•Taking Over•

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I stood silent, Y/N's hand holding mine.

Most of the people from the venue had walked off, one of my friends, Namjoon staying behind to help me give back some of the gifts the guest had given me, his hand going to my shoulder once we had finished.

"Has your dad said anything yet?" Namjoon asked, my head shaking slowly as I began scanning the rows of now empty seats in the venue.

The well-decorated venue looked so sad now vacant, my mind immediately going to my brother. Had he been alive still, that venue would have been for him.

Had he been alive... Had he not hit Hani while being taken over by a spirit, he'd have a kid and be married to Hani, both of them probably living happily together.

A thought came to mind. Maybe this had been my fault?

Had I not gone to seek a way of contacting May, this wouldn't have ever happened to begin with.

"I think he left," I mumbled, finally responding to Namjoon's daunting question.

Had he left? I wasn't sure.

I turned to look at Y/N, who had been helping me out as well, bowing to say good-bye to guests in my stead and helping people from the venue take down some of the decorations.

Just as I looked back at the rows of chairs, I spotted my father, his face twisted into a stern look and his hand closed in a fist.

He ran up the stairs to the small platform I stood at, the one where Hani and I would have been sayings out vows on.

"You son of a bitch, how could you-" he looked over at Y/N, his hand going up into the air to hit me like he usually did, or so I thought.

Closing my eyes to take the hit, the sound of a slap made me open them.

Y/N had moved in front of me, Namjoon pushing her into me while taking the slap.

He seemed stunned, my father's anger still shown on his face while Namjoon simply massaging his cheek.

I walked passed both of them, giving both Namjoon and Y/N's shoulders a squeeze and a small bow of apology.

"If you have nothing else to say, please leave. The venue will be paid in full by me and if you have a problem, please direct it to me via email, Sir."

I turned around, my back to him, and my heart pumping.

"And, I do believe my friend here deserves an apology for your careless actions. If you would do us all a favor and apologize before leaving, that would be much appreciated- also, I hope you won't mind it if I relocate my mother and my brother. I will be moving their ashed to a better place closer to my office. I will send you the details via email, sir."

I dismissed him with my hand, Y/N bowing at him before Namjoon did the same, following close behind me.

I would have wished to have said something more, to have left with a better taste in my mouth than the one I had left with, but there wasn't much for me to say.

I had been the last remaining male heir he had, the one he had left to take over his corrupt company and disgusting under the table deals, however, I had no plans to ever take over. Not then, not now, not ever.


It was a couple of months after the event, the day Y/N and I were visiting my mother and brother at the new place I had chosen for them, that I heard of my father's whereabouts. He had gone silent for a while and I was preparing myself for the worst, Hani coming up to meet both Y/N and me at the place, probably coming to see my brother.

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