Chapter Twelve: One Undergrown Giant, Free to Good Home

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December 12th
(Smut warning)

It was a snowball fight gone wrong. Loki and I had been out in central park for a relaxing winter walk when he was hit with a stray snowball from some kids fight. My eyes widened as the back of his neck turned blue and it started to spread. Within moments he had dissapeared with a pop and a flash and I was left on my own in the snow. The kid didn't even look apologetic.

"Loki!" I called, running into the tower "Oh where the fuck did you go?"

I ran straight to the communal floor where Clint, Natasha and Thor all sat watching a christmas movie. I didn't have time to register what it was.

"Has anyone seen Loki? We were in the park and he fucking bailed on me when he was hit with a snowball. I just need to know he's okay."
"Have you tried the roof, friend?" Thor asked fro. Where he was sprawled out in the armchair

Eyes widening I thanked everyone before quickly dadhing up the stairs,nconpletely forgoeing the elevator. It was too slow.

When I made it to the roof there was Loki, his dark hair whipping around his head in the wind as a storm brewed in the distance. He was toe to toe with the edge, looking down at the street below.

"Loki!" I called "What's wrong bub? Please, come inside!"
"Inside?!" Loki roared, turning to face me "Inside! In case your mortal brain can't comprehend it, I don't belong in there, with them. I belong out here, in the cold. It is my birth right!"

Loki's jacket had dissapeared, bearing his now blue arms to the cold. His face, ears, neck and chest were all a cobalt blue. Tiny horns sat on his forhead and intricately designed grooves ran over every inch of visible skin. And his eyes, my gods his eyes. They were a dark, blood red, and the way they glinted in the winter light made him look dangerous.

"Fuck your birth right!" I exclaimed, walking closer to him "Loki, if you think I should be scared you'd be wrong. I am a demigod who lived through the Salem witch trials for crying out loud! I can handle a little bit pf monstrosity."
"Is that what you think I am?" Loki asked quietly, starting to walk towards me "Of course you do. I am a monster. I am the darkness that parents tell their children to be cautious of at night. I am..."
"A Jotun, I know," I sighed, holding out my arms to him "But you are no monster. I should know, I've killed plenty of them. Please, Loki, come inside with me."

As he fell into my arms our surroundings changed and we were suddenly curled against each other on my bed, with Loki sobbing into my shoulder. I rubbed his back and kissed his head, whispering reassurances until he stopped sobbing so hard. I never thought I would see him in such a state.

"You claim to love me, but I fear it is my external image that you see that holds you to me. How can I be certain you will still feel as you do now when you see me now as I truly appear? The vulnerability that you make me feel sickens me. This is how I know I truly care for you too much."

I watched as Loki pulled away, his brows creased and his lips turned down in a frown.

"Caring is not a disadvantage," I said, pulling him back down onto the bed, hovering over him "And I don't care if your skin is blue and ice cold or if it is warm and the same pale colour as my own. I love you loki... let me show you..."

Before he could protest I captured his lips with my own, working my hands under his shirt to run my hamds up and down his chest and stomach. Of course the cold didn't bother me, I was a vampire. Sitting up and pulling away from the kiss I pulled his shirt over his head and began kissing my way down his chest, smiling when he sighed out in pleasure. I kissed all over his jaw, his neck and his chest, leaving no inch of skin untouched, unloved.

"I love you," I murmured, over and over again "I love you. I love you. I love you."

I kissed my way down past his belly button to where the waistline of his pants met his skin. Undoing his belt carefully I began sliding his pants down his legs, helped by the fact that he lifted his hips.

"Isabella, you don't have to do this," Loki murmured "I am repulsive in this state, I know."
"No, I love you," I continued "Let me show you that it doesn't matter what you look like. I love you."

I continued my mantra of I love you's as I kissed all around his thighs, slowly, tenderly palming his cock through his briefs as I did so.

"I love you."

Slowly I pushed down his underwear, never once stopping my mantra of I love you. I kissed and licked up and down his length as his hands flew to my hair, his long fingers weaving between the strands and tugging lightly.

"I love you."

Gingerly I gripped the base of his length with one hand and took his tip into my mouth, flicking the slit with my tongue. Slowly I began lowering my head as Loki began babbling my name, already gone. Removing my hand from the base I went down until my nose touched his blue, blue skin, before slowly rising again. I started a slow pace, taking my time with every lick and every ministration. My hands fondled his balls as my mouth took care of his length, and when his muscles started to spasm and shake I pulled back. The day wasn't over yet.

"I love you," I murmured, undressing myself as Loki looked on with hooded eyes and shuddering breaths "I love you."

Pushing of my jeans, jacket and panties I hovered over him, one hand my his head the other lightly gripping his length. I leant over and kissed him, slowly inserting his cock into my waiting entrance and lowering myself over him. Again, I moved at a slow pace, peppering every inch pf his skin with kisses as his shaking hands pushed off my shirt and jumper in one, leaving me in nothing but my bra as I slowly bounced, biting my lip to keep from making noises. This wasn't about me, I could wait. This was about showering Loki in love, proving to him that it didn't matter.

Loki's hands grjpped my hips as he helped guide me up and down, still allowing me to set the pace, and although I could feel my skin bruise I didn't say a word. Instead I peppered Loki with kisses and watched as he gasped for breath until finally he came, his whole body shuddering. I continued, up and down, letting him ride out his high until finally shuddering breath turned into deep, even ones, and Loki was looking at me, a small smile on his face. Leaning down to kiss him Loki helped me off of him, flipping us so that he was hovering over me with his hands either side of my head.

"Did you..." he trailed off
"No," I said with a shake of my head "But it's okay, this was about you. I love you, Loki."
"I love you, and so if you'll let me..."
"You don't have to do this..."
"But I want to."

Biting my lip I nodded, and then watched as Loki's head dipped lower, and lower until finally his tongue made contact with that little budle of nerves. I tried so hard not to buck my hips up as he suckled on that bundle of nerves, before his tongue started exploring, licking everywhere until finally...

"Oh, fuck," I cursed as his tongue entered my awaiting whole "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuckkkkkk Loki...."

I was biting my lip so hard I drew blood as Loki's tongue moved in and out until my legs began shaking and my eyes squeezed shut.

"Loki, I'm so close..." I warned
"Come for me, love," Loki managed to murmur

At his words I came undone, his name the only thing I could say. And Loki lapped it all up before rising up to kiss me, our tastes in each others mouths.

"I love you, Loki," I murmured against his lips
"I know, love. I love you, too."

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