Introductions and Choosing a Contest

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That night, all of the toons gathered at the town hall for a meeting. Wile E came crashing through the roof on the carpet floor and was covered in soot. Then Daffy Duck came in soaking wet and covered in bath towels. He stepped on Wile E's snout and pushed Foghorn Leghorn on his way in. "Stop the music! Top duck coming through! Jeez! It's getting so a guy can't even get himself wet around here! So, what's the big emergency?" he said. Everyone turned to the people on stage. The Nerdlucks stood there with Bugs Bunny tied up in chains after they captured him. But Bugs wasn't panicking. He was just playing it cool like he always does. Love and her friends were in a corner of the room. "Uh, these little guys would like to make an announcement" he said. He held the microphone for Pound. "Here you go shorty" Bugs told him. The Nerdlucks pushed Pound forward. "Alright, alright!" said Pound before clearing his throat. "You. All of you, are now our prisoners!". There was a moment of silence throughout the entire theater. Then all of the toons laughed. "We're in big trouble now!" said Sylvester sarcastically. Pound was embarrassed, but Nawt turned the microphone in his direction to help out. "We are taking you to our theme park in outer space!" he said. "No fooling" said Blanko. "Where you'll be our slaves! Placed on display for the amusement of our paying customers!" said Nawt. "Oh, fear clutches to my breast!" said Daffy sarcastically. Again, all of the toons laughed while Daffy and Sylvester walked towards the exit. Yosemite Sam came up on stage with guns blasting. "We ain't a goin' nowhere!" he said. He aimed his two guns at Pound, but the alien grabbed his laser gun and shot Sam, leaving him burning in a crisp and in his underwear. After seeing what Pound did to Sam, the toons immediately raised their hands in the air to surrender.

Then Love and her friends came on the stage. Everyone's eyes were on them. When Daffy saw Setsuna, he was speechless at her looks. His eyes were heart-eyed meaning that he fell in love with her. Bugs removed the chains from his body. "We won't let you take the Looney Tunes away!" said Love. The Nerdlucks pointed their laser guns at the girls. But the girls didn't run away. "Nice try, but we're not afraid of you!" said Miki. All the toons started talking at once. Some said "Are they crazy?" and others said "How can they be not afraid of those aliens?". "Last chance to run or its bye bye for all of you" warned Pound. "Yeah, and besides, who do you girls think you are anyway?" asked Bupkus. "We'll just show you. Buki, Setsuna, Miki!" said Love. The girls nodded. The Nerdlucks wondered what the girls were going to do. They opened their Linkruns and slid their fingers across the buttons. Their faces showed and they shouted "Change...!". Next, their full bodies were shown and they shouted "Pretty Cure!", and their hair ornaments disappeared. Then they put their feet on the ground, raised their hands in the air and shouted "Beat Up!". The Nerdlucks and all of the toons were shocked at watching what was happening. All of their eyes were wide and some gasped. "What's going on here?!" asked Pound, shocked.

Love spun around, ran, and jumped in the air. Her brooch appeared, then her dress. Her hair changed and her other clothes and ornaments appeared in step by step. Miki spun around and began to slide along the ground. Her brooch appeared, then her top and skirt. Her hair changed and her other clothes and ornaments appeared in step by step. Then she jumped in the air. Inori spun around and dropped down. Her brooch appeared, then her dress. Her hair changed and her other clothes and ornaments appeared in step by step. Setsuna spun around dove into the water. Her brooch appeared, then her dress. Her hair changed and her other clothes and ornaments appeared in step by step. She jumped out of the water. The cures flew down and introduced themselves. "The pink heart is the emblem of love. Freshly-picked, Cure Peach!" said Cure Peach. "The blue heart is the emblem of hope. Freshly-gathered, Cure Berry!" said Cure Berry. "The yellow heart is the emblem of faith. Freshly-harvested, Cure Pine!" said Cure Pine. "The scarlet heart is the proof of happiness. Freshly-ripened, Cure Passion!" said Cure Passion. "Let's!" Peach began. "Pretty Cure!" said the Cures. The Nerdlucks and the toons were still shocked. "Pretty Cure? Those girls never mentioned they could do that" Bugs said to himself. "They...transformed" said Bang. Pound scoffed. "They transformed. So what? Surely, they're not strong enough to stop us" he said. He shot a lazer and the Cures jumped to dodge. "Or not" Pound said. Before the Cures could punch or kick the Nerdlucks, Bugs said "Hey, hey, hey. We can't have a huge fight here. Violence won't solve anything". "Huh?" said the Cures and the Nerdlucks. "Listen Pretty Cure, we appreciate you wanting to help us but the aliens got to give us a chance to defend ourselves" said Bugs. "Oh yeah? Who says?" said Pound, mockingly. He aimed his laser gun at Bugs as the rabbit was writing something. Bugs showed him a book that said "How to Draw Cartoon Characters" but Bugs changed the title so that it said "How to Capture Cartoon Characters". "There! Read 'em and weep, boys!" said Bugs. The Nerdlucks opened the book and found a piece of paper taped to a page that said "Give them a chance to defend themselves!". "Aww, do we have too?" asked Bang. "It's in the rule book" said Nawt. "Ok! It is in the rule book!" said Blanko. Bugs opened the door to backstage and Pretty Cure turned back to normal and went inside. "Uno momento!" said Bugs going through the door. "We have to confer!". He closed the door.

