course you can tell I'm sad when smiling but I'm hiding it best I can We walked out of the room and joined the others outside. Victor told them the plan and they all agreed to meet here at about noon.

~The next day in Belch's car~

Dad, somehow, agreed to us going out for the day, but he said that not to get used to him being nice. We decided to take it while it lasted. So here we were parking the car to walk around. We climbed out and stood on the sidewalk while Belch locked the car. Patrick was wearing his class Tom cat shirt and jeans with those black boots of his. Victor wore a plain shirt with jeans, I've never seen him wear jeans before, wow. Belch wore what he usually does, regular shirt and jeans. Henry had one a muscle shirt and ripped jeans with some old shoes of his. I just had a T-shirt and shorts with my everyday shoes. We walked around for a while, looking at things and laughing. We walked passed the arcade and of course Patrick decided to go inside, which meant we had too. Patrick and Belch walked over to a game to start playing while me, Victor and Henry slowly followed. I noticed Richie by the game he always plays. He looked up, probably since he just died and saw me. I walked towards him and Henry and Victor got the hint to walk away. "Hey Richie" I said quietly, "Hey y/n how have you been since-ya know". "I'm still upset but I'm okay, what about you since you did get into the fight with him? Have you talked to Eddie or anyone else?" He shook his head and sighed "Nope, I've good but haven't spoken to anyone but you as of right now. I didn't even talk to Stan at his bar mitzvah, just smiled a little" He said putting quarters into the machine. "Wanna play a round or two?" I nodded and played. He beat me but then I beat him, I could hear him groan in defeat which made me laugh. "I'll see you around Richie" Then I walked out as I saw that the boys did the same. "How did it go with Trash mouth?" Henry asked, "It was fine, I mean all we did was talk a little, it's not like the loser's are still friends" I heard Patrick mumble "Who are the loser's?" I nudged him and glared.

Word Count-780

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