Chapter Eleven (So Close)

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Hey, everyone! So.. I'm home sick today. I figured that today would be a good day to work some more on my stories, so here's another chapter!

Also, due to all the comments and votes I'm recieving, I'm going to write some Harry pov today! Thanks for all the amazing reads! I wrote this story two weeks ago, and I'm already almost at 1,000 reads! Keep reading/voting/commenting! Thank you!

AND! This chapter is dedicated to the person above because they have been so kind and into this story so far! Thanks for all the amazing comments, I love reading them! Lots of love goes to youu! :)


I sat down next to Harry while he was working. I wasn't sure what he was trying to make exactly, but whatever it was looked like it was turning out okay. There wasn't much he could use to build anything. All he was using were a bunch of logs and a lot of vines.

"Can I ask what your doing?" I asked him.

"I'm making something for us." He said, his eyes fixed on the logs he was tying together.

"Like.." I asked, waiting for him to go on.

He looked at me for a moment before saying, "We're getting off this island."

"Wait, what? How are we-" I stopped talking as soon as I realized what he was building.

There were ten massive logs next to each other. They were all tied together with the one beside it tightly with vines. Harry was now working on tying everything again, a little bit tighter than the last time. He was building us a raft. We were getting out of here.

"Let me help." I offered, standing up and grabbing some vines.

"No need," He smiled. "I'm done."

"Oh," I said. "Okay."

"Go get all of our stuff together."

"Okay," I obeyed. I ran to each of our huts and grabbed the bags that we found in the water since we've been here. I carried the bags and everything else we had and threw them in the sand on the shore. Harry was working on getting the raft over there. He dragged it over to where I was standing, and set it in the water, holding it down before it floated away. "Let's do this thing." I said, throwing the bags on top of the raft.

"Ladies first." Harry winked.

I got on the raft and sat at the edge, sitting cross-legged. Harry pushed the raft out into the water and climbed in. He brought along a huge stick that was bigger in length then I was so he could steer the thing.

"Are you sure this is gonna hold us up?" I asked, looking into the deep water.

"It should," Harry shrugged. "But if it doesn't, I know how to swim."

"Good, because I don't." I said, my voice shaking.

"I know." Harry chuckled. I laughed a little as I looked forward. Then, I shivered.

Right up ahead was the plane. I was about to tell Harry to stop, or not to go near it but it was already too late. We were right next to it in minutes.

I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't. There was a part of me that was looking for my friends.. I didn't care about the things there, I just wanted to see my friends. Just one more time.

The plane was rusted. The windows were cracked, and the plane was half-way underwater. It was like the Titanic, but with a plane. There were pieces of the machine everywhere just floating around in the ocean. I could see other things in the ocean too, but I didn't look very long because I didn't want to. It was terrifying.

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