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Narrator POV


Three years had gone by in the blink of an eye, Jin sitting at his desk while glaring at his computer screen, the sound of his secretary speaking becoming muffled by the message he had just received.

"...and with this final message I let you know that my father has been taken into custody. 300 girls have been set free from the warehouse that our fathers had hidden in the mountains. 20 pimps were connected to the prostitution ring and we are still looking for the last of the people involved. We have more people being found as we speak. Rest assured I will not rest until everyone has been found, Jin. Anyone who has been taken advantage of by our father's will see justice, that, I promise. Oh, and I heard from Jackson that Y/N is revealing the gender of your child today. Congrats. Don't forget I will be over with presents for the baby shower. I better get a formal invitation or else, you hear?

- Hani XX"

Jin had not only been able to bring down Hani's father and his corrupt corporation, but he was able to give all the money his father had taken from people and give it back to those who had been hurt the most by him. He felt some relieved from it, his hard work finally paying off.

Looking over at the time at the bottom of his computer screen, Jin stood up abruptly, his secretary jolting back, surprised.

"Cancel it..."

"Pardon me, sir?" Jin's secretary mumbled, confused.

"Cancel it all!" Jin yelled at her, rushing around his desk to find papers and letters that he would be taking home to finish, grabbing his coat quickly while struggling to put it on.

"Today's the day!" He cheered, running past his secretary with a large smile, his hair moving all over the place and his keys barely able to stay on his pinky finger.

"I have canceled everything for the next two weeks sir!" she shouted at him as he ran.


The woman simply smiled at him, bowing goodbye at the man who had become the Flash at the reminder of his wife and his soon to be born child.

It was like a dream come true, opening the door to his new home, Y/N covered in blue paint from head to toe, her hair held back in a ponytail while her hands held onto her baby belly.

"Ah! Honey, you're home early," she smiled at him, pouting after realizing he had seen the paint on her.

The windows were wide open, Y/N wiping her face on her arm from some paint that had dripped onto her face.

"This was supposed to be a surprise," she laughed at him, Jin shaking his head at her before walking over to kiss her forehead.

"A boy, wow, you thought I would care either way?" Jin chuckled, crouching down to kiss her baby belly.

"No, but there's nothing wrong with being a little old fashioned and wanting you to be surprised," she smirked, Jin taking his coat off and hanging it off the hanger by the door.

"Hani messaged, she wants a formal invitation to our baby shower. The nerve of this woman after she ditched us at our wedding," he mumbled to himself, Y/N shaking her head at him before walking back into the soon to be nursery room.

"Not her fault. I heard she was trying things out with Jackson, no? Let the two have their moment," Y/N said.

Jin followed behind her, picking up a roller to help her finish painting. Rolling up his sleeves, he couldn't help but smile in her direction.

"Moment? Those two aren't going to last. Bet 100 on it right here right now. No amount of therapy could keep those two together."

"Oh, by the way, honey, speaking of therapy, I have my last session today, would you be a love and take me to Dr. Lee's office?" Y/N interrupted, Jin walking over to hug her, painting over the area in front of her with the roller he had in hand.

"I'm proud of you for going through with the therapy you know? Of course, I'll take you to her office, shes basically family after she helped both of us out," he smiled to himself, Y/N petting his hair from behind her, gently.

"I believe I will have to go back after our baby is born, you know, just in case," she added, Jin softly placing a hand on her baby belly.

"We need to stop addressing our son as "the baby" you know, he will be here in less than a month. Have you finally decided on a name? You promised you'd come up with a name once I found out the gender," Jin asked.

"Hmmm, Seok...Seok...Seok Won! Kim Seok Won. What do you think?"

Jin smiled softly, a large sigh leaving his body.

"Seok Won. Could have gone with a million other names but I guess it will do. Seok Won. Seok...won....I like it. Anything for you my invisible girl." 



I have been honestly soo depressed the last month so my writing towards the end is definitely rushed and shit but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!!

I'm happy to conclude this book and the series as a whole (besides the Spanish Translation)

I will add a chapter with Invisible Girl notes but other than that, this is the end!!

I hope you'll be happy with the conclusion!

I'm sorry I separated it from the main story but I felt like the main story didn't need this to conclude solidly.

Anyway, I love you guys!!

I hope you'll love my other works as much as you loved this one!!


-Marili Cruz ❤️

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