Chapter 15

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Ben's POV~
Being with everyone was great, and I mean we won't have to worry about many bullies now when school starts. Which school starts in like three days, ugh. Me and Bev were at the quarry sitting on the rocks talking. "Hey Ben?" She said sitting up, resting on her elbows. "Yea?" I asked looking at her, "Ben, I know this is gonna sound stupid but, why did you choose me?" I looked at her and smiled at the thought I had, I fell for her the second I saw her. "Because who wouldn't? Beverly Marsh you are such a pretty girl and your so kind, caring, tough, your like super bad ass too, I just fell for you as soon as I saw you and when I found out you liked me I just felt so happy" She smiled as she walked over sitting next to me. She pecked my cheek and I blushed a little. She stood up and picked her stuff up, "Race you home Benny!" She yelled laughing as she ran. I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran forward chasing after her.

Mike's POV~
Monica came over to me, she told me she was moving away. "What? Why? Will I ever see you again?" I asked as I frowned. "Hey hey hey, Mike look at me, I don't want to move but I have to, and sadly I won't be back, I want you to move forward, don't stay stuck on me forever, live your life okay?" She said hugging me, I hugged her tightly and nodded. She gave me one final kiss before walking away and waving. I walked back into the house and sat down, well I'm sad now but I'm gonna do what she said and live my life....somehow

Richie's POV~
School starts soon and I need to finish my training! I was in the arcade and beat my high score. "Yes!" I yelled as I threw my fist into the air. Eddie just rolled his eyes, "Do you realize how many germs there are on those buttons? They probably don't even-", " Relax Eddie! The germs aren't touching you at least" I said walking over to him. I put my arms around him before he pushed me, "Nice try Trashmouth". "Damn you Eddie! You are such a little shit" All he did was laugh as I went back to my game. Soon we left the arcade and got ice cream as we walked to his house.

Y/N's POV~
Since school starts soon I haven't been doing much, I've been helping Victor look for colleges and hanging with everyone every now and then. I don't want school to start, it'll require to much work. I was currently in my room on the phone, I was able to get one in my room, finally, "What? No way dude!" I was on the phone with Delilah currently. "What? I'm being serious you need to think about that if you-" She started to say before I quickly cut her off, "No, I haven't thought of that happening and I'm sure he hasn't, code yellow" I said quickly as she changed the topic just as Henry walked into my room. Code yellow-Make sure nothing weird is said for my brother or someone/Delilah's or Bev's parent(s) come. "Y/n, I need you downstairs real quick, sorry to interrupt" Henry said as he closed my door a little. "I'll call you back later okay?" Delilah said, "Mhm" Then the line clicked. I hung up my phone and walked downstairs.

Patrick's POV~
I looked into some colleges and I found one that accepted me, I had the letter and everything, but there was one problem, it's out of state. I leave tomorrow so I'm telling y/n today, the guys already know but Henry said it would be best for me to tell her not him. She came downstairs and smiled at us all, "Hey guys, what's up?" She said sitting on the couch. She threw her braided hair over her shoulder and I sighed. "Y/n, Patrick has something to tell you" Belch said nodding towards me. She looked at me and I stood up, "Y/n, look" I handed her the paper and watched as her eyes grew wide, "I got into college", "I'm so proud of you Pat!" She yelled and she hugged me. "But's out of state?" She asked as she looked at the paper again, I nodded sadly and she hugged me again "When do you leave?" Oh god I feel so bad "Tomorrow" I whispered she looked at me and had a frown painted on her face. "I'll come see you before I leave", she nodded and walked back upstairs. "I'm gonna go, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said as I walked out. I started my walk home to finish packing.

Bill's POV~
I haven't done much since lately, me, Eddie, Richie, and Stan are all meeting at my house to just hang out for the day. "H-hey guys" I said as they walked in, "Well what should we do today?" Eddie asked, "Can we stop at the store real quick? I wanna get some flowers for Delilah and leave them in her mailbox" Stan said as he stood up, we agreed and followed, after we dropped them off at her house we just biked around town, we saw Y/n walking with Beverly. "Hello ladies" Richie yelled as he stopped his bike, "Hi guys, what are you dorks doing?" Beverly asked as she looked at us, "Losers not dorks" Eddie mumbled, "N-nothing just g-g-going a-around t-town" Y/n smiled at me and mouthed "Call me later" I nodded and her and Beverly walked away.

Beverly's POV~
Dad was gone so me and Y/n just kinda layed around upstairs. 'Hey Y/n" I said sitting up, She looked at me confused, "When you were, floating, you said you saw something or felt something?" She nodded, "I saw all of us, but we were older, I don't remember what we were doing but I remember how we felt, I don't think I'll forget that but everything else is fading" I looked at her and smiled a little.

Henry's POV~
It was now time for Patrick to leave for college. Another thing Y/n didn't know, Victor just got accepted into a college that's in the next town over so he won't be that far. Y/n and me walked to Patrick's house since he didn't live that far. Victor and Belch were already there when we walked in. "Hi Henry, Y/n!! How great to see you!" Patrick's mom yelled as she hugged Y/n. Ever since our mom left, our friend's moms have kinda been there for Y/n and me, mostly y/n though. Patrick came downstairs with his bags and smiled a little. We helped him pack his car up. Y/n hugged him and said "Promise you'll come visit when you can?" Patrick nodded, "I will, I mean I have to make sure Denbrough treats you right" She rolled her eyes and he climbed in his car. He waved and pulled away, we watched until he couldn't be seen no more. "Hey y/n remember that college me and you looked into in the next town over?" Victor said looking at her, she nodded and gave him a look as if to say "explain" "Well I got in and I leave later today", Y/n jumped up and smiled "See I told you! Thank god your not going as far as Pat but you better still visit" He nodded and we left to his house. After he left, Belch went home and so did me and Y/n.

A/N- I'm sorry for not posting! I've been meaning to but got caught up in other things and a lot for school since school for me starts on Wednesday, hopefully you enjoyed this ❤

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