Chapter Nine (Ruins)

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I opened my eyes to see everything in a blur. The hot sun was blazing above me, and there was a slight breeze in the air. I looked to the right of me and saw Harry, laying there with his eyes closed, shivering. I quickly moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around him.

What were we doing outside? I could have sworn we were in the hut when we- Wait. We didn't go to bed last night. I took my sweatshirt off and rested it on Harry to keep him a bit warmer, and got up, taking in my surroundings.

The thing we used to call "woods" was destroyed. The trees were on the ground, with roots sticking out at the bottoms. The fire pit we built was washed away somewhere in the ocean. The hut was destroyed, it's branches and leaves spread out across the sand. The food pile we had was basically done for. The trees landed on that, and a lot of it was squished and rotted. Some of it was even caught by the wind last night.

I tried to remember what had happened that night before I was out. I think I was knocked out by a coconut or something, but I wasn't sure. Whatever it was, it hit me hard. It might have even gotten Harry, too. Gosh, I hope he wasn't hurt..

"Daniella?" Harry shivered, getting up quickly and looking around for me.

"I'm over here." I waved behind him.

"What happened here?" He asked, joining me as I looked at the ruined woods.

"The storm," I said, looking at him. "From last night."

When he finally remembered, he looked down at the ground. "We have to rebuild everything all over again, I guess."

I looked at him with confussion. That's all he could think of to say right now? Our food, supplies, extra clothings, shelter, fire.. It was all gone. We were this close to dying right now, and this is seriously all he could think about? Rebuilding everything?

"That's what you get for not building a structured hut." Harry laughed, looking at the shelter. I looked at him and scowled. I was not finding him funny right now. "What?" I rolled my eyes and stormed away, picking up the bits and pieces of the hut that were scattered everywhere. When I was finally done, I handed them to Harry.

"Here." I said.

"What are these for?" He asked, looking down at the wood and leaves.

"Build your own poorly structured hut."

"Are you seriously mad at me right now?" Harry asked, dropping the things. "I was trying to make you laugh. You know, lighten the mood?"

"It wasn't funny."

"And why not? Because your too busy being serious and needing everything to be perfect? Needing everything to be done your way?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked straight at him, anger filling my eyes. "Harry, we are this close to dying. THIS. CLOSE. I have been doing everything I can to try to keep us alive, and try to get us home. But nothing seems to be working. So sorry that I want to be safe. I apologize for trying to keep us alive."

"What have you done to try to get us saved? Build a fire?" He shot back.

"At least I'm doing something with my time. What have you done while you were here? Nothing? NOTHING! I bet you really miss your butlers, and maid service, or whatever else your fame gets you. Welcome to reality, Harry."

I looked at Harry, who's face went blank. I could see water forming in his eyes, and I suddenly regretted those words I said. Out of all things I could have said to him, those were some of the words that would hurt him most. And I knew that. I felt guilt rise above me as he started to walk away, dissippearing in the woods.

I quickly threw the supplies down on the ground and ran into the woods, chasing after him. He wasn't running though. He was walking slowly, and sat on a log near the Fantasy Land. That was also destroyed, with things scattered all over the place.

"I'm sorry, Harry.." I started to say quietly, sitting down close beside him.

No answer.

"I didn't mean the things that I said."

"But their true." He whispered.

"No, their not. I was being selfish. I'm sorry."

No answer.

"I love you.." I said.

"Do you really? Do you honestly love me?" He asked, in an angered tone. "Or do you just want something from me like everybody else?"

"I do, honest. I'm not like everybody else, Harry, you know that."

"Do I, though?" He scowled.

I looked at the ground, greatly offended. I thought we've already been through these things. I thought he knew that I wasn't like everybody else. He even said so a few days ago. What happened to that Harry? Oh, right. I broke him. Great.

"I'm sorry about those things that I said to you. I didn't mean anything. I'm just, trying so hard to keep the two of us alive, and to be a good girlfriend to you. I guess I can only be one at a time." I whispered, looking down at the ground.

"Then maybe you should only be one thing right now."

I stared at him with a scared expression on my face. "What are you saying, Harry?"

"Maybe we shouldn't be together right now."

"No, Harry, I can be both. I promise you, I'll be better about things. Please." I said.

"Daniella," He said, looking straight at me. "You know I love you. I love you more than I love breathing, but maybe we shouldn't start a relationship until we get off this island. I'm sorry, I love you, I really do. I just can't do this, anymore."

I felt tears stream down my face as I got up and stood on my feet. "If that's what makes you happy, then fine." I wiped a tear off my cheek and turned around, walking away to build a seperate hut. I hope he wasn't expecting me to build him one now.

I could hear him calling for me, and soon he was right behind me. I could feel his arms wrap around me, but I turned around and smacked him across the face.

"What was that for!?" He screamed, stroking his cheek.

"Don't touch me."

With that, I walked away to search for the glasses that started the fire. I started to cry, remembering everything that Harry and I felt for each other. I thought he loved me. I really did.. But I guess he'll always be the Harry from high-school. I looked around me with wet eyes as I wiped them with the end of my shirt.

Everything was in ruins.. Including my heart.

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