•Invisible String of Destiny•

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Jackson POV★

I remember that night very well.

Hani had called me late, her tears breaking her voice every three seconds, making it almost impossible to make out what she was saying.

"You don't understand Jackson. It's time. She needs to stop blaming my husband for something out of his control!!"

"And you need to stop drinking and calling Jae your husband when he was only your fiance. It's only hurting you mentally!" I responded.

She wanted me to confess. To confess to Y/N that who really was at fault for the accident hadn't been Jae but her own parents. He was merely blamed because of the amount of alcohol in his system.

But I couldn't say it. If I did I'd be breaking the saint image Y/N had of her family, of the parents she missed dearly. I couldn't betray her.

"Don't you think having the blame on Jae isn't eating me inside. He didn't do anything wrong yet everyone blames him!! He was no murderer. The crash wasn't his fault. He must be rolling in his grave hearing this girl continuing to condemn him after years of an accident he did not commit!!"

I couldn't betray her.

But I did.

I picked up the phone.

I waited for her response.

I heard a goodbye and felt a chill run down my spine.

Nothing could stop me from getting to her. I grabbed the keys of my car and ran to it, driving as quickly as possible to her uncle's place.

As I pulled into the driveway I saw her actions, ones that haunted me day after day for two years.

She became the light in the darkness, the person I so desperately wanted to protect, but I failed her. That day I saw her blood-soaked body, her eyes barely blinking, almost completely unresponsive to me. I remember yelling at her to wake up but seeing no response coming from her. 

"Someone... SOMEONE HELP ME SAVE HER!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

But before I knew it, she became my sleeping beauty, unresponsive, and motionless.


Every morning after dance practice I would drive to the hospital. Nurses, doctors, and patients alike came to know my face.

"Morning Jackson, came to see pretty lily again?" a young voice smiled.

I nodded, walking over to draw the curtain from her bed.

"Aw, you and the pretty lady always come without missing a day," the little girl added. 

She became Y/N's protector, though she'd never get to meet her since the girl was terminally ill and wouldn't come to see
Y/N wake up.

But that comment hit me.

I opened the curtain to see many arrangements lined against Y/N's bed. 

Walking over to the window, the sight of Hani playing with some of the hospital kid's made me sigh.

She regretted it as much as I did.

She felt the pain all over again and wanted to apologize to her but then again, it was a bit too late now, no?

"Ani, want me to read to you after I clean Ms. Pretty Lily?" I asked, looking over to the little girl.

"Yes please, sir!! Can you tell me the story of the dragon and the princess again??" she smiled widely.

"Sure, as long as you help me brush Ms. Pretty Lily's hair while I tell you the story."

The little girl nodded, waddling to get the hairbrush she often used to brush Y/N's hair with, from her bed.

I looked out the window once more, Hani's eyes meeting mine as she smiled sadly, a small bow coming from her before she turned away.

"I'm sure Y/N would have accepted your apology if she was awake."


🐨I hope you enjoy the double update. 

Since both of these chapters are short I decided to upload them at the same time.

This book is supposed to be full of answers but not all of them need to be unnecessarily long. Unless you want them to be longer, in that case, please tell me so I make my next chapters longer my loves. Please leave a comment below and enjoy!!

Mama KoalaBeaw


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