So.. Here it is.
This is for another book, but I'm not saying what it is.
All you need to know is that it includes this cinnamon roll. >:3-~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~-
\\Nally's Drawin' Book, Vol. 2// ||| [{"Artisticallity/Artistry & Writings"}]
Acak[W A R N I N G: LATE UPDATES] -~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~- {Descritpion}: -~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~-~+=+~- Sooo.. This is happening again- Just another art book, and it has m o r e writing and such, not to mention artz. I will be working on sO M E-- request...