Chapter Seventeen: The Nutcracker

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December 23rd

As it was nearing so close to the big day everyone had been spending more and more time together. The day before the nigjt before Christmas, aka the day before Christmas eve, everyone was hanging out in the common space. Leftover baked good and various hot drinks made for a filling and delicious, but not very healthy, breakfast. I forwent the baled good and hot drinks amd instead sipped on my morning coconut water, much to the dismay of Loki who kept trying to force me to actually eat something.

"So, kid, got anything planned for today?" Tony asked as he waltzed on out of the elevator, with an empty mug and grease covered, well, everything
"For the last time, Tony, I am more then 6 times your age," I crouched, finally giving into Loki's prodding and taking a bite of a ginger bread biscuit "But no, I don't believe so, why?"
"Becayse as thanks for yesterday I got you and your man to the ballet."

I was speachless. My eyes were like saucers and my hands flew to my mouth ad my jaw dropped. I didn't know what to say. How did he even know?

"I believe you performed in this one, The Nutcracker? It's a classic," Tony rambled on "Thank me later. Also I have already transfered money to your account for yesterday."

With that he picked up a fresh cup of coffee and left back the way he came, his footsteps squeaking as he entered the elevator. I turned to Loki, a massive smile lighting up my features as a sly smirk made it's way onto his.

"Did you..." I began, but Loki just shushed me
"I may have... strongly suggested it to him," Loki murmured lowly, nodding down to my unfinished breakfast "But please, eat first, yes?"

Nodding in excitement I scarfed down both the buiscuit and my coconut water, before practically running to the elevator. I had to get ready, I had to prepare... there was so much I still had to do...

I had to remind myself to take it slow and steady, even as the time to leave encroached upon me.

Eventually the sky had grown even darker then it was during the day as night drew closer and closer. At 5:00 Loki and I climbed into the back of a chauffeured, all black car, our hands entwined. Loki was done up to the nines, and I felt almost inadequate in his mere presence. Throughout the car ride Loki was leant against me, whispering every dirty thought that crossed through his mind into my ear and dears gods that mans libido was never sated, was it?

When we got there and stepped out of the car I felt like a child again, and sudfenly every memory of being at the theatre that I haf hit me like a dump truck and I stumbled back in my heels, only to be caught and pulled out of it last minute by my darling Loki, leaving me only slightly disoriented.

"Careful now, love. I wouldn't want you getting hurt..."
"I'm okay," I assured the raven haired man, however my grip on his arm remained strong

Loki tucked my arm into his own and placed his hand over mine, making sure I was secure as we checked our tickets in and were shown to our seats, front row as only a Stark could get last minute. As the ballet begin I leant forward, enraptured in the way the danced moved about the stage, seeming almost ethereal even up as close as I was.

"That should be you up there," Loki murmured to me part way through,  making me smile whistfully
"That was me up there," I murmured back, waves of nostalgia crashing over me like a tsunami "Gods I miss it sometimes."
"Why don't you go back?"
"Are you kidding me? I am way to old tp be doing professional ballet."

Loki just hummed thoughtfully as we both turned back to the amazing, picturesque scene going on before us. I watched the story unfold in silence from there on out, shushing Loki every time he tried to speak. My apretiation of the arts went way back to when I was a wee babey and I wasn't letting him ruin this for me.

After the performance Loki and I were stood out on the street, just waiting for the car to come and pick us up and enjoying the cold night air.

"I can't believe you gave that up," Loki said, his arm around my shoulders as we leant against the wall
"The cafe came up and I decided to out my effort into something that would benefit others instead," I shrugged "Besides, I really am getting to old for dancing."

Loki opened his mouth to say something when a familiar figure walked past, his raven hair coated in snow and his golden eyes reflecting prettily in the lights of the theatre. He was as pale as the snow, but his all black suit and ebony and silver cane made him stand out.

"You are never to old to do any5hing you set your mind to, young Miss Edwards, remember that..." the man said, and I rolled my eyes when he walked off into the shadows

Looking back at Loki I noticed that he had his brows drawn together and lips tucked into a thin line  almost concerned and confused looking.

"Who was that, love?" Loki asked, tightening his hold on me even as I leant up to meet his lips with my own in a chaste kiss
"That, dear Loki, was Cassian," I explained when I pulled away
"And who, exactly is that?"
"Cassian is my sire, my trainer... he's the one that made me."
"And how old is he then, in accordance to you?"
"Cassian is about a thousand or so years older then me, at a guess, maybe more... he says that he was arround for the fall of Rome but honestly, he's drunk most nights so I doubt that that's true. You don't need to worry about him, Love."

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