Anything... for you.

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A/N: Since everyone who voted wanted Glaciershipping, it will now be in the series. Yes, that's right, series. I announced that I wanted to do this and many of you wanted it (that being two, but still it was the only people who commented) so I hope you look forwards to the future of the dragon-au series and I thank you all as we have reached 3.88k views. Anyways, on with the story. (P.s. there's only about two chapters left for this book).

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" Cole shot up at the sound of screaming. He soon recognized it to be Zane's and then draped a wing over his friend. Cole felt a pang of sadness as he once again refered to Zane as a friend. The thing is, he had a crush on Zane and he still does. He just, can't tell him. He just can't.

"Zane, calm down!" Cole said to the hyperventilating dragon.

Zane took deep breaths, in and out. He had another vision. It was horrific. All he knew was that Cole needed to know, and they couldn't complete the mission Wu had set them. And there was one more thing... The flower! Someone has it! But who...? Someone he feared? He hadn't seen them before surely, but he felt frightened it their presence.

"Cole... Cole we cannot watch the Dark Dragons today. We must warn--"

"Zane, why can't we?"

"Because it's dangerous!"

"Of course it's dangerous! Don't you think I knew that from the start!"

"I don't want you getting hurt Cole!"

"What about you?!" Cole yelled. Zane was taken aback.

"What do you mean? It is near to impossible for me tk be in fatal danger, being a robot made with the strongest metal in Dragon-go--" Zane started.


"Cole, it is of upermost importance that you consider your own saftey first. I recomend it, if I remember carefully The Overlord has a few water dragons, so... why are you worried about my safety first?"

"Because I love you!" Cole bit his tougne as soon as he said it. Zane's eyes went to pinpricks, trying to process what was just said.

Cole sat down on his haunches, "Probably more than I should do..." The two sat in awkward silence for a while.

'He hates me.' Cole thought. 'He hates me and he's never gonna want to talk to me again. I don't know why I said that. Everyone thought my ultimate secret was being half ghost, but this... was the deepest secret I have. I didn't even tell... her...' Finally Cole sighed and stood up.

"Com'on, we better get to spying then." Zane followed Cole in silence.

The ice dragon could only think of one thing.

'He... likes me...'


"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Kai yelled.

The scroll dragon nodded, "Unfortunately, it's true. The Oni Mists were destroyed years ago, by Death itself."

Wu nodded in understanding, "Anything that takes Death's paw at the gate, is vanauished forever, some say they are turned to dust and join the stars, and others say they go onto write legends in Death's home. Thank you, Misako, for this helpful information." Misako nodded.

"You want to defeat the Overlord, don't you?" Misako asked.

"Yeah." Kai replied.

"Then take this." She handed Wu a scroll, "Wu you know the prophecy, but my son has to read the words himself, otherwise it will not be fulfiled."

"Thank you, and farewell, Misako." Wu said as they walked out of Miskao's cave.

"So, what do we do know, Wu?! Is it up for DESTINY to decide, because if it is, it's doing a pretty CRA--" Wu hit Kai with a paw.

"Language!" He scolded.

"Oh, com'on it wasn't even--"

"Ssh. Quiet." Wu whispered. "We are being watched." Kai glanced around cautiously. Suddenly, several Dark Dragons surrounded them. Including the Overlord.

"In stories... the good guys always win..." The Overlord started, "and they live happily ever after, The End! And they all have tea parties, watch ponies sing about swiching magical talents and they never take a SECOND to consider how the bad guys felt... and why they were doing what they were. Well, here's a story for you... Once upon a time you learned this story will not put you to sleep tonight. I will." The Overlord lunged at Kai and pinned him down. "The End."

The Overlord opened his massive jaws, Kai was going to get his scar hidden because the rest of his face coming off was going to hide it!
Before the Overlord could attack, a lightning bolt struck him.

"Shocking, am I right?"Jay laughed as he and Nya swooped down next to Kai, Wu and Lloyd.

"That was a bad one." Kai commented.

"Looks like someone's funny bone's broken. " Lloyd having woken up from all the commotion said.

"Oh, ha ha." Kai retorted as he burned a speed dragon.

"Thank you for saving us, Jay, Nya. The Overlord is here and-- wait." The four dragons watched the Overlord change shape and into a Form Dragon. He laughed.

"The Overlord is awaiting your friendsss." He hissed.

"Oh no." Wu said.


Cole looked in the cave. "I'll go in first." He walked in the cave and looked around.

"No one's here." Cole commented as Zane walked in.

They looked around for any signs of life but found none excpet a few bugs and themselves.

Zane was observing an interesting looking beetle before a giant paw slapped down on it. Giant black jaws bent down and slurped it up.

"Cole..." The earth dragon looked over and stumbled back in shock. It was only them in the cave. Zane, Cole and the Overlord. That's it.

"One can have me,
but one cannot see me.
One can be influenced by me,
but I cannot talk to no one.
Sometimes, I keep dragons alive,
yet, I am not physical.
What am I?"

Cole shivered.

"Darkness." Zane answered.


"Darkness. One can have darkness in them but cannot see the evil that is corrupting them, the corruption continues yet the corrupted dragon is conviced this is the right why as the darkness those not talk, but it muddles the brain. Some dragons need the darkness to survive, such as shadow dragons, yet no one can hold it. So the answer is darkness."

"Clever boy." The Overlord commented. "Very clever. Now, what was the point that riddle? Hmm, lets see. The one who did not answere shall be... terminated." Suddenly the Overlord shot a blast of purple energy towards Cole. 'This is it. This is where I die. It's okay though. I just wanna see my mom. I miss her.' Cole closed his eyes waiting for the pain, but he felt the impact came from the wrong side. Cole tumbled out the way and skidded to a stop on the floor. He looked up to see Zane, In front of the blast for him. Zane showed no fear in his eyes as he took the blast. The Overlord grinned as Cole ran over to his fallen friend.

"No... nononononono! Zane, stay with me!" Cole ordered. Zane looked up at Cole.

"Stop." Cole complied and looked at Zane. The nindroid had a weak smile on his face and his ears flicked occaisionly.

"Why?" Cole chocked out. Tears fell out of his eyes like a waterfall. "Why did you do that?" Zane put a paw on his cheek.

"Because, I love you too." With one final breath, Zane let his paw fall and his eyes closed.

"No! Zane! No! Come back! Please! Please nononononono!" Cole clutched onto the limp body.

The cave filled with screams and cries and cruel laughter. Evil laughter.

Victorious laughter.

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