Chapter Eleven: Maybe I Should Just Relax a Little....

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December 11th

The next morning I woke up in my bed at Avengers tower, almost all of my wounds healed and a sleeping Loki clinging to my side. Slowly, ever so slowly I extracted myself from his arms and wrigled out of the warm bed into the cold morning air. As I swung my legs off of the bed and moved to stand up two arms snaked around my waist and pulled me back down into the bed.

"Loki?" I questioned with a small laugh "Good morning to you to then."
"Never have I felt that way..." he began, pulling me to his chest and murmuring into my hair "Never. You might not be my first lover, earthborn or not, but I have a feeling you will be my last and most precious one."
"Shh. Listen to me," he demanded
"But Lo, I've got shit I need to do. I love you, but I need to get up."
"No. Let me hold you. For now, I desire nothing more then for you to lie in my arms, your unbeating heart next to my own, warm with fondness, your glowing eyes looking up into mine, and to breath in your intoxicating scent."
"Loki thats..."

In that instant I squirmed around to face the sappy god, a small smile gracing my lips but a furrow to my brow. I had a feeling I knew what was going on, especially when I saw that Loki's own face was all scrunched up with closed eyes and pursed lips.

"If this is some big confession..."
"Shh! I... I wish to never go blind, so that I may always see your radiant beauty. I wish to never go deaf, so I might always hear your sweet voice. I wish to never become mute, so I can always tell you how much I love you."
"Silver tonge indeed," I said with a roll to my eyes "You had to go and be all elaborate about it, didn't you?"
"Did you not hear me?" Loki asked when I made the move to get out of bed again "I love you!"
"Oh, I heard you, and I love you, but I've just got stuff I need to get done, alright?"

Finally I wriggled free and moved to the dresser to pull out some clothes, carefully going through the drawrs to find whatever Christmassy clothing I could.

"Isabella, please. You're only mortal. My brothers friends and I just saved you from a mad man, so please, Isabella, take some time for yourself for once. Relax."

Pursing my lips and shaking my head I slowly put the clothing back, swapping them out instead for some cozy pajaymas. I wasn't about to fight a loosing battle.

"Fine, but I'm going to go take a bath. Either you join me or you stay out here, but either way, I give in."
"If you wanted me to join you you should have said earlier, darling," Loki purred, joining my side in an instant.

After our relaxing bath we had no choice but to take a relaxing shower. And truth be told despite how the morning had begun I was, honest to the gods, begining to relax. At one stage Loki had to go downstairs for an important Avengers meeting of some kind but I just stayed on the floor, curled up on the couch making gifts and decorations whilst the Polar Express played in the background.

By the time my love had come up stairs I had started on the handmade gifts for all of the Avengers, letting those that needed time to dry or harden sit on the coffe table. When I heard the elevator ding I looked up from where I was using a paint brush made for miniatures to paint intricate details on a baubaul for Steve.

"I thought you were relaxing, love," Loki said, almost sternly, as he leaned over the back of the couch
"But I am! The prospect of making others happy makes me happy! And I like making things anyway!"

Loki just hummed, pecking me on the cheek before wandering into the kitchen, leaving me to continue my work.

"And just what are you making?" He called out
"Baubauls! They're a tree decoration and making them is a tradition among my community. This is just the start!"

Loki just hummed again in a way of recognition and I heard the kettle start up, making me smile. I continued painting the baubaul as Loki made hot drinks, knlwin t.v. exactly how I took my tea and so never once needing to ask. Once he was done he leant over me to put the two cups in amongst the mess on the coffee table before wrapping me in a massive hug from behind, his head burried in the crook of my neck.

"They don't deserve your hard work," Loki murmured, his lips against my neck "They're nothing but..."
"Loki, that's enough," I stated firmly "Of course they deserve it. They helped save me too, or had you forgotten?"
"No they just... they are my brothers friends and henceforth don't deserve a thing."
"What does that have to do with anything? Loki, they're just people... and they gave you a second chance so we have to play nice, okay?"

Loki just grumbled incoherently, making me laugh, turn so that I could lift his head from my shoulder, hold it in both of my hands, and give him a long, sweet kiss.

"You are too polite for your own good," Loki hummed, leaning his forehead against my own "What did I ever do to deserve someone as lovely as you? Hm?"
"You exsisted, and that was enough," I said with a sigh as I closed my eyes "Loki I... I love you."

I went to say something more when the unmistakeable sound of an Iris message popped up, and I turned to fave behind the couch where the demigod camp's director, Chiron's face shimmered, ever so slightly rainbow.

"We need you at camp in two days time. I won't take any arguing. Be there."

It was gone before I could say hello.

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