Chapter 24

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          Hyebin looked over the notebook she had on the table, feeling very proud of herself. She admires all the hard work and dedication she had put in within the last couple of weeks.

"Hyebin-unnie, is there a reason why you asked me to come and see you earlier than the other girls?" Hyebin looked up and sees JooE walk in and sit down in the seat next to hers.

"Do I need a reason to see you?" JooE blushes as Hyebin gives her a wink.

"Pabo!" JooE hits the oler girl in her shoulder. Hyebin pouts while JooE rolls her eyes, she noticed a notebook on the table and grew confused. "Unnie, what is this about?"

"I'm glad you asked!" Hyebin said excitedly. "These past couple of weeks I did some intense researching and I now found out what has been going on between everyone within the past couple of months." JooE's jaw dropped.

"You didn't-"

"But I did!" Hyebin starts to show JooE notes and it went from notes to even pictures.

"What the fuck?! You took pictures of them!?"

"Of course! I wouldn't be the greatest detective to have ever lived if I didn't."

"She win one competition in preschool and she thinks she's Sherlock Holmes." JooE murmurs under her breath.

"What was that JooE-ah?"

"Nothing unnie... Besides you being a stalker." JooE flips through the pages. "What did you find out?"

"Well we first started with our first subject." She turns the page and it's Nancy. "Subject one has been fidgety, especially around Ms. Sung Ji Yeon and Ms. Lee Dabin. Now I have studied her movements and her emotions. I've noticed as I walked past her house twice or more a day for a while and noticed that she was home all the time."

"How do you know that?"

"She didn't go anywhere, I know her. If she did, I would know."

"She was literally with me and Ahin the other day-"

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT JOOE!" Hyebin exclaimed. "THE POINT IS she hasn't been anywhere in a while and you know how Nancy is, she's never the one to be home for so long."

"Well... You do have a point-"

"Never underestimate Detective Lee Hyebin." JooE rolls her eyes before nodding at Hyebin.

"Well... What did you find out?"

"I invited Nancy to have lunch with me where we talked about a lot of things." Hyebin pulled out a tiny tape recorder and began to play it.

"You recorded the WHOLE conversation?!" JooE exclaimed as she grabbed the recorder out of Hyebin's hand.

"I had too! It was part of my evidence and research!" Hyebin said defending herself.

"Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?"

"No, now stop interrupting me, I'm trying to tell you what I discovered."

"And if I don't?" Hyebin leans over to JooE and whispers in her ear.

"I know a thing or two that shuts you up, I would be more than happy to show you what they are." JooE's face turns beet red as she hits the older girl's stomach. "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted by a certain someone." Hyebin playfully glares at JooE.

"What did you and Nancy talk about?"

          Hyebin looks outside the window and watches the people walk by on the streets. She stares at how beautiful the afternoon sky appeared to be and how beautiful the day was so far. She hasn't see or heard from Nancy in a while so she thought it would be a good idea to have the younger girl eat lunch with her just to catch up. Hyebin felt something was off between the whole dynamic of the group. She would notice just how quiet Nancy would be when Daisy or Jane was anywhere around her, she noticed how attached she would be to either JooE or Ahin. Hyebin also realized that whenever Yeonwoo was near, it was as if she wasn't here. Her physical body would be with them but mentally, she was somewhere else. It was always Nancy that tried to bring her back to everyone.

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