Chapter Three (Start Over)

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I have soo many reads on this fan-fic and I am SOO psyched! Thank you so much, everyone!

I am really enjoying writing this story for everyone, and if you guys love it soooo much, I would love you forever if you made a banner that I could put at the side of each chapter. ;)


"Harry, over here!" I called over my shoulder.

"What?" He asked as he came running towards me with a couple sticks in his hands.

"There." I replied, pointing to a little pile of dry wood. I bent over to put some in my hands to carry back to shore, and Harry did the same.

We walked back to shore, piles of wood in hand and set the piles on the sandy ground. Next, the two of us started digging a small hole, where we set the peices of wood in a Tee-Pee formation.

"How are we going to start the fire?" I asked when we were finished.

"Dunno. I guess the stick trick is our only option."

I watched as Harry reached for a couple of sticks and started rubbing them together, as fast as he could. After watching what he was doing, I did the same. We sat there, side by side, rubbing sticks together for what seemed like forever.

"This is useless!" Harry yelled, throwing the sticks into the ocean. "We're never going to make a fire! And if we don't make that, we will never be saved! Ever!"

"You don't know that. We just have to keep trying and.." I stopped talking when something in the ocean caught my eye. It looked like a bag.

I quickly got up from where I was sitting and ran towards the water, running in to fetch the object. I swam over to it as fast as I could and threw my arms around it for support. I could hear Harry screaming for me, telling me to come back, but I didn't care. This could save our lives, whatever this was.

"Daniella! What is wrong with you!? I told you that we always need to stick together, no matter what. And what do you do? Go swim off an-"

"Harry, shut up and look." I said, cutting him off as I sat down in the sand with the object in front of me.

I was right.. It was a bag. More like a duffle bag. I was pretty sure it belonged to one of the students on the plane, too. I unzipped the bag and opened the flap while Harry sat there and watched right next to me.

There wasn't much in there.. A couple pieces of clothing, a hair brush, toothbrush, some money.. Nothing that we could really use for anything. I sighed in irritation, shutting the flap and slamming the bag down in front of me.

"Wait," Harry said, grabbing the bag. "Look."

I watched as Harry opened a little pocket at the front of the bag. He took out a pair of reading glasses and dried them off with his navy blue t-shirt. He looked at me when he was finished, and let a little smile dance across his face. Then, realization hit me. We could use the glasses to start the fire! I quickly grabbed them out of his hands and booked it over to the little fire pit and Harry followed. I pointed the glasses at the fire, where the flaming sun was in the perfect spot. I waited for a while, watching the light, listening to Harry breathe behind me.

"You did it! Look!" Harry whispered as if the smoke that was now forming into flames would go out if he was too loud. I smiled as I watched the sticks set on fire, creating a beautiful homemade masterpiece.

We did it just in time too, as the sun was just about to set at the moment. Harry and I were sitting right next to each other, only centimeters apart. I glanced at him before quickly looking away as he looked at me. I heard him chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," He said, shaking his head. "Your just too cute."

"Uhmm.. Thanks." I said.

We sat in silence for a while, not really knowing what to say. There honestly wasn't much we could say. We were both still crushed because of what had happened only hours ago, and neither of us wanted to talk about it. We might not show it, but the two of us were dying inside. Both from heart-break and in real life.

I looked at the stars that were starting to come out in the dark, cold sky. There were so many of them.. If only there was someway they could lead us back home. We were in the middle of nowhere, stranded on a little island together, with no food or shelter. The only warmth we got was from the sun, but that wasn't out anymore. I didn't even know if there was any drinking water around here. I shivered as horrible thoughts crossed my mind.

"Here," Harry said, handing me a sweatshirt he found in the duffle. "I would help you put it on, but you have me on a no touch policy."

"Thanks." I said, grabbing the sweatshirt and slipping it on.

"I'm sorry," Harry said quietly. I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. "For treating you so bad at school."

"You didn't."

"Well, kind of. I treated you like every other girl there. I treated you as if you would just throw yourself at me, because I'm just that good. But your not like that, and I'm the selfish guy that tried to get you to be like that."

"Oh. It's fine.." I said, looking at the ground.

"No, it's not. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Harry. I'm over it. Really."

"Can we have a chance to start over?" He asked.

I looked at him for a minute before looking back at the ground. Of course I wanted to have a chance to start over with him. But, how come it took us being stranded on an island together for him to ask this question? I wasn't sure if he was just saying this because there was really nothing left to say, or if he meant it. I looked at him again. His green eyes hopeful, and the serious expression on his face.

I thought it over again before holding out my hand and saying, "Daniella Sheer."

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