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"Step 1!" Chenle makes a dramatic "one" with his finger making me and Jisung laugh. "Have food with Jaemin. That way you guys will get to know each other better!"

"But we generally have food together?" Jisung asked with a confused look.

"Aishh" Chenle looked at Jisung totally annoyed and smacked his forehead. "We'll just go and have it ourselves. So Jaemin will have no other option but to go with Y/N later." Chenle says giggling in the last part as he looks at me.
"But won't Jeno just stick to him? Even if not Renjun..." Jisung wondered.

"Let's go talk to them~" Chenle said in his sing-song voice and walked out.

"Chenle wait!" I call out to him hurriedly as he turns back. "What?"

"Don't tell anything to Jeno..." I mumble getting flustered.

"Huh? Why not? He's in our team–" I cut Chenle off saying, "But he's Jaemin's best friend. He'll definitely tell him everything! Come on its natural!" I try to reason out.

"She's right. Jeno hyung's a total party pooper." says Jisung scrunching up his nose.
"Right. So let's just tell Renjun and we'll manage." said Chenle and walked over to Renjun's bedroom.

"Renjunnie ah!" Chenle screamed as he went in.

"Jesus Christ what? Calm down!" Chenle said almost jumping in his bed due to the sudden high pitch noise. He was too engrossed in watching something on twitter.

"So you know Y/N like likes Jaemin. Like the real like?" Chenle says blushing a bit himself as I gulp and look away. Too embarrassing.

Renjun looks at me for a good moment and nods his head.

"So basically we're trying to set her up with Jaemin hyung and we need your help. Also, do not tell Jeno anything!" Jisung says bulging his eyes out slightly.

After that, we (Actually Chenle and Jisung) tell Renjun everything and he breaks into a smirk as he looks at me. I try to laugh or off as I stroll round the room a bit. "Yeah so..." I trailed off.

"Tomorrow. You. Jaemin. Dinner. Together." said Renjun, Chenle and Jisung word by word making me mentally roll my eyes.


We were again huddled up in the morning scribbling our lyrics again, all the boys giving different suggestions on lines and also me thinking of better phrases and lyrics.


Your smile got me so bad,
Can't get you out of my head.
Your smile making me smile,
Can't shake you off my mind.
Smile smile again,
I love the way you look.
Smile smile again,
I love you just the way you are.

Verse 1

Your sight makes me feel butterflies,
Your beautiful eyes looking my way.
We come across each other,
At your sight my heart goes haywire.

"What should we do after this for the rap?" I asked the boys.

"How about..." Jaemin took the pen from my hand and started writing.


Your smile fill my day,
Making my heart happy so hey, Listen now come accept my feelings,
You don't know with what situations I'm dealing.
Don't forget to smile even for one day,
I wish you could just become my bae.

When I read the lyrics, I excitedly clap. "Wow Jaemin it's awesome."

"Surely~" Chenle cooed as Renjun and Jisung tried to suppress a laugh and I blush.

After writing a bit more, the boys were called for practice. Jaemin was going when I call him.

"Um Jaemin?" he turns around.

"Er... What do you like to eat for dinner?" I ask randomly. Damn, I wanted to strike a conversation with him but my choices are bad as hell.

He looked at me peculiarly and pursed his lips. "Anything." he said as he stuffed his hands in his sweat pants pockets and went away leaving me feeling like a fool and nodding to myself as I bit my lip out of habit, whenever I'm too embarrassed.


It was not even the usual time when we have dinner but as soon as they came back from practice, Jaemin went to take a shower. As soon as he went away Chenle stood up. "Ohh I'm hungry!!" he said as he rubbed his tummy. Jisung joined him with an exaggerated look and poked Renjun. "Even me. Let's go have dinner~" he cooed and Renjun nodded and chuckled slightly. "Jeno accompany us!" he said.

"But at least let's take a shower first and then we'll go. Even Jaemin isn't done and Y/N is also not hungry. Right Y/N?" Jeno said as he gave his cheesy smile to me.

I was about to answer when Jisung widened his eyes and cut in. "She's not hungry."

"How so you know?" asked Jeno as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I c-can read her mind." said Jisung stuttering.

"Oh really? Stop joking–" Jeno was getting started when I interrupted. "I'm really not hungry right now."

"Jeno you're taking too much time.  Let's go!" said Renjun hurriedly and pulled Jeno by his arm and out of the door. "But Jaemin..." his distant voice was heard which quickly got covered with Chenle's distant voice. "He'll have with Y/N."

When Jaemin came out and just saw me sitting on the couch and concentrating on the lyrics, he hesitated then walked towards me. "Where are the guys?" he enquired.

"They went to have dinner. Said they were too hungry." I replied trying to look as normal as possible. Wow I was actually trying to set myself up with Jaemin.

He nodded a bit and then went off to wear his converse. He had dressed up more than usual which was odd but I did not ask him until he again returned. "I've got free food day today... I was thinking of going all together with everyone but, would you like to come with me to the ramen shop? It's round the corner." he said as he softly looked at me. I felt like melting at that very moment. Then he smiled a bit. "So what do you say?"

I blush a bit as I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and smile back. "Sounds like a plan!"

A/N : Hiya~ So imma gonna give you some spoiler of next chapter. There's gonna be slight ACTUAL Jaemin x Reader scenes there 😘😘

–To be continued...

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