Chapter 33 - Run In

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After staying in the park for a little while longer, watching the fireworks lit up the night sky, Hina had recieved a call from Toma that Sensei had to take care of some things with the manager of the hotel so he wanted all of his volunteers present to keep an eye on the kids while he was out.

So once the show was over, Hina and Drift's holoform followed the large crowds of people back to the entrance of the park where the buses were waiting to pick up the guests.

"So, did you have fun?" Hina asked.

"Did I have fun? Oh, no, no, no, I had a blast! The real question is did you have fun?" Drift grinned.

"I did! I had the best time, and it was all thanks to you." Hina smiled.

"Aw, you're making me blush." Drift chid, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, while the other was still drapped around Hina's arms, keeping her close to him so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd.

Hina giggled, kissing the holoform on the cheek. "As you should be."

Drift glanced down at the girl, his face a bright shade of pink, but smiled none of the less. They've been together we days now, and he was really starting to like her. This made him think, has it only been days since they ended up together and just days before they became friends and just days before Drift was assigned to protect her? Oh how time flies.

As Hina glanced around the crowd, her head snapped when she caught site of the man again. Lockdown's holoform. He was following them. He was following her.

"Drift!" She whispered. "He's right behind us!"

"Who?" Drift asked.

Hina motioned her eyes to the side, signalling Drift where to look. He followed her gaze ever so slightly, catching site of a bald man with a leather jacket with spikes taking off to the side. After seeing him, he sensed a dark presence in the air as his holoforms eyes hardened.

"Lockdown.." he growled.

"So it is him?" Hina asked fearfully.

"Get on the bus Hina, quickly." said Drift.

Once the large vehicle pulled up to the curb, Hina, Drift, and a few of the guests piled in. Once everyone was seated or took a hold of the overhead bars, the bus driver shut the lights off, driving down the road and into the streets of the resort.

Hina took a look out the window as the Magic Kingdom grew smaller and smaller to her. Once she was satisfied that they were far enough, she moved her gaze away from the window, sighing with relief as she leaned her head on Drift's holoforms shoulder. 

"We'll be back at the hotel soon." Drift assured, wrapping his arm around her again for extra support. 

Although this made Drift think; Why did Lockdown take off like that?

Did the sight of him scare him off?

Was he planning on making a move but bailed when there were too many witnesses?

Right now he didn't care. Right now, the only thing that mattered to him was keeping Hina safe. 

The long drive back to the hotel was killing Drift in the inside. He impatiently tapped his foot as he looked around the bus. If he wanted to, he could have had his real form pull up right here and now, pick up Hina, and drive full speed back to the hotel in no time flat.

But then, Drift felt a sharp pain course through him.


The whole episode played in slow motion for him. A speeding muscle car drove past the car, drifting as it turned onto to the other side of the road, heading straight for the bus. The bus driver honked his horn at the car multiple times as people began yelling and screaming. 

Drift peered his eyes through the front window to see Lockdown in his vehicle mode.

His pure presence struck Drift to the wire.

The bus driver then violently swerved to the right, but it was too much for the bus to take. As it turned, it tipped over to its side, and everyone fell to the bottom, the metal grinding against the cement was ear shattering to them. 

Drift caught Hina in his arms as she fell, hanging onto her tightly before the bus finally stopped. 

"Is everyone alright?" the bus driver called.

People where moaning from the pain, children and toddlers were crying. 

"Are you okay Hine?" Drift asked.

"I--I think so." She nodded. "What do we do?"

Drift couldn't look out the window sense the car flipped, meaning that the windows were smashed at their feet and were over head. But he could hear the roar of his engine as Lockdowon cruised by the bus ever so slowly before taking off down the street. 

"We have to go. If we stay, we'd just be putting the people here at risk." said Drift. 

"But how?" Hina asked. 

Drift managed to grab onto a metal pole, pulling himself up before helping Hina up to her feet. He looked around, glancing at one of the windows. 

"That's our way out." said Drift as he pointed to the window. 

He walked over to the pole, climbing up it and once he was high enough, forming his hand into a fist and looked down at Hina and the rest of the guests. 

"Brace yourselves." he warned.

"Cover your faces." said Hina.

Drift grunted as he waved his fist in the air, smashing it right through the window. There were short screams as small pieces of glass fell to the floor. He then used his ninja skills to carefully turn him, and using all of the power in his arms. Pushed him upward, his feet kicking the rest of the window completely off and the glass sheild flew right through the air and shattered on the concrete. 

Drift flipped, landing on the steel casing off the bus. The bus rocked back and fourth slightly from the sudden movement, and Drift quickly balanced himself, the bus halting from the shaking. He knelt down in front of the window, peeking inside to see Hina checking if the guests weren't hurt.

"Everyone alright?" he asked. 

"Nothing seems to be broken." Hina answered. 

"My radio is shot! I can't call 911!" The buss driver yelled.

"Hang tight." said Drift as he lowered his hand down, pulling Hina out and helping her up to the 'new' roof of the bus. "We'll find the closest hotel and get help there."

The bus driver nodded as he jumped down from the bus. Hina crawled down to sit on the bus before jumping off, Drift catching her in his arms and setting her down. He took her hand tightly before the two took off running. 

"The Lodge isn't too far from here." said Hina. "Just down the street and then make a left."

"Lockdown could come back any second." Drift replied. 

As the two ran, the sound of a car engine roaring echoed across the street. "Scrap! It's him!" 

"What now?" Hina asked.

"Take off into the woods as a short cut to the hotel." said Drift. "I can't protect you with this form." 

"Okay, but hurry!" She pleaded. 

Drift kissed her hand before letting go. "I promise." he smiled.

Hina nodded in reply, and right when Drift's holoform vanished, Hina bolted straight into the woods, the sound of Lockdown's vehicle mode getting closer and headlights could be seen from a far. 

"Please hurry Drift!" Hina begged in her mind.

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