Chapter Four (Somewhere Only We Know)

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I felt the sandy ground beneath me as I sat up and stretched, looking around to see the small fire still going and the ocean waves crashing to shore. The sun was shining bright and the air was humid, hotter than any weather I've ever been in. I looked by my side to see Harry, eyes closed with a teeny bit of a smile on his face. His curly hair still looked almost perfect, and he still had that movie-star handsome face.

We spent the entire night before telling each other everything about ourselves. Our favorite things, our hobbies, our weaknesses, our best friends.. I think I knew more about Harry than I did myself to be honest. I knew that his favorite movie to watch with a girl is Titanic, his favorite food was a taco, his best friends were of course his band mates, he hated roller-coasters and his middle name was Edward. He knew the same things about me too. Like, my favorite movie to watch with a boy is Titanic, my favorite food was a brownie, my best friend was Grace, I hated being stranded on an island and my middle name was Marie. The best thing about having a one-on-one conversation with him was it was a heart-to-heart kinda thing. He wasn't around the dumb people he hangs out with at school, so he wasn't acting like a jerk. He actually listened, and was honest with me. I was the same way with him, too. It's like he was a different person from the famous Harry Styles that everyone wanted in their lives.. To everyone else, he was Harry, a member of the most popular boyband in the world. To me, he was Harry, a sweet and caring guy.

There was something about this that was somewhat weird to me, though. There was a part of me that wanted to be closer to him. A part of me that wanted to be more than friends with him. It was like ever since we agreed on starting over, I had those same feelings I had for him when I first met him, when he wasn't apart of a band, and when he didn't hang out with the jocks. When he was sweet, and gentle..

"I see the fire stayed up well." Harry yawned, interrupting my thoughts. I jumped at the sound of his voice, as if he knew everything I was thinking.

"Yeh. It held up great." I said with a nod, unsure of what to say.

Harry gave me a little smile before sitting up and stretching, like I had done a couple minutes before. He yawned again and rubbed his eyes before standing up and holding out his hand to me. 

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"Coming where?" I asked, grabbing his hand as he helped me stand up.

"We have to go find water.. And we need to build a shelter for the two of us." 

"We definitely have our work cut out for us today." I said with a little laugh. He looked at me and chuckled before giving me a little wink and leading me into the woods.

We walked in those woods for what seemed like forever, pushing leaves and branches of tropical trees out of our way and stomping on the tall green grass that we walked on looking for some sort of a water source and food. We had some success as we came across a tree that held coconuts and bananas, next to a different tree that held some other fruit that I've never seen before. 

"I don't think we should eat that, Harry.." I told him, as he picked a piece of fruit out of the tree.

"Why not? Looks fine to me." 

"I've never seen a piece of food that looks like that, and I don't know if it's safe." I warned.

"Okay, mother." He joked, tossing the fruit behind him. I heard the thump of the food as it landed on the ground and smiled to myself before walking ahead of Harry. 

We walked for another half hour, looking for a water source. We decided to come back for the food in the trees when we were done searching for water because the two of us weren't really in the mood to carry food everywhere around the woods. It was too much at this point. 

"We are never going to find water!" Harry groaned, kicking the ground beneath him. I rolled my eyes while he complained and kept walking. There was no way I was giving up now.

I heard him shuffling along behind me, grumbling under his breath. "Ah!" 

I turned around to see Harry laying on the ground, face first into a little patch of dirt in front of him. I laughed while I helped him up. "What happened?" I giggled.

"I slipped on something!" He said, laughing.

"Like what?" I asked as I calmed down a bit from the laughter. I looked at the ground, searching for the thing that he had slipped on. He couldn't have slipped on the grass.. It was too dry for something like that to happen. "Wait." I said, a realization hitting me. I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to the spot where Harry had fallen. There, I saw a shoe mark in a little pile of mud. Mud! Now I knew for a fact that there was water somewhere around here! I quickly got up and starting running, with Harry running right behind me.

"What are we doing!?" He asked as he jogged up next to me. I didn't answer him, as I was too focused on what was ahead of me to talk. 

Suddenly, I came to a stop. 

"Oh.. My.." 

In front of me, there was our water source. But it wasn't just any water source that you see in the movies, with a little river looking thing surrounded by teeny pebbles and what not. This water source, looked more like a water fall. There were trees surrounding the clear, fresh water and there were two or three big rocks at the edge of it. Above, there was heavy, flowing water like a water fall, and it made the most soothing sounds that water could ever make. 

I dropped on my hands and knees next to the water and put my hands in, cupping the water and drinking it. Harry did the same, and we were drinking that water for at least twenty minutes. We didn't really know how thirsty we really were until we started gulping it down. 

"I don't know about you," Harry began after the two of us were finished drinking. "But I'm going in." I laughed as he started stripping down to his underwear and stood at the edge of the water. "Woooooo-Hooooooo!" He screamed before doing a cannonball into the cool water. I watched as he splashed around, going under the water and coming back up in seconds. He swam up to me as I sat at the edge of the water.

"Come on in! The water's fine!" He teased, splashing a bit of water at me. I quickly shook my head.

"No, I'm just fine sitting right here. You have fun, though." I smiled.

"Ugh," Harry whined with a pouty face. "Well, can you at least help me out of here?" 

"Fine." I agreed, holding out my hand to him. He grabbed it, and suddenly I found myself under water, with Harry's arms wrapped around me. I emurged above the surface, breathing in heavily, as I treaded water. I heard him laughing at me while I smacked him on the head. "That wasn't funny."

"Oh, it was pretty funny. You should have seen your face!" Harry said, laughing at me. 

I couldn't help but laugh too, because really, it was quite funny. And I was having a pretty good time at the moment, and it couldn't hurt to have a little fun while we were here. The two of us swam in the water and jumped in, just having a good time for a while. When we were finished, we jumped out of the water and sat down at the rocks at the edge. Harry put on his clothing when he was dry while I sat there, trying to get dry. Let's not forget that he brought me in when I was fully clothed..

"See, that was fun, right?" Harry winked.

"Ehhhh." I teased.

"Whatever. I don't know how you feel, but that was the most fun I've had in a long time." 

I looked at Harry as he sat down on the rock next to me. He looked at me with a glisten in his eye and smiled. I smiled back, pleased by what he had just said. 

"Me too." I smiled.

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