Chapter 21

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          Nancy sat by her window staring outside of the dark night. Jane has been trying to talk to her for a while but Nancy has been dodging it. She thought back to what she had told Yeonwoo, she thought she was in love with her best friend, but with all the fighting they have been doing so far, she isn't sure about her feelings for the older girl. She loves Jane with all her heart, but all this fighting was putting a strain on their friendship. Her heart tells her that all this fighting will be worth it if it means Jane will be hers, but her head is telling her is it really worth losing Jane altogether because of her feelings. She wanted Jane to always be a part of her life, but with all this fighting between the two of them, Nancy was starting to lose feelings for her and asked herself if it was really worth it. 

          Nancy didn't know who to lean on, she couldn't tell Yeonwoo about this, it would only hurt the older girl more. Yeonwoo loves Nancy and already knows that Nancy feels something for Jane, she didn't want to put her through that pain. She could always talk to JooE and Ahin, but talking to them but she didn't want to burden them, she bugs them enough as it is. She knows they're her friends, but there are some things that Nancy just needed to figure out on her own. Nancy's phone goes off and she picks it up without looking at the caller ID.




"Have you heard from Jane unnie?"

"Not for a while now, why?"

"I've been trying to reach her for the past hour. I don't know where she is and I'm very concerned. We were supposed to meet up with Nayunnie."Nancy got up and looked around her room and threw on the nearest pieces of clothes.

"Her and I share locations, I'll text it to you the address once I get there." Nancy hangs up her phone and runs out her house.

          Nancy walks up to a bar and looks at the address before looking down at her phone. Her phone told her this is where the older girl is and she hoped that her phone was right. She opens the door and looks around the bar. It seemed pretty pack and with Nancy's height, it was hard to look over people. She walks back over to the larger bouncer.

"Excuse me! Have you seen a girl who's taller than me, brown hair, big brown eyes, petite, her name is Sung Ji Yeon but she goes by Jane." Nancy said over the loud music.

"Jane?" The bouncer said. Suddenly there was loud exclamations going on at the bar making Nancy look over. Her eyes widen when she sees Jane on top of the counter dancing to whatever song was playing. She quickly makes her way though the crowd and ended right in front of Jane who was dancing in a sexy way. Nancy hears the guys in the bar scream and gave her best friend cat calls, it made the younger girl furious.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Jane screamed at the bar, everyone cheers.

"Jane unnie! Get down from there!" Nancy said pulling on Jane's pant leg. Jane doesn't hear or feel the girl as she continued to do shots with people at the bar.

"GOD JIYEON! GOD JIYEON! GOD JIYEON!" The bar screams out as Jane yells in happiness. Nancy clenches her fist tightly in an attempt to calm down.

"Why don't you come home with me babygirl? I can show you a real good time!" One man said in the crowd.

"Get in line with the others!" Jane said giggling and winking in a random direction. She blows a kiss to the crowd making everyone scream.

"Alright that's it!" Nancy said slamming her hands on the bar counter. "Sung Jiyeon! Get down from there! We are going home right now!" Nancy hits the girl in the leg, Jane nearly topples over but kept her balance. She goes to glare at whoever nearly made her fall but she stops and stares at the person. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't think straight, all she knew is that whoever this person was, she thought was the most beautiful person in the world.

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