Chapter 1

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"Jane unnie!" Jane hears her best friend's footsteps grow louder as she reaches her room. "Don't tell me you're still sleeping! We're supposed to meet the other girls at the park in a half hour!" The door opens and Jane feels her ears perk up, she decides to keep her eyes close, knowing it was going to annoy the younger girl. "Seriously?! Wake up!" Jane doesn't move a muscle and continues to take deep breaths in and out to make it look like she was sleeping. She feels small hands on her back shaking her. "You leave me no choice Jiyeonnie." She hears some shuffling going on within her surroundings. "Dear Diary-" Jane's eyes snap open as she quickly turned over and sees her best friend smirking at her with her arms folded, her diary not in sight. "Nice to see you're finally up."

"You little brat!" Jane throws a pillow at Nancy who dodges it with a giggle.

"C'mon unnie! We need to leave!"

"Nancy-ah! Stop pulling me, I'm not a drag doll!"

"I'm giving you 20 minutes to get ready, and if you aren't ready by then I will tell everyone about that time when we went to the waterpark and-"

"OKAY! I'm up!" Jane jumps up from her bed and runs to her bathroom muttering curses at Nancy who was laughing behind her.

Not even 20 minutes later, Jane appeared in a gray hoodie, blue ripped jeans, and grey roshes on her feet. She walks down the stairs and sees Nancy on her couch on her phone. She stopped near the end of the stairs to look at the younger girl. A small smile creeps up her lips as she looked at how that even if the girl was in a white tee, black jeans, and converse, she still looked stunning. The younger girl recently dyed her hair a light brown with blonde and dark brown streaks, it was a look Jane couldn't quite get over. She found herself staring at the girl more and longer than expected, just like right now.

"UNNIE! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Jane nearly falls down the stairs at the sound of Nancy's voice.

"Yah! I'm right here! You don't need to yell!" Jane exclaimed as she walks toward the girl. Nancy gets up from the couch and smiles brightly at the taller girl.

"You look pretty unnie." A faint blush appears on the girl's face as she looked away. "Have I told you how much I love your hair color?" Nancy plays with the ends of girl's newly brown hair.

"Stop that." Jane gently slaps her hands away from her hair.

"You're so cute unnie." Nancy giggles as she takes her hand and walks them both out the door and unto the sidewalk. Luckily for them, the park wasn't far from Jane's home, it was within walking distance. Nancy holds onto Jane's arm and laid her head on her shoulder while Jane puts her hands through her hoodie pockets as she looks ahead. "I'm so excited to see the girls, I feel like we haven't seen them in so long!"

"We saw them last week."

"Yeah but that was last week."

"Why couldn't we hang out later in the evening, or night? It's too early for this."

"Unnie it just turned 12 in the afternoon."

"Your point is?"

"You're so lazy." Nancy rolls her eyes playfully. "Remind me why we're best friends again?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out as well." Nancy pushes Jane who laughs.

"I don't like you."

"Feeling's mutual." Nancy hits her shoulder making the taller girl groan as she rubs the aching spot. "You know I love you munchkin." Jane wrapped her arm around her head and gives her a soft nudge.

"STOP THAT!" Jane did what she said, biting her lower lip to stop her from smiling. "You're so annoying!" Nancy huffs out, she was about to walk away when Jane took her hand and pulled her into her chest. Her face turns bright red, Jane's scent consisted of warm vanilla and lavender, it was intoxicating. She found herself closing her eyes and melting into her best friend's embrace.

"Do you really want to know why we're best friends?" Jane's low voice brought chills up and down Nancy's spine. "We're best friends because you needed someone to help you reach the top shelf." Nancy's eyes snap open as she pushed away Jane again with a frustrated sigh as the other girl gives her an innocent gummy smile. Both girls arrived at the park where they see their friends near the park benches.

"NANCY-AH!" A orange hair girl runs over to said girl and tackles her to the ground in a hug.

"JOOE-AH!" Nancy squeals as they hug each other tightly.

"They make it seem like they haven't seen each other in so long when it's only been a week." A girl with adorable ears said. "Hi Jane unnie."

"Hi Daisy-ah, how are you?" They hug each other before pulling away.

"I've been good! How about you?"

"Ah, same old, same old. Can never catch a break with having the little squirt as my shadow." Jane said looking over the girl who was talking adamantly to JooE.

"She's going to kill you if she hears you say that." A shorter girl with long blonde hair said. "You know how she feels about being called those names."

"I've known for the past 14 years Hyebin-unnie. Doesn't make it any less hilarious." The older girl rolls her eyes playfully.

"Nancy-ah!" All the girls watch as Nancy stops talking to JooE to turn and look at the tallest girl in the group approaching her.

"H-Hi Yeonwoo-unnie." Nancy has a faint blush on her face as the older girl gives her a warm, gentle smile. Jane notices this and the smile she had on her face slowly vanishes and is replaced with a frown.

"How have you been Aenan?" The taller girl gently moves her hair from Nancy's face to behind her ear, smiling when she can see the now reddening cheeks of the younger girl.

"I've b-been great! W-what about you?"

"I've been okay, but I was missing my favorite maknae a little bit too much." Nancy bursts into a fit of giggles as she hits Yeonwoo's shoulder with a half closed fist. The older girl gives the youngest a wink making Nancy's heart flutter. Jane looks down at the ground, finding her shoes more interesting to look at. "How about we go for a walk? Catch up with one another." She puts her hand out for the other girl to reach.

"I would love too unnie!" Nancy takes her hand and the girls walk past the remaining girls, interlocking their fingers.

"... Guess we're following them." Hyebin said rolling her eyes. "Let's go girls." The remaining girls all trailed behind the eldest expect for one. Daisy notices and turns to see Jane looking at the backs of Nancy and Yeonwoo.

"Unnie? Are you coming?" Jane suddenly jolts up and blinks a couple of times before shaking her head.

"Yeah, sorry. I was daydreaming."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jane looks at the girl and gives her a smile. Daisy nods as she takes Jane's arm with hers and continues walking. She missed the longing look the older girl had as she stares at the back of her best friend. 


Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! This is the first time I ever written anything on Watts, please let me know how I did or if any of you have ideas for this book and/or even if you want me to do a one shot book of the girls, you can reach me either here or on twitter. I already written the second chapter but I'm in the middle of editing it. I'm thinking of updating every Monday. Thank you for taking your time to read this, it means a lot to me! I'll see you guys soon!

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