•Forgive Me•

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•Disclaimer: I don't condone drinking out of control or for negative purposes. If of legal age, please drink responsibly and don't use alcohol as a replacement for real help or to drink any pain away.

Narrator POV

Hani sat at her usual spot in the bar, her hands toying gently with the glass of whiskey she had, half an empty bottle next to her.

She never truly enjoyed drinking, however, she now understood why her fiance had done it.

It numbed the pain.

It made her feel unbothered by the world and uncaring about how things had turned out.

As she continued to drink, for what seemed to be hours, someone sat next to her, raising his hand to ask for the bartender to serve him a glass as well.

"Why are you here?" she asked, knowing all too well who had made his way next to her.

"Again? How many times will you get rejected until you understand that sleeping around doesn't make this," the man waved his hand in the air in an attempt to signal 'her life', "go away."

"Well this," Hani mimicked, using her hands to aim at the bottle of alcohol, "makes it go away. Even if it's temporary."

The man shook his head at her, his face full of worry and what came across as pain.

"Heard anything from Jin's father?" the man asked, breaking the silence after a couple of minutes of awkward tension.

Hani finally turned to look at him.

Jackson Wang, the only man who had sat to listen to her grief, and the only man who hadn't blamed her for the accident, sat patiently next to her, running his hands through his hair every couple seconds, frustration painted on his face.

"He's marrying his son off to a bitch like me, what can I say, the man wants to shut me up, just like everyone," she sighed, picking up the glass and taking a long drink.

"Have you agreed to it?" Jackson asked between sips of his.

"What other choice do I have. My father won't leave me alone otherwise. He's been begging me to come back to work for him with the excuse that I've been sleeping around anyway, what harm does sleeping with paying customers do, but he's wrong. It's not the same. Plus, it'll give my father an edge with Jae's father and keep him at the same level as that scumbag of a man pretending to be good," Hani sighed.

Jackson simply shook his head, mumbling to himself about how she could do better and that it wasn't her only way out.

However, it wasn't really up for debate anymore.

She indeed had no other way out, and from what the situation looked like to her, neither did Jin.

"How's the girl doing?" Hani asked, finally addressing the elephant in the room.

She was looking back at Jackson now, thinking about the girl she had once slapped, the one she had held so much resentment towards.

It had been the day of the funeral when she had met that girl, the one who's parents had taken her fiance's life.

It was raining hard that night, Hani remembering the number of umbrellas that kept her from seeing Jae's picture on the grave area.

It was ironic, laughable even, that that same night was when they had decided to host the girl's parent's funeral as well in the same place.

"Murderer!" the girl yelled at the top of her lungs, the girl running to attempt and destroy the crown of roses they had left for Jae.

Hani had stood silent, letting her yell until she had had about enough, the word 'murdered' ringing in her ears like a bad hangover after a long night of drinking.

Walking up to the girl, Hani lifted her hand and slapped her across the face as hard as she could, both Jin and Jackson running between them, Jin grabbing Hani by her arm and pushing her behind himself.

"My husband was no murderer you shit!" Hani yelled over and over, the girl replying with the same anger against Hani.

Looking at Jackson now sitting across from her, she wondered how the girl was doing. She had finally told Jackson to tell her the truth about her parent's death, the fact that they had caused the accident and not her fiance. She had held her tongue back then, wanting her not to grow up hating her parents but it was now time for her to suffer the same way Hani had been suffering for so long.

Maybe then her pain would go away she thought.

"She's in an induced coma as of an hour ago. I can't really go see her until I am able to prove that her uncle's family was being abusive to her. Speaking of proving, have you come clean to Jin yet?" Jackson asked, giving her little time to pity the poor girl she had now forced into despair.


"May. Have you told him about May and his mother?" Jackson asked.

"I have no proof but Jae's words. I don't want Jin going crazy over my poor recollection and poor judgment. May was murdered by my father after her family attempted to destroy Jin's father and my father's 'business'. Jin's mother being poisoned will also be hard to prove. I want him to be 100% sure. I asked the Seventeen Corp. to look into things. He needs to hear it from a credible source, someone he doesn't hate, and he deserves to have some proof so he can finally get rid of his father and disgusting stepmother for good," she mumbled.

Hani grabbed her purse, unbuttoning it to reveal her wallet. Opening it up, she looked at a picture of Jae and her she had hidden in the small clear area before pulling out a hidden cigarette.

Putting it to her mouth, Jackson grabbed it quickly, squishing it in an ashtray in front of them, before shaking his head at her.

"Your date with Yejun went that bad?"

"Old habits die hard. And no. I didn't even go to see him. A waste of my time," Hani added, getting up and walking out of the bar.

"Where too?"

"Jin's place. I want to see if he's doing okay, he's been having a hard time after hearing about our arrangement. I'll send the Seventeen Corp. your way to help with the girl's family issues. She doesn't deserve to be alone with them, especially after what you told me they did to her. I feel bad for both those kids. This was neither his fault nor hers. Oh and, also, I have a weird feeling about tonight."


🐨I'm a little late on updates but here is my vague excuse of an update after so long.

I really want to be able to finish this book so you guys can be happy about the ending, which I'm excited about sharing. It will have a lot of clearing up to do.

Mama KoalaBeaw


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