questions: a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.

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The next morning

I got out of bed having forgotten about yesterday. Walking to my closet I picked out my clothes and got changed before going into the kitchen were my family is making breakfast. "Billie, umm.... we were wondering if you wanted to talk. I mean about yesterday." My mom said sitting at the table. My smile dropped into a look of fear. "Yo don't have to. Not until you're ready." My dad said sitting next to her. I walked over to them and sat next to Finneas. Looking down at my lap I decided that I should get it over with and just tell them. "What do you want to know?" I Said still not looking at them. There was a pause before someone finally spoke. "So... you like girls?" My mom asked nervously. "Yes. I'm bi, so I like both boys and girls." I answered then immediately talking a bite of food. That was a mistake as I already feel sick from being nervous and that didn't help. There was another long pause until my dad spoke. "How long have yo known?" He asked. I sat and thought for a minute before answering. "Well, it's hard to say. You kinda always know but I probably realised about a year ago." I finally said. They asked me a cupel more of the questions you would expect and everything seemed good. I'm so relieved to get it off my chest and they are all being rather supportive. I don't know what I expected. "So what is happening between you and lusy?" Finneas asked beaming at me. I blushed and looked away from them all. "Oh, yes! I want to hear everything." My mom added. I blushed even more. "Well... I don't really know." I Said looking around at there eager faces. "I like her and I think she likes me but I couldn't tell you more." I added. "So... have you?" Finneas Said raising his eyebrows. "What?" I Said looking at him confused. "Have you slept with her?" He asked looking right in my eyes. I blushed even more and made vague sounds not knowing how to answer. My mom lightly hit his arm in disappointment. "What? I wanna know. Plus she definitely did when we were having dinner last week." he Said smiling at me. Now my parents both looked to glare at me. "Did you?" My mom asked getting angry. I'm a terrible lier especially to her but I'm not supposed to talk about that task. "I'm not allowed to talk about. Or that's at least what you said." I replied hoping she understands. There were all starting at me now. Maybe it was a mistake to answer there questions. Thankfully they changed the subject and we continue eating with out and issue.

⚠️This is kinda bad but anyway trigger warning of subject of abuse ⚠️

Lucy's POV

"Get up you lazy bitch!" My mom spat slamming into my room. She doesn't care about privacy so I often get walked in on while getting changed. I pulled on my clothes trying to be quick but careful. My beaten skin was sensitive to the fabric. I can't be too long or else. Basically everything I do has to be perfect and quick or else. The consequences are just as horrible as you'd imagine. I love my mom but I don't need reminding that I'm nothing but a maiden to her. And I have no choice in what I do. She took me out of school so I'd have no choice but to work for food. I have nothing but her and she keeps it that way. That's why when ever I see Billie I try to get her away from my house. My life is so terrible and she is my only escape. She's been like this since my dad left with my little sister. It's nice to know your both your parents least favourite child. Well at least I got some of the brains of the family. I have a plan. The only issue is I'll have to tell Billie everything. We have to complete the tasks and kill someone so why not make it some one who deserves it.

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