Chapter One: Why am I Always Kicking Someones Ass?

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November 24th

I sighed as I looked brushed out the tangled mess that was my hair in front of the mirror. Although it was currently blue (when wasn't it?) with side bangs and brushed my ankles I wanted to do something with it, something new. I pouted and adjusted my glasses before picking up my brush again and slowly untangling the rats nest that sat on my head. I cut my hair to a neat, straight bob and quickly applied some mascara before pulling on my long, over the knee socks and slipping on my lace up, ankle boots. I moved back slightly and observed my outfit for the day, and upon deciding that it was witchy enough I pulled on my hat and created a portal, one that would take me to my cafe, where each day I got to dress as another fantasy characher without anyone thinking it was odd.

I even allowed myself a wand. For theatrics.

Even just entering through the mirror and into the dark main area comforted me. I pulled my wand from the holster on my belt and flicked it once, causing the entire cafe to light up with a rather natural feeling light. I then flicked the cedar wand towards the fireplace and up sprung a cozy fire on the wood that sat there. Slowly I turned everything on and conjured up the treats that I had baked last night, floating them into the glass cupboard next to the counter I made sure that everything was perfect before flicking the sign on the front door from 'closed' to 'open'.

I was pottering around the back room of the café, putting books back in their proper place if they had been left out or put in the wrong places. I was happily interacting with customers when a short guy with dark hair and a rather hipster outfit aproached me. Something about his face told me that something was off, though.

"Excuse me, but do you have a ladder I could use to get that book up there?" The man asked, pointing up at one of the heavier books from the top shelf
"No worries, sir," I smiled "I can get that for you."

I pulled my wand out and levitated the book down into the customers waiting hands. I tightened my grip on my wand and smiled just a little too sweetly as the man thanked me and turned away. I went to take a step towards the corner of the room when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into the hidden room behind the bookshelf on the back wall. I gasped and ripped my arm from the person's grip, instantly turning around and putting my hands up into a defensive stance. I felt another presence behind me but was to focused on the woman in front of me to do to much. That was my mistake.

I had never felt what happened, but I must have passed out or something because when I woke up I was strapped to a hospital bed, bombs simply piled on top of me. I turned my head when I heard the door open, and I glared when I saw the dark haired customer from the café.

"Why am I here?" I asked, struggling against my restraints as I began to weaken "I'll bring the wrath of the gods upon you!"
"I'm going to give you a message to say to Fury when I call him. If you say anymore then what I tell you you wil be... blown up," the guy explained

I bit my lip as I squeezed my eyes closed and took a shuddering breath. With five thousand five hundred years worth of experiences under my belt, as well as the small upperhand of being a demigod, I knew what I was doing. I nodded just slightly, my inner magic tingling as it leaked out and started to loosen and undo the straps tying me to the bed. I pretended to be distressed as I heard the guy leave and the door closed. I then slowly sat up as I was released. I picked my wand up from the bedside table and quickly started to defuse the bombs. I knew that there were cameras watching me, but I had locked the door and put up a shield around me. Once the bombs were diffused I pulled the shield tighter around me and ran at the window. Thinking hard I saw my apartment begin to warp the reflection from the window, and just as the door opened I reached it and jumped through. Closing the portal and peeling off the shield the minute I tumbled to my carpeted floor.

Blinking in the sudden darkness of my apartment hallway I felt my body begin to cool down and my fight or flight magic begin to simmer away. As I leant back against the egg shell wall with my wand dangling from my fingers I sighed a sigh that was so deep and heavy that I'm sure Death could hear it down below. I didn't know why I was still living my life, why Thanatos didn't take me that night oh so long ago. I was supposed to be DEAD! So why wasn't I? Why had I brushed the doorstep of the underworld a number of times but never been invited in? Why had I saved myself? Whilst one part of me begged to live on, another part was screaming at me to end it. I just wanted to drown out the voices.

My inner monologue was broken when my hearing began picking up the noises that floated in through the window a meter or two to my right. Outside people screamed, and noises like low flying planes could be heard. Stumbling over to the hallway window I noticed that outside, a battle raged.

Yeah, I would need to get changed.

Opening my bedroom window, I jumped from the ledge and to the harsh, concrete streets of New York city. The usual busy noise and hubub of the city was replaced with the screams of the innocent and in the distance I could hear what sounded like a raging battle. Why New York? Why was it always that gods damned city?

I cursed the gods, asking them "why me" before swiftly, I rose from my crouched position on the pavement to my feet, passing giant metal dragon-snake-things as they flew through the air in every which direction. I just followed the sound of the fighting and figured I would be able to help somewhat. It was the reason for my creation, after all. To fight the enemies of my creators.

Jokes on them, because I switched sides.

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