Chapter 1

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You woke up to the sound of the sound of a leaking pipe. Groaning you scrambled to check your phone only for it to show a blaring five thirty am. You glared at the screen, hoping for the time to turn back afew hours so you could go back to the much needed sleep. However the numbers remained the same and so did your state of mind.

Stupid pipe you grumbled, finally kicking of your covers and stepping of the bed. The cold concrete floor making you wince in contact. You had become a light sleeper in the past few months. Perhaps it was the lack of security and the constant state of vigilance you were in. The fact that they were probably out looking for you wasn't a comforting thought either.

Trying to get rid of the morbid thoughts threatening to take over, you dragged yourself towards the second hand coffee machine you had bought.
Your job started at eight so you still had plenty of time to spare. If only you had woken up afew hours earlier you could've easily gone back to sleep. Now it was too late.

With a cup of steaming coffee in hand you sat down in your living room, analysing your small abode. It is something you did often,
comparing it to your old area of residence. Your own apartment paled greatly in comparison to the the mansion you spent your entire in. It's four rooms up against the four stories the mansion held but you loved it a lot more than you ever loved that mansion. Life was difficult but it was better. You didn't regret running away.

In a blink of an eye you had graduated. The graduation had been nice, your head maid had been there. Something you had insisted upon, she was like a mother to you. Even your father had sent his regards. The cafe you worked at gave you the day off to celebrate which was unnecessary since you had no one to celebrate it. No real friends and no family. The real surprise had been there when you got home. The house staff had arranged a little dinner party for you with a banner overhead, congratulating you. That had been the last of your happy days in that house.

The very next day your father was back. An excessive amount of luggage in tow. You remember feeling unsettled when your father took out dress after dress. Each more extravagant then the last, going as far as to consult a private stylist. What could be so important that your father was going to such lengths.

When the day of the meeting finally arrived, you were called to his private study. Thinking you'd finally be given some insight to what was going on. Well! You weren't wrong but what you found out shook your entire world to it core.

He called you inside after a single knock at his study, it seemed like he had been waiting for you rather impatiently. You went in and he immediately asked you to take a seat. Your father as always got straight to the point.

"I'm getting you married off, the man we are meeting today will be your future husband."

"I'm sorry what?" You spat out, momentarily forgetting your decorum.

"He is the CEO Park enterprises, Park Jaewon. If you two are two be married I will be able to expand the company with his help."

You stood there astounded at what was coming out of your fathers mouth. He was talking about you married as if it meant nothing. As if your future was nothing of value.

"So you want to give me away for some business deal?" You exclaimed, fists forming.

"To put it simply; yes" he said,nonchalant.

"Is that all my life is to you? A dealing card? Is that all the value I have in your life?" You whispered, finally letting out the questions that had plagued you for year.

"You will do as I say girl" He stood up, looming up on you. "You owe me as much. I have not raised you to be this disobedient. Tonight you shall help me secure this deal or else.."

He did not have to finish. You could see the threat crystal clear and to be quite honest you were terrified. You had never seen him like this. He was always cold and indifferent but the fury and danger that was evident on his face left you paralysed. All you could do was nod.

Seeing your submission, he smiled ever so slightly but it was not one of reassurance. It was a smug smile, one that a man wore when he rose above some else. It was a smile of asserted dominance and the pride in doing so.

You trudged back to your room, heart hammering away. Your head maid Minjin entered an hour later, Miss Clair in tow. Minjin was an old lady in her sixties, who had taken care of you ever since you were a child. She loved and adored you, as you her. She wore a sympathetic expression and her touch was exceptionally gentle when she brought you out of your reverie.

You had spent the past hour looking blankly at the wall opposite to you, unable to comprehend the sudden crisis life seemed to have bestowed upon you. You smiled halfheartedly at Minjin, not wanting her to worry but she saw right through you, her expression further dropping. You hated this, she knew but just like you, she was helpless.

Miss Clair on the other hand, had no such reservations. She could care less about you and quite honestly, the feelings were mutual. Miss Clair was cold, daunting and rather rude. Your lessons with her were less than pleasant. She practically dragged you out of bed and hurried you to the bathroom, instructing you on a quick shower. For the next three hours, you were treated like a rag doll, tweaked and dolled up. By the time they were done, you could hardly recognise yourself. The person looking back at you in the mirror wasn't you, she was someone else altogether.

You shuddered at the thought. Maybe this was your future now, pretending to be someone you were not and never would be. Just like that you stood infront of your father once more. He analysed your appearance with the eye of a critic, taking in her appearance before giving a slight nod of approval. The approval wasn't directed at you, but rather Miss Clair. It was obvious that you weren't worth the effort.

This had the case from day one but now it seemed to tick you off more than usual. How dare he treat you with such indifference after that he was asking-no ordering- you to do. It was only the incident that had taken place earlier that day is what kept you at bay.

The car ride was silent and uncomfortable, both being words you associated with your father. It was only when you were outside an expensive looking restaurant did you father speak, even then only reminding you to behave and be obedient.

You took a deep breath, steeling your nerves and followed your father inside.

The shrieking of your alarm made you painfully aware of your surroundings. Your memories were dangerous, dwelling on them bought you nothing but grief. You put your now half empty cup of coffee the sink. You had no time for grief. Work had to be done.

A quick change later, you were out in the early morning air, making your way to your job at a cafe. It paid you well enough to be able to afford an apartment to live in and put food in your stomach. It was enough. It gave you enough freedom to actually enjoy the job and the free coffee and snacks didn't hurt.

You arrived at the cafe at record time, opening the cafe and setting it up for the day. It was time to get busy.

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