It's Hard To Say Goodbye

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"Could we ask you a favor Mr. Bunny? We don't wanna go back to Moron Mountain" said Pound. "We hate it up there" said Bang. "It stinks" said Nawt. "Um, I was thinking, like could we stay here with you?" asked Blanko. "Pleeeease?" asked the Nerdlucks with big smiles. "Oh brother" said Daffy. "Eh, I don't know if you guys are looney enough" said Bugs. "Looney enough?" asked Bang. A curtain opened and the Nerdlucks were dressed as toons and they did a little dance with an explosion at the end. Pretty Cure, Tarte and Chiffon laughed at it and the cures changed back into their normal selves. "I think you are pretty much looney enough...we never got your names" said Love. "I'm Pound and this is Bang, Nawt, Blanko, and Bupkus" said Pound. "We never got your names either. When you are your regular selves I mean" said Bang. "My name's Love Momozono" said Love. "I'm Miki Aoni" said Miki. "I'm Inori Yamabuki" said Inori. "And I'm Setsuna Higashi" said Setsuna. "I'm Tarte and the baby right here is Chiffon" said Tarte. Suddenly, the girls, Tatre, and Chiffon began to glow. " come you guys are glowing all of a sudden?" asked Pound. "And you're not even transforming" said Bugs. "Do you think we might be waking up?" Love asked the girls. "I think so" said Inori. "Waking up from what?" asked Bupkus.

Miki took a breath and said "We've been meaning to tell you all something for a while but I think it might be confusing for you" said Miki. "The whole time we've been spending with you all was because we're in a dream. What was happening then and now is real to you but for us, we're dreaming" said Setsuna. The toons and the Nerdlucks were speechless and confused. "Yeah that's pretty confusing" said Blanko. "So this whole time that we've been spending with you guys was a dream to you?" asked Bugs. "Yes. And because we're glowing right now it means we're waking up" said Tarte. "What are you saying? Does that mean what I think it does?" asked Daffy with an almost sad voice. "Yes, we're gonna have to say goodbye" said Inori.

"But where exactly are you guys from?" asked Bugs. "We're from Clover Town in Japan" said Love. "I wish we could go with you and see it" said Pound. "We wish you could all see it too but you all are needed here in your home. Audiences need you to watch the cartoons they love so I don't think you should leave them" said Miki. Chiffon, the Nerdlucks, and some of the toons started to get tearful. Then Chiffon floated to Porky and hugged him, crying. Porky stroked her and said "A-a-are we never gonna s-s-see you guys again?". "I think we may be able to see you again in the dreams we have in the future" said Tarte. The girls and fairies started to glow a little more. "We don't have a lot of time left so we have to say our goodbyes" said Tarte. The girls knelt down to the Nerdlucks. "It's not fair! We didn't even get to know you girls yet!" said Bang in a crying voice. "And it's hard for us to say goodbye!" Nawt sniffed. Love patted him. "I know. Its hard for everyone but we'll see each other again soon. I just know it" she said. "But how do we know if that will happen?" asked Blanko in a crying voice. "You'll just have to wait" said Miki. "We'll try" Pound sniffed. Then the Nerdlucks sobbed and hugged the girls. They hugged them back and cried a bit. "We may have just became friends, but we'll miss you girls so much!" cried Bupkus. "We'll miss you guys too" said Inori.

After the group hug, the girls hugged their favorite Looney Tunes characters. "I'll miss you Wile E." said Inori. The coyote nodded meaning that he will miss her too. "I had fun meeting you Love" said Tweety. "I feel the same way Tweety" said Love. "Don't forget about us" said Miki. "We won't Miki" said Bugs. Daffy sobbed hard. "You can't leave me my love! I'll miss you too much!" he sobbed. "I'll miss you too Daffy but no matter where we are, we'll always be together" said Setsuna. Daffy sniffed. "Really?" he asked. Setsuna put her hand on Daffy's cheek. "Really" she said. Then she kissed Daffy with more love than the last kiss and he kissed her back. Their eyes were closed and like last time, everyone was watching them. "Awwwwww!" everyone said. "I love you" Setsuna said in the kiss. "I love you too" said Daffy in the kiss. The couple broke the kiss and smiled warmly at each other. "I really hope I can see you again" said Daffy. "Me too. We'll just have to see about that in the future" said Setsuna.

The girls, Tarte, and Chiffon started to glow more so they let go of the hugs. "It's time girls" said Tarte. They stepped back and waved goodbye. "Goodbye everyone!" said Love. The toons and Nerdlucks waved goodbye back. "We'll miss you guys!" said Bugs. "We'll miss you too and we'll always watch you!" said Miki. Seeing this made Daffy sob again. "I'll always love you Setsuna!" he said. "I'll always love you too!" said Setsuna. "Please visit us again in the future!" said Bang. "We will!" said Inori. They all said goodbye once more and the girls and fairies glowed so much, they disappeared. Seeing them disappear made the toons and Nerdlucks cry. When the girls and fairies woke up, it was morning. The girls still had a few tears in their eyes so they wiped them. "That was the best dream I ever had" said Setsuna. "I'm glad it was" said Love.

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