Chapter 23-You're back!?

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A/N- The song is 'Please Come Home for Christmas' just incase it doesn't load

Y/N's POV~

Why do I know that voice so well? It sounds just like I going crazy? Patrick isn't even here! There was another knock on my bedroom door. 

"Come on, hello? Mini Bowers? Did you die in there from shock?" 

The same voice questioned and knocked again and again. I slowly got up and walked towards my bedroom door. I reached for the door knob, but quickly pulled my hand back. What if it's a joke? What if no one is there and I'm going crazy? What if....oh god I'm gonna kill myself with these thoughts, I  drew in a deep breath and released it before opening the door.

I threw it open, and saw Patrick standing there, towering over me as he always had, same grin and all. Holy shit Patrick....Patrick Hocksetter is back... I blinked as I looked up at him just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. As if he understood what I was doing, he reached a hand out and put it on my shoulder, that was real enough for me. I sprung forward and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Holy shit please tell me I'm not dreaming, please say this is real" I mumbled

"It's real sweetheart" He chuckled and looked at me as I pulled away from him

I smiled widely at him, before hearing Henry yell from downstairs.


"YOU COULD ONLY BE SO LUCKY HENRY!" I yelled back laughing

We walked downstairs to see Henry sitting in the kitchen, he pointed to the living room, so that's where I went. I gasped at the sight of Victor and Belch sitting on the couch, smiling at me. Victor Criss and Belch Huggins.....I can't believe their all back. I ran towards them and wrapped my arms around them both tightly.

"But I thought....woah..."

"I went to go get them, thought it'd be a good Christmas surprise"

Henry said and shrugged his shoulders, I smiled at him and looked back the boys. I immediately handed out the gifts I had gotten for them and watched them open them as they gave me their gifts. I was still in shock but I went upstairs anyway, putting away my things and then sat down on my bed as my phone rang. I picked it up and smiled as I heard Delilah yell over the phone.


Bill's POV~

Me and Richie were in my room, playing a game he had gotten as a gift. We soon took a break and just kinda sat there. I got up and looked out my window, still no snow.


No answer.

I turned around and saw him opening my sketchbook. I gasped and rushed towards him.



He dropped the book and I picked it up right away and shook my head at him. He shrugged and laughed a little before going downstairs. I sat down at my desk and finished the art work I was doing. It was based off a picture I had of her from the park. I filled in the last line and smiled to myself. I placed in a safe spot for later and went to go find Richie.

No ones POV~

Y/n sat in her bedroom, dancing around to music that played, but turned it down once her phone rang. She spoke softly into the phone, smiling and nodding. She hung up and turned off the music, she pulled on a sweater and ran downstairs. She wasted no time as she slid on her favorite shoes/boots and rushed down the stairs of her porch, ignoring the yells from behind her. She raced to the corner the same time Beverly and Delilah got there. They all giggled as they talked and walked back to the Bowers home. Y/n walked inside, the girls following, Henry looked at her and then shook his head laughing as he spotted the girls with her. They went upstairs and sat in her room, talking and laughing, one of the boys bothering every now and then. They left around one o'clock and said they'd be by later with the losers. After they left, y/n flopped on the couch next to the boys she had grown to call her brothers, she sat in the middle of Victor and Patrick, as Henry was on Patrick's side and Belch was next to Victor. They found a movie to watch and she snuggled up in the blanket Henry had gotten her and watched the movie with them. All of them in a calming place, all of them, home.

Eventually, the movie finished, and before they knew it, dinner was being set up just as the doorbell rang. Belch answered it, welcoming the losers inside. They all took their belongings off and greeted everyone, before finding a spot to sit. As they ate, they told stories, shared highlights on what they got, and just enjoyed the moment together.

After they ate, Y/n did the dishes with Bill, just like they did before. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, Y/n dried her hands and rushed over. Bill stood in the doorway, looking out towards her. She opened the door and gasped, but it wasn't a scared gasp, more so, a happy, shocked, gasp. Bill walked over and looked out the door, his eyes went wide.


Y/n called, Henry walked over, by now everyone was standing in the hallway, Henry went behind his sister at the door and froze up.

"What the fuck-"

"Now now mister, didn't I teach you better than to talk like that?"

A/N-Well...there you have it folks👀 This was Chapter 23 of how many more? I'm not sure...

Word Count- 996

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