Chapter Ten: My Life's a Crappy Fanfiction

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December 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th

3rd Person

It was dark. There were no windows, no mirrors, and as for light there was one fim, flickering light right in front of a heavy wooden door. Isabella's wrists burned, and with the bright glint of the handcuffs that caught her eyes every now and again she found out why fairy quickly. The chain and the cuffs that were around her ankles and wrists that kept her chained to the wall were made of silver.

Poor Isabella had no clue if it was day, or night, two days later or two years later. She was simply defeated. With nothing to sustain her for who knows how long she was wearing away, barely living but incapable of dying. Every so often a man, sometimes the dark haired man (she could tell it was him, she recognised his voice), sometimes other men, would come in and question her, or stick pins made of silver into her skin. Curled up on the floor as she was, Isabella had lost hope. Which way was up? Down? She couldn't remember.

All she knew was that if that heavy, wooden door opened she was only doomed to more pain. More eternal seeming pain.

"Oh Isabella!" The sing song voice of Moriarty would call as the door craked open "Still can't figure out an escape route? No... mirrors found? No windows?"
"Piss off."
"How dissapointing. Ya knowwwwwww this would alllllllll end! If you just... give me what I want!"
"Never," Isabella would spit "They would smite you down in a heartbeat, they're fucking gods you idiot."
"Weeeeeelllllll, back to it boys! You can't stop now!"


Back at Avengers tower everyone had been working hard to find her. Each individual had given themself their own task.

Tony was stuck in his labs, using his various tech programs to trace her phone signal or location, doing whatever he could his way.

As soon as Isabella had neglected to arive at the tower when she said she would, Clint and Natasha were out doing the dirty work, digging through reasourse after reasourse, uing underground contacts to see if anyone had seen her.

Thor and Loki were off world, weaving through the supernatural, the godly, the mythological and, let's face it, pestering Heimdal for anything he knew.

Steve was sweeping his above ground contacts, making sure all of SHIELD had any radar out for Isabella.

And Bruce? Bruce was constantly moving between helping Tony and meditating, doing everything in hid power to make sure he didn't Hulk out over the clear kidnapping of his friend, Bella.

And then suddenly, just four days after her initial disappearance, something popped up. After the phone tracking had fallen flat Stark had switched to CCTV cameras, all over the world. As he contacted everyone to get them back to the tower, every individual Avenger (plus Loki) said the same thing.

They had a lead.

"Friends!" Thor boomed, a tired grin gracing his lips and a sulking if hopeful looking Loki at his side "Heimdal informs us that Lady Isabella is in London!"
"The london underground, specifically," Clint piped up
"In the basement under Barts Hospital," Steve confirmed "It's a shame we all found out at once.


The sirens blared. The faint, flickering yellow bulb by the heavy door  was suddenly a bright red, filtering the room in a light so bright and so unkown to me that I had to cover my eyes. The siren that blasted was the louder then the New York streets that I called home. Yet as loud and as bright as it was I knew that no one upstairs would hear it. Yelling and making a fuss in my early times at that god awful place had gone unnoticed, and so I didn't think that the siren and light would be any different. It was so loud I didn't hear the usual screach of the door.

"Oh Isaaaaabellllllaaaaa!" That bastards voice called over the siren as he skipped down the stairs and yanked my chains off of the wall and started pulling me up what felt to be stairs "It looks like your silly little friends have come for tea! Won't you be a darling host and come out to greet them?!"
"Insane creep," I muttered under my breath

I grimaced as every movement pulled on the small silver pins that the bastard and his minions had stuck into every inch of my skin.

Out the door and into an equally dark coridor. It was a second flight of stairs before things started to get brighter. I had to blink several times to figure out why I had been jolted to a stop. And then the blury figures of the Avengers, minus Loki and Bruce, came into focus at the end lobe of the coridor. I wanted to colapse in relief, despite the sniper shots on these guys Moriarty didn't stand a chance.

Tony, inside of the Iron Man armour flew off after the snipers, bullets bouncing easily off of his armour plated bullets. Steve and Clint went after Moriarty himself, the results of the fight I don't ever recalm seeing. Natasha helped me out of my wrist and ankle chains, and I instantly colapsed into Thor's awaiting arms as Natasha ran off to take out some more of Moriarty's men.

The events between my rescue and getting me onto the helicarrier were blurry, but as soon as I was inside those black flying things I heard a gasp, and felt rouch hands start working over my wounds.

"They made her into a human pin cushion!" Loki's baritone voice exclaimed
"Calm down, Loki. Remember to breath," Bruce murmured as he helped me onto a bed

Where Thor went I have no clue.

"Did you bring everything?" Bruce asked
"Ambrosia first, that's in the bag with the coconut water. Banner, you're a mortal healer, heal her."

As Bruce tried to help me I felt a hand grip my own, and though my vision was blurring once again I heard every word Loki murmured. Even if I wasn't meant to, I heard.

"Do you know how long I have searched? How long I had to plan, trick, and manipulate? How many faced my wrath, just to get you back within my grasp? I am not letting you go. You will not be taken from my side again."

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