Chapter 4

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You finally made it back home with a nice stash of food made by Mrs Haru in your hands. It would probably last a week before you had to get something else and the chances were, that she'd be back by then with more. Setting everything in your tiny refrigerator, you went for a quick shower.

Once again, you were grateful that your apartment had been semi furnished. It had nearly everything you would need. A bed, a desk, a cupboard in your bedroom. The living room had a sofa set and a small television. Even the kitchen had been well equipped with a fridge, a stove and an oven. They had even stacked it with cutlery, you had been entirely too grateful for it. Now, awhile later you had decorated it with small Knick knacks but you always made sure to not put anything too personal. No pictures, no drawings, no hand written notes. You kept no journal or laptop, incase he or his men showed up looking for you. You kept your credit card with you at all times aswell as your mobile phone. Ready to leave at a moments notice incase you were found. Thinking about the prospect of leaving all of a sudden was sad but necessary. You would rather die then go back.

You came back to the mansion with a heavy heart, the entire car ride had been silent, no words exchanged between your father and you. You had fulfilled your purpose so now he saw no reason to engage into any form of conversation with you. The ride was cold and unfamiliar, just like your father. You came to a devastating realisation that you didn't have a father. His actions were not of a man who cared for you and was there to protect you. His actions screamed that of a man who considered you nothing but livestock; to be sold and profited from.

When you finally got back to your room, this time not even bothering to bid your father the usual goodnight. He had lost all the little respect you had left for him.

Up in your room a hopeful Minjin and an expectant Miss Clair stood in waiting. You could see it on Minjins face; the yearning for a positive response from you while Miss Clair looked at you with hungry eagerness, to see if her hard work had paid off and if she would get her hefty reward.

Minjin saw your expression and her own face dropped, as you shook your head dejectedly. Ofcoarse Miss Clair, who didn't give two cents about you grabbed your arm and stared shaking it harder then necessary.

" what happened girl?" She asked impatiently. "How did it go?"

"Get lost!" You mumbled, all patience and reserve gone.

"What!" Miss Clair looked at you in shock and indignation. You had never shown her any form of spunk before.

"I said" you repeated, a lot more louder this time. "Get lost before I kick you out of the room myself."

"How dare you." She gasped, throughly offended.

"How dare I? How dare 'you' touch me and talk to me in this manner. You are here to teach me and you will do just that." You seethed, you had enough of this woman's bullshit. You had to face enough tyranny as it is with your father, you weren't going to allow her to do the same. "Don't try to meddle with my life or my business. Remember your place. Now get lost while I'm being nice."

Miss Clair gave you one last look of loathing before storming out of the room. When she left you collapsed on the bed, all energy spent.

"Oh Tara my dear." Minjin whispered, rushing to your side. "I'm so sorry."

"He sold me Minjin." You finally said it out loud. "He sold me to some random scumbag for his business, for money."

Minjin scurried towards you, bringing you into her warm embrace. The moment you felt her arms around you, the last bit of reserve melted away. You broke down, clutching onto her tightly as if she was the only thing binding you to this life. She rubbed your back soothingly as her own tears flowed. You were both helpless in this situation.

"Your father," Minjin spoke after a long time. You looked up at her face, seeing the age old lines on her forehead deepen with her frown. "Is a-a bad man Tara."

She spoke with a small tremor in her usually steady voice. You nodded your head in agreement. After tonight you had no doubt in that statement. He had proved as much already.

"When you work in a place as long as I have." She sounded hesitant. "You hear things, things you aren't supposed to hear. Things that make your skin crawl."

You looked at her, dumbfounded. What was she talking about? What exactly could she have heard that had Minjin so disgusted. When you asked her as much, she quickly shut you down, saying she couldn't reveal more. She stayed with you however, tucking you in like she did when you were a child and sat on the large sofa next to the bed. Just like when you were younger, you made room for her on the bed, patting the empty space next to you. She smiled gratefully at you before coming to lay down by your side. She patted your head gently lulling you to sleep.

As you found your self alone in your bed, you couldn't help but think how empty it felt. You missed Minjin, the women who wasn't your mother, but was the only mother you knew.

You couldn't help let out a silent sob. She was the only person or thing you missed about your old life. The sweet guardian you were forced to leave behind. She was the last thought you had when you fell asleep. Her and a certain stranger you had met earlier that day.

The next morning you woke up to the same alarm and just like always, you went to the cafe, following a set out pattern that had created itself in your life. No disasters happened during your shift nor did any beautiful strangers show up. Not that day or the next nor the entirety of the following week. Infact, everything was a similar tasteless blend you had begun getting accustomed to. It wasn't until a week that something interesting happened, and by something interesting you meant that you saw the beautiful stranger again.

It was the weekend which meant that you worked at a mart near your apartment, part time. You didn't mind the job for the most part because the owner was nice enough to let you snack on the stuff or even take some home, under a budget. The truth was that the world had shown you kindness in the strangest ways.

Your shift had just started and you were stacking up the isles with new products. It was entertaining for the most part since you had enjoyed decorating at one point in life and this was as close as it got to any form of interior designing you could afford. You had just started on the shampoos when the buzzer attached to the door rang, indicating that someone had just entered the shop.

You quickly put the half empty box of shampoo down and hurried to the counter. You quickly bowed at the customer, raising your head after a second, only to see the man who had plagued your mind frequently after your last encounter, standing before you. Looking as shocked as you probably did.

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