Backstage, in the theater backroom, Bugs was dressed as a general while standing behind a huge American flag. With him backstage were Daffy, Porky, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, the girls, and Tarte and Chiffon. "Alright troops! It is for us to choose a battlefield that affords-" Bugs began before Love interrupted him. "Um, I don't mean to interrupt but my friends and I didn't introduce ourselves earlier. Our regular selves, I mean" said Love. "Oh yeah" said Bugs. He cleared his throat and said "So sorry for not letting you go to that. Please, go ahead miss". "It's okay Bugs. My name's Love Momozono" said Love. "I'm Miki Aono" said Miki. "I'm Inori Yamabuki" said Inori. "And I'm Setsuna Higashi" said Setsuna. "My friends and I are big fans of the Looney Tunes" said Love. "Well, thank you" said Bugs. Daffy was still in love with Setsuna. "Setsuna...such a pretty name for a pretty girl" he said dazed. "Um..thank you" said Setsuna. "A-a-anyway, how about we challenge the aliens to a b-b-b-b-spelling bee?" asked Porky. Then Tarte and Chiffon appeared. Chiffon was happy to see Porky so she floated to him and hugged him. Porky was surprised. Tarte cleared his throat. "Sorry for not introducing myself either but I'm Tarte and the baby over there is Chiffon" said Tarte. "I-I-I think she likes me" said Porky. "Well, you're her favorite Porky" said Tarte. "R-R-Really? Th-Th-That's sweet" said Porky smiling. "Say, we could have a bowling tournament" said Elmer before laughing. "Suffering Succotash! What's wrong with all of ya? I say we get a ladder, wait til the old lady's out of the room, then grab that little bird!" said Sylvester. "Whoa, whoa! Take a deep breath sly!" said Bugs patting Sylvester's back. The cat nodded rapidly. "Ok, let's analyze the competition" said Bugs. He pulled down a chart that was a blueprint showing the Nerdlucks' height, weight, and what they looked like. "Now. What are we looking at here? We've got a small race of invading aliens" said Bugs. "Small arms, short legs" said Daffy shorting his arms and legs. "Not very fast" said Elmer rubbing his chin. "Tiny little guys" said Sylvester. "C-C-Can't jump high" said Porky. Then an idea for a challenge came in their brains and they all smiled evilly, except for the girls and Tarte. "Um, Bugs?" asked Love. "Yes Love?" asked Bugs. "Me and my friends have an idea" said Love. "What is it?" asked Bugs. Love explained the idea to Bugs, Daffy, Sylvester, Elmer and Porky. "That's a great idea! Better than the one we came up with" said Bugs.

They went out of the room and Bugs said to the Nerdlucks "We challenge you to a dance contest. You against Pretty Cure". "Alright! A dance contest it is!" said Pound. "Dancing!" said Bang. "Yes!" said Nawt. "Boy, oh boy!" said Bupkus. "Alrighty!" said Blanko. "Now don't get too excited yet. The girls and I came up with some rules" said Love. "Okay, what are the rules?" asked Pound. Love knelt down on one knee and said "We will have 4 rounds. We may dance to any songs we want and we can also sing along to the songs if we want to. One round will take place one day at a time. If somehow we're tied at the end of the fourth round, we will have a fifth round to break the tie. Sound good?" "Yep" said the Nerdlucks. "Then it's settled. Starting tomorrow afternoon, the dance contest will take place right here" said Love. "Yeah!" the toons cheered.

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