Chapter 13

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To say that you were nervous would be an understatement. The car ride with the boys had been easy enough, minus the underlying tension you felt. These boys you knew, but the rest were a mystery. A mystery that would soon be unraveled. You were about to meet nct, all of it. It wasn't out of the question to be scared and hesitant. It wasn't like they were nice boys or just regular guys at that. They were dangerous men. It was only Jaehyuns silent presence by your side that helped you stay in your seat. He was the boss, if he wanted you there, no one else could do shit about it.

Jaehyun seemed to sense your unease because he turned around to give you a smile, squeezing your hand once before letting. His eyes said what his mouth didn't: you'll be fine. Wordlessly you nodded, once again choosing to believe him.

You drove for what seemed like hours, the tainted windows doing little to help your sense of time and placing. Finally, the car came to a stop and Lucas's fanboying died down. He had talked nonstop about Yoona, while the others had looked at him in exasperation but hadn't stopped him. That meant it was a common enough occurrence to not truly annoy them. You hadn't minded either, at the very least it have you a background noise to focus on when your thoughts became too turbulent.

Doyoung was the one that opened your door for you. Why were these-by all definition of the term- bad boys, so damn nice. It was mind boggling. Still, you smiled gratefully at him. Jaehyun was waiting for you at the front, his hand outstretched for you to take. You blushed at the contact but willingly put your hand in his, it was just a tad bit embarrassing seeing as both Doyoung and Lucas were there. The latters grin being a tad too wide as he wiggled his brow suggestively. Choosing to ignore him was a conscious effort on your part. Doyoung didn't say anything but you could still see the corners of mouth turned upwards. Jaehyun looked like he couldn't care less but then again he probably didn't. He was the sort of man that did everything with an innate sense of confidence, as though doing it was his birth right. You couldn't put in to words how attractive that looked to you.

He started leading you to the front door without so much as a second glance. You followed him wordlessly, gathering courage as you got closer and closer to your new abode.

"You'll be fine." Jaehyun spoke softly, keeping the conversation between the two of you. "No one will bring you harm here, that I can promise."

"Thank you," you meant it. "...for everything."

Jaehyun looked like he wanted to disagree and say something but was holding back, instead all he said was. " you're welcome."

Before Jaehyun could say something else, the iron clad door swung open, like it was made of paper and out came rushing three boys, spilling on top of one another. You heard muffled grunts like, 'me first', 'yah I'm older than you', and 'move, I wanna see noona first'. They remained entirely oblivious to their audience until Jaehyun had, had enough and decided to clear his throat. As if on high alert, all three of them stilled. The sight of them slowly easing their heads towards the call of attention was nothing but comical, and you found a smile forming on your face. They looked younger than you, not by much though except perhaps the youngest of the three.

The way they scrambled to their feet was enough to make you grin broadly, unable to help yourself. They were adorable to say the least.

Jaehyun shook his head, letting out a sigh. There went your first impression of them down the drain. He glanced at you for a small second, seeing you smile at the boys that has assembled in a line infront of the two of you, and thought better of it. Maybe it was for the best they were in the ones you saw first after all.

"Introduce yourselves." Jaehyun instructed, deadpanned at the way their eyes shined, looking at you. Clearly they weren't that difficult to win over.

"I'm Heachan, hi! It's nice to meet you. We've wanted to see who has managed to get our hyung so whipped and I can see wh- "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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