Chapter 5

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Jaehyun had been at HQ when a rather disheveled Donghyuck had barged into his office, a look of pure panic plastered on his face. Jaehyun had instantly sat up on alert.

"Hyung!!" His voice held desperation that worried the older male. Donghyuck stopped to catch his breath, hand clutching the chair infront of him for support.

"Haechan what's wrong?" Jaehyun had asked, getting out of his chair incase immediate action was required.

"Hyung!! We're out of snacks" he exclaimed dramatically, throwing his hands up in the air for added effect.

Jaehyun paused, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Haechan had the audacity to come up to his office, barge in looking like the base was under attack, only to tell him that they were out of snacks, out of all things. The nerve of this boy!

"I'm not going to get them for you" he told him firmly. "I have more important things to do with my time."

"Please" he pleaded. "You know I can't work without snacks and Mark being a bastard ate my last reserve."

Half an hour later Jaehyun stood infront of a small mart, cursing his luck. He was their leader for fucks sake, yet the young ones still managed to push him around. If they weren't part of family, he'd have pulled the trigger to their head by now. What would the world say if they saw him now; a business tycoon, a notorious man, reduced to running errands for kids.

Damn you Haechan and your bloody aegyo!! He though venomously as he walked towards the mart. He'd just grab a ton of snacks and be done with it.

A small chime rang in his ears as he opened the door to step inside. On a first glance it looked empty but he was quick to stop a figure straightening up and making its way to the counter, back to him. It was a girl, he could tell by the long  flowing hair that cascaded down in waves on her delicately sculpted back. Even from the back she looked eerily familiar. He was certain, he'd seen her before. Sure enough, when she turned around, Jaehyuns breath caught in his throat.

It was her again, the beautiful girl at the cafe the other day. By the look on her face, she was just as astonished as he was. She gaped at him for a moment before gathering her composure and giving him a smile, one that Jaehyun found himself returning. He greeted her lightly, a slight wave of his fingers. She returned the gesture with an even prettier smile.

"What can I do for you?" Her voice a chime of ringing bells, beautiful.

"Not drop anything on me this time." He joked, watching her turn a light shade of pink in embarrassment. He chuckled at her response.

"I'll try." She promised. "But in the mean time is there anything else I can do?"

Jaehyuns considered his options. Logically he could end their pleasantries here and tell her no, that would be the end of it. Or, as a larger part of him urged, he could ask for her help and indulge himself in her company for alittle while longer. He had been sure, when he occasionally thought about her in the late hours of the night, the times he was finally free to ponder on his thoughts, that he'd never see her again. He was, infact betting on it. He couldn't afford the distraction that she presented, not to mention the risk. But here, when she stood right infront of him looking all pretty and sweet, he couldn't help but lean towards the alternative.

"I'm actually here to pick up some snacks for my friends. Our current stash has run out and apparently I'm the fetch boy of our group." His earlier annoyance leaking through.

It was when she giggled lightly at his words, did he realise that he'd actually
Spoken his inner turmoils out loud. This was highly unlike him, he was a man who had long ago mastered the control of tongue. He hadn't had a slip up in nearly a decade, yet here he was blurting out nonsense to a girl, a girl he knew nothing about other than what he saw.

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