Chapter One (Crash)

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Guys, thank you all so much for all of the reads! It means so much to me! xxx


"Honey, you gotta get up or you'll be late." I heard my mothers voice say as she poked me.

"Hmm?" I groaned.

"It's Senior Skip Day. You guys are going to Disney World for the weekend?"

"Hmph." I groaned again, shifting my position so my head was burried in a pillow.

"The plane leaves in five minutes," She said. I shot up out of bed, sitting straight up. I grabbed my phone off the side table to check the time. "Just kidding. Now get ready."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I said angrily as my mother got up and left the room, shutting the door gently behind her.

If that mini heart attack didn't wake me up, I don't know what would. I climbed out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom. I turned the hot water on in the shower and jumped in, washing my hair and body. When I was finished with that, I got out and blow-dried my hair, straightening it with a brush. That was the best trick I was ever taught.

I put on the bit of make-up I needed and made my way towards the dresser. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a t-shirt and sweatshirt, and put on a pair of my converse sneakers. When I was all ready to go, I double checked the bag I packed last night, making sure everything was in order.

Pass-Port? Check.

Money? Check.

Tickets? Check.

Clothes? Check.

Phone charger? Check.

Tooth-brush and brush? Check.

Everything seemed to be in order.

It was a Friday morning.. Or what us seniors liked to call it, Senior Skip Day. Every year, the senior class gets to skip school to go and do whatever they wanted. Except we had to do it together, as a class. So, the senior class of 2012 decided it would be the most fun to go to Disney World. We spent the whole school year and summer before school even started, running fundraisers so we would have the money to go. We even all scored a job and didn't spend a cent on anything. Oh, and since we lived in London.. We thought it would be even more fun to go to the United States for the little trip.

Words can't explain how excited we all are. Not just because we're flying halfway across the world, but because this was something totally new to every single one of us. Well, it was all new to everyone except for one boy..

"Daniella! You're going to be late!" My mother called from downstairs, interupting my thoughts.

"Coming!" I hollered back. I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my back pocket, threw my bag over my shoulder and sprinted down the steps.

My mother opened the front door, letting ourselves out of the house and headed towards her car, where I followed quietly behind. I opened the trunk, throwing my bag inside and shutting it before hopping into the front seat. I gave my mom a quick smile as she started up the car and was on her way to the school.

"Your dad says to have fun," She said quietly. I winced as she spoke. "Honey, he's your father. You can't ignore him for the rest of your life."

"He left us. I think I have the right." I replied, feeling tears fill my eyes. I quickly blinked them away. I didn't have time for neglected thoughts right now.

I used to have the best dad in the world. The kind of dad that played baseball with you in the front yard, or tossed the football around. The kind that called you 'Sport' and messed with your hair while teasing you. He was my favorite person in the world.. Until he walked out on my mother and I. He told me he was going on a business trip, and that he'd be back before I knew it. Three months later, I found out he was gone.

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