Chapter Nine: Panic! At Avengers Tower

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December 6th

"Oh come on Lokes, I know you hate people-ing but it's just a little last minute gift shopping,"

Trying to get the god to do anything he even slightly detested was a real piece of work, but what he didn't know was that he wasn't the only crafty, stubborn one. I pouted my lips, rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. Through all that I managed to pully my jumper over my head and flop down on top of my lover.

"Think of it as a training exercise, love. You're training yourself to be more comfortable in the inevitable event that you have to actually help them," I explained, my voice muffled by the fact that my arm was covering my head in dramatization

"Alright fine," Loki grumbled, pushing me onto the floor and standing up himself, smirking down at me as I reclined comfortably "Well? You are the one who wishes to partake in such a disgusting anglo tradition. Are you going to get up or shall we just stay here?"

Laughing I pushed myself up and practically dragged the green clad god out the door. Whether he wanted to or not, we were going fucking gift shopping.

Outside of the tower the air in front of us was thick with the fog of Loki's breath, which I always found extreemly funny. As I giggled, Loki grumbled something under his breath and pushed me into the snow covered side walk. Glaring at him I grabbed his offered hand of help and pulled me down with me before quickly jumping up and running off down the side walk. When I got the the salted road I pouted when Loki had yet to catch up, giving him my best puppy eyes. Before I could say anything, we were on the footpath on the other side of the road.

"Do not jest with me, mortal, or things will not end well for you," Loki threatened me
"Nah, I'll be fine," I assured him, a grin forming bon my lips
"What makes you so sure of that, darling?" Loki asked back, his smirk telling me he knew exactly where my mind was going
"You enjoy the sex too much."

With that I was off and running again, and soon the cold had seeped from my bones. Soon enough, I had made it to the mall, my mental list of gifts replaying over and over in my mind. I was about to head in, with the thought that Loki had left me to my own devises, when suddenly I was pulled into an alleyway and pressed against the dirsty brick wal with my hands held above my head. After a momentary bout of shock I grinned at my lover, and tried an experimental wiggle of my wrists.

"Be that as it may," Loki murmured into my ear, his grip on my wrist growing tighter despite the both of us knowing that I could easily break free "I do not appreciate you dragging me into the cold environment, only to have you jest with me. If you're not careful, people might start to notice..."

It was then that I noticed the dark blue receding into his neck and fingertips, and that his eyes now flashed a dark red with a dangerous glint to them, much different to his usual, mysterious green orbs. As I watched him try to control his inner demons I bit my the lip, a familiar sensation beginning to form deep in the pits of my stomach.

"Loki," I warned, eyeing him, and the blue started to return
"Does the thought of taking me like this, like the monsyer I really am excite you does it?" He murmured sendually into my ear, nipping at the lobe "But of course, you are a monster yourself, however do you really think you could handle the cold that comes with this form of mine? The strength? The unpredictability?"
"Loki, I'm a vampire," I whispered "I think I'll do just fine."
"You know where to find me then, my dear..."

And just like that, he was gone, leaving me all hot and bothered and with a list of things I still needed to achieve. Growling I pat my hair down and exited the alleyway. There was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of giving in amd crawling into bed with him, not when I had shit to do.

Baking supplies, small material gifts for each of the Avengers plus Loki, things to make baubauls... I was leant against the same alleyway wall as I was at the beginning of the day, only by this stage the sun had begun to set and the vold was really creeping in. Or at least what I imagined the cold to be, I didn't really feel it. I was just texting an impatient Loki to tell him that I was on my way home when a short, dark haired man in a full suit aproached me, and a red laser hit right at my heart.

It was the same man as the other day.

"Listen, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you nead to leave me the hell alone," I spat

The man didn't say a word, instead, a small pain started blossoming in my chest, and when I put my hand over the site of the injury it came away stained in my own blood.

"What the fuck?" I spat "How..."
"You might be a day walker, but I have inside sources," the man explained "So... silver, hey? I thought that was a myth, warewolves, maybe."

I squinted a glare as my vision started going hazy, falling to my knees when they collapsed out from under me and hitting the cold, hard ground.

"Who the hell are you?" I spat right as things started to go black, as the world started to dissapear

The darkness was all consuming. Sight had gone, and a feeling of numb had set in. Right as my hearing started to drinft into fuzzy nothingness, I heard the man state a name.


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