Chapter Ninteen: Christmas Day

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December 25th

Snow fell down lightly outside of the large, floor to ceiling windows. JARVIS played Christmas carols softly over the hidden speakers. I was wrapped in a fairytale word of bliss as I sat in bed, wrapped up in a blanket as Loki was wrapped around my lap after having fallen asleep part way through the Polar Express the night before.

When Loki began to stir and shift I looked down at him, lightly petting his hair as he slowly woke up. Slowly bright, emerald eyes blinked uo at me and a soft smile worked it's way onto Loki's lips.

"Morning angel," I whispered down to him, leaning dowm to kiss his forehead "Merry Christmas."
"Mery Christmas," Loki murmured, his usual buttery voice rough from sleep

Sluggishly Loki pulled me down beneath the sheets with him and wrapped me up in his arms. Giggling I hugged him back tightly, burrying my face in the crook of his shoulder.

I believe we dozed off together again because when I woke up again it was much later in the day. Dark clouds had rolled over and it had stopped snowing, however everything continued to glitter like a million tiny diamonds as fluffy white snow coated every visible surface outside of the window.

"Loki," I hissed as I shook him awake "Loki, wake up."

When my love didn't rise I tore myself away and started bouncing on the end of the bed. 1,500 years and I still adored the holiday.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I giggled "It's Christmas!"

Eventually Loki's eyes opened and right as they did I accidentally toppled over on top of him, causing him to wheeze. I just laughed and wrapped my whole body around his, sheets and blankets in piles between us.

"Llllooooookkkkkkiiiiiii," I moaned "Let's go downstairs!"
"Meet me on the couch, love," Loki managed to wheeze out

Rolling my eyes I rolled off of the bed, landing harshly on my back. Laughing I jumped up and ran out the door to my room to quickly get changed. When I exited Loki was sitting on the couch, a book in his hands. Utterly giddy I stalked over him, flinging my arms around his shoulders.

"I love you."

Chuckling Loki book marked his page and turned his head towards me, I connected our lips, except when I felt Loki try to deepen it I pulled away. Stalking to the front of the couch I pulled him up and into my arms in a tight hug.

"Let's go down stairs, yes?"

As much as Loki griped and grouched I managed to pull him into the elevator, leading him by the hand to the common area where the festivities were already in full swing. The table was laden with foodand the tree laden with decorations. The stockings were stuffed, full to the brim. All around the tree presents and gifts were piled high, wrapped in reds and greens, silvers and golds. Warmth flooded through the area from the fake fire place, and carols played lightly through the air.

"Brother, you have arrived!" Thor boomed from his seat at the table, a plate piled high with delicious looking food in front of him "Come, let us now gather around the tree for the exchanging of presents!"

Giggling and giddy I pulled Loki down to the floor by the tree, and faster then normal he ended up sitting in my lap. Rolling my eyes I began to hand out my various hand made gifts. Clothing and trinkets and food... everyone seemed to genuinely enjoy unboxing everything. Laugher was had all around as people shared treats, wrapped each other in tinsel and huddled up under blankets with hot mugs of coacoa. Laughter was shared as readily as gifts.

Eventually the day calmed down and everyone was curled up on various surfaces, food comas all 'round. A Christmas Carol played on the TV and for once it was me in Loki's lap rather then the other way around.

"You know, this might just have been the best Christmas that I have had in a very, very long time," I murmured up to Loki
"And why is that my love?" Loki asked, smoothing back my hair like I usially did for him
"I have the love of my life in my arms," I hummed, wrapping my arms around his torso "Some of my best friends are surrounding me and for once I am utterly, utterly content."

Loki hummed and I could feel the vibrations as they travveled through his torso. I burried my head in the juncture of his hip and closed my eyes. I felt so dozy and sleepy, and maybe it was just the alchohol buzzing in my system but as tired as I was I just wasn't ready to sleep yet.

"Loki," I whined "Carry meeeeeee..."
"As you wish, my love."

I hummed contentedly as I felt myself being lifted. I waggled my fingers in a sweet goodbye wave over my shoulder to those who remained in the room as I was carried off to the elevator and then up to the floor that the god and I shared.

The two of us curled up on my bed, wrapped up in each other. The night had come swiftly, and with it came a clear, light polluted sky. Before I could doze off again, however, I sat up and pulled away from Loki.

"I have another gift for you, love," I explained, crossing my legs on the bed as I turned to face him

Holding my hands out in front of me I made a small, square, emerald green box materialise. It had a silver bow on top and was no bigger then a ring box.

"I uh, I have a jewler for a friend who knows how to shape and mould metal and he's been teaching me how to create jewelry. I, uh... I made this for you."

Ever so carefully Loki took the box from my hands and carefully undid the bow. I squeezed my eyes closed as I heard him pull of the lid, only to gasp right away.

"Oh Isabella..." Loki breathed, and I cracked my eyes open "This is gorgeous..."

Nestled within a nest of velveteen fabric was a ring of gold. Two snakes intertwined around a small ruby, free from impurities.

"I knlw that snakes are your thing and that gold is your colour and I jusy thought... well, the ruby represents me and I, well..." I began to babble

Loki pulled me into a hug and slipped the ring onto his finger. Chuckling he pulled me as close as possible, burrying his head in my shoulder.

"No one has done anything like this for me before... I love you so, so much Bella..."

It was official. That was my favourite Chriatmas.

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