Chapter 14-Part 2

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Y/N's POV~
I stood there, it was just me and Bill left. I still couldn't believe it, we did it, we won. I looked at Bill and sighed. Well this isn't awkward....yea it's totally awkward "Sooo" I started as I turned to him. I sat down on a rock and he sat on one across from me. "Y/n I'm s-soo sorry a-a-about what I d-did" Bill said looking into my eyes. I looked down, I couldn't think of what to say. Should I stay or should I go? (Stranger Things anyone? lmao I'm sorry for all these references of shows I keep using) I'm so stupid why can't I say anything to him right now?! "I didn't mean it y/n, I'm so sorry I hurt you, you were one of the best things to happen and I messed up" He sniffled, wow no stutter....whenever he's fully serious he has no stutter "Bill, it's okay, things happen, I understand why you did it" I said looking him in the eyes, "I'll see ya around Bill" I said softly as I stood and started walking away. The next thing I knew Bill turned me around and pressed his lips to mine. I pulled away and couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips, "I really am sorry Y/ you think you'd wanna be mine again?", I nodded and kissed him again. "Bye Bill" I smirked as I walked away leaving him standing and staring in awe. As I walked I heard ruffling from the bushes, I turned and looked only to see Delilah and Beverly smiling widely. "Are you serious? You guys really listened" I said placing my hands on my hips. "We couldn't help it" Delilah said laughing a little. I rolled my eyes playfully and we all walked off.

No one's POV~

~August 4th~

It's now August, school starts soon. Things were nice at the Bowers home. Henry or anyone else never got caught from Butch being killed, the case went cold and was marked "Unsolved" Yet no one continued it after that, that demon clown was gone and all the kids were happy. Victor found a girlfriend, her name was Becky and Y/n approved 1000% of her. Patrick, Belch, and Henry stayed single, Richie and Eddie were in a great place as were Stan and Delilah. Beverly and Ben were great and were a match made in heaven together. Y/n and Bill's relationship was stronger after everything happened. Mike got a girlfriend as well, her name was Monica, turns out Mike met her through a cousin's friend and they hit it off right away. Things were just perfect for the kids, but if you think the story ends here your wrong....

Henry's POV~
It was time for graduation, me and the guys were graduating, since we were older but held back. The day of the ceremony I went with Y/n and met the guys there, over 200 students were graduating that day, only 150 made it to on stage graduation. Y/n hopped out of my truck and came around to my side as I stepped out, "You got this, just don't make a fool of yourself, I'll be watching Hen", I nodded and said "Mhm but never call me Hen again" She smiled at the guys as they all came out of Belch's car in their caps and gowns. "Bye guys, bye Hen" She said walking away and I know she had a smug smirk on her face. We made our way over to where the other students were and waited, the wait probably killed us all since we wanted to just be done already. Becky came over to us and hugged Victor as she was graduating as well. Slowly we walked into the building and took our seats.

Y/N's POV~
Honestly, I never thought Henry would make it, I never thought Pat, Vic, or Belch would either. But I'm happy they did. We knew some kids other then my brother and his goons graduating today. Me and the loser's made our way to the seats where we would be able to see everything perfectly. Richie made sure he say right next to Eddie and he wrapped an arm around his shoulders smiling a little. Eddie leaned into his touch and smiled, they better last I swear. Someone a few rows back yelled "YOU TWO ARE GAY BICTHES" Richie turned around, "SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK SO PEOPLE KNOW THANKS DUDE!" We all laughed at Richie's response. I was sat in the middle, the order went Richie, Eddie, Bill, Me, Ben, Bev, Mike, Monica she isn't apart of the loser's but she's hangs with us sometimes, Stan and Delilah. The music started and people gave speeches before names started getting called. "Peter Parker" (Let's just act like the names were called in a random order and I just put these names based on people and shows so yea go with it or you can choose your own), "Chandler Riggs", "Patrick Hockstetter", Patrick walked up smirking widely as he shook hands and grabbed his diploma. "Victor Criss" Victor pretty much ran onto the stage, "Belch Huggins" Belch walked up and was just chill. Finally they called Henry "Henry Bowers" He walked up, shook hands and grabbed his diploma, he looked in the crowd and smiled at me as he saw me. I didn't even notice I had tears in my eyes till Bill wiped one away and asked if I was okay, "Yes, I'm just-happy". We walked outside and walked over to the guys, they would never show it but they don't bully them as much, especially since they won't be in school now, but when we all hand out if their around they won't bother the losers that much. Mike had to leave because his grandpa wanted him home and he was gonna walk Monica home. We waved as they left. I ran over to the guys and engulfed them in a big group hug. We were all going back to my house so we all got in Henry's truck as Patrick, Belch and Victor got into Belch's car.

~At the house inside~

We were all sitting around and talking. "What are you four going to do now that you graduated", "I still have y/n to watch" Henry said laughing a little, "Probably look into college" Belch said as Victor nodded. Patrick just shrugged, "Honestly, I never thought I would have made it this far". That night was filled with fun and games, everyone got along and Derry no longer had a curfew. I got up and walked into the kitchen getting some water, I walked back into the living room and leaned against the wall looking at the sight before me. Richie, Eddie, Mike (Who was allowed to come later), and Stan sat cracking jokes with Patrick and Belch. Victor was talking to Ben and Beverly. Victor always loved history so Ben was definitely one to talk to about it. Henry sat on one of the couches with Bill and Delilah who were laughing at something. I smiled at the sight of it all and just thought to myself. I'm so lucky to have all these people, I've been through hell and back, we all have and yet here we are, who knew fighting a creepy clown could cause new friendships?

This story may seem finished but I have a plan for it and there will be some time jumps, I really hope you guys like this story and will still like it, I try to make it interesting by following story lines and adding in twists but if it's boring you can just stop reading and I'm sorry if it is

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