anniversary: noun the date on which a couple were married in a previous year.

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(Most of this story will be in Billie's POV so I will only say if it's not hers)

4 days after the prom a week before the anniversary

"What is the plan for there anniversary?" Lusy asked as we both sat crossed  legged on my bed. "They are sleeping late and having a movie marathon just the two of them. Then me and Finneas are making them dinner. Also my mom said you can come." I Said unenthusiastically. I really don't want to do this one. I love my parents and they don't deserve this. "We could burn the food and have a food fight. It would ruin it while still being fun." She suggested. "Yeah, we could cut the fuse so we don't have power and light a bunch of candles. I like the idea of ruining it in a fun way." I added. Hopefully this will ruin it while still being a good anniversary. "Pass me my laptop." I Said pointing at it. We open the internet and order some candles. This better work. I don't want them to be mad.

The night before the anniversary 

Lusy finely arrived and I ran into my room pulling her behind me. "Hello, it's nice to see you too." She said as I slammed the door behind us. "Sorry I'm just so nervous." I Said laying down on my bed. She sits next to me and starts rubbing my arm. She is so beautiful. Why do I keep thinking that? I can't like her. She's my friend. Yes we kissed but never of us had mentioned it. I don't think it meant anything. At least not to her. "Who's here tomorrow?" She asked pulling be away from my thoughts. "Umm... my parents obviously, us, Finneas and his girlfriend claudia." I responded still staring at her. "After this we still have 4 more tasks. The next ones gonna suck when we show this to your family." She said laughing at the thought. "Why? What's next?" I Said getting worried. "It's fine. I'm sure your family will love you sex tape. I'm slightly considered how they know I'm a virgin. It's not spring in your case but I think I did a good job hiding it." She said still lagging. "Hay! What's that supposed to mean." I Said shoving her. "You give off major virgin vibes. It's not a bad thing. You just look innocent." She said making fun of me. "About that. Umm how is that going to work?" I asked embarrassed. "John did say we can't tell anyone about the tasks so we should do it together. That way we don't bring any one else into this. Just to make sure we don't beak the rules." She said turning reder and reder as she did so. Ok, maybe she does like me back. "You just wanna sleep with me." I Said sitting up so are faces are only inches apart. "Maybe." She said as I felt her hands rap round my back. I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled are lips together. Her lips are so soft. This is even better than the first time. I definitely like her. She moves away smiling at me and walks over to her bag. "Get changed and we can go to sleep. We need to be rested for tomorrow." She said pulling out her pyjamas. We both get changed and slip under my bed sheets. "I like you. Like like you" She said moving so she was slightly over me. "I like like you too." I Said pulling her down to me. This is gonna be more fun then I thought. I'm suddenly really excited for the next task.

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