Chapter 9

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Since that day, Jaehyun became a constant in your life, he'd come to cafe in the early hours of the morning or the closing hours of the day. If he didn't visit you in the cafe, he's find you at the shop. Somedays he'd spend awhile others he'd be there for a quick minute and disappear, but he'd be there and he would never fail in brightening up your day.

You had noticed how sometimes he would look stressed and strained, his smile more forced and words more guarded. His eyes would be analytical as they'd stray to the surroundings more often than not. But no matter what he'd always greet you with a smile and warm eyes. He even bought along a friend once. He was tall, and unbelievably handsome, infact up until he opened his mouth and talked you felt quite intimidated and frankly scared. But when you guys actually talked, he was unbelievably sweet, almost like a big baby— a big handsome baby. Jaehyun introduced him as Lucas.

Jaehyun's on and off behaviour sometimes left you slightly alarmed. You weren't stupid, you had been way to careful these past several months not to find his behavior out of the ordinary. But, there was something about him that drew you in. You were the moth and he was the flame, you only hoped his existence wouldn't perish yours.

Life had been looking up for too long apparently because nearly two months into this routine did disaster decide to knock on your door once again, threatening everything you had built for yourself.

It started off normal enough, you were going the cafe for your morning shift, smiling at the thought of how Jaehyun had bought Lucas again and how he'd animatedly told about his girlfriend, Yoona—or Oonz— as he called her. That smile dropped when you felt the familiar prickle of alarm zip through you. Having been living carefully under the radar, you had garnered a very finely tuned sixth sense that you trusted completely.

So you know better than to brush the warning off, but the dread it bought with it, did nothing but cause panic. Your heart sank at the thought of having to leave this place. You had finally started feeling at ease. The prospect of leaving left a bitter taste in your mouth. Mrs Haru, your manager, the cafe and store owner and dare you say it out loud...Jae. Would you be forced to leave them? Your heart clenched at the thought. Heck! Even Lucas's occasional visit bought you joy.

"Hey!" A voice called you out, making you nearly  jump out of your socks.

You turned around to see a familiar face. A gasp left you when you saw him jogging up to you; it was Doyoung, the sweet man you'd met at the library afew weeks ago.

"Doyoung! What are you doing here?" You couldn't keep the surprise from your tone or the relieved smile that made its way to your lips as you felt the trigger fade into nothing. The danger had passed...for now.

"I was actually on my way to meet a friend." He told you with the same smile he wore the last time you saw him. "When I saw you and thought I'd say hi."

"I'm glad!" You responded. "Are you done with the books?"

"Yeah." He nodded enthusiastically, "I loved the ones you recommended, never thought I'd be a Harry Potter sort of guy."

"I just still can't believe you've never read them before." You laughed, remembering how you'd stared at him open mouthed when he'd first told you. You had practically forced him to issue them.

"I'm starting to believe that myself." He nodded, in all seriousness. "I can not begin to imagine how I missed out on such a masterpiece."

"It's okay." You patted his arm soothingly. "Better late than never."

"Where are you headed by the way?" Doyoung asked you suddenly.

"I'm actually going to the cafe three streets down." You responded easily. "I work there."

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