Chapter Three: Did I Just Save a god? Again?

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November 25th

Gasping, my arms flew up to grip at my head as all feeling and sense came flooding back to me. I bit my lip as I recalled all the events that had happened and my hands left my head and instead dropped to my lap so that I could turn my head to look around me. I apeared to be in some kind of white, sterile room. A hospital or infirmary is what I had guessed. Beside me was a small chest of draws, and all around me was a bunch of medical equipment. I sighed in relief when I blurily spotted my glasses and necklace on the draws, along with my mask.

"Those bastards," I murmured to myself "Why is it so hard to respect someone's secret identity? Assholes."

Carefully I reached over to bring them towards me. I pulled my necklace over my head and slipped my glasses over my eyes, blinking a few times at the sudden clarity of the world.

"Thank you," a deep, baritone voice rang out from my left

I turned my head as I fastened the necklace around my neck and smiled slightly at the sight before me. Sitting on the bed besides me, with his legs tucked up under him, was the guy I had saved. And he was already looking better.

"You're looking good," I croaked out, my throat sore
"You saved my life. If they had taken me back to Asgard I would be executed," the man continued, and I nodded blearily "A life debt is not easily repayed, but a god always repays his debts."

At that I began laughing, each noise wrenched from my stomach and cut my throat like knives but I continued. This man, he was a GOD? A Norse god? And a debt being repayed? Ha, the thought was hysterical.

"I have never known a god who has repayed a debt to either a mortal or a demigod, so save the formalities," a hissed, rolling my eyes "I didn't even think the old Norse gods existed until now."
"And which gods, pray tell, do not repay a debt?" The god in my presence asked
"The Greek."
"Who, might I ask, are your parents young demigod?"

Young? That made me start laughing again. Yes, it hurt, but I gripped my stomach. It was a mirthless laugh. Young? He had the wrong person.

"To begin with, I'm not young, not by any stretch of the word. In fact, I believe that this year marks my 1,500th year on this earth."
"And your godly parent?" He insisted

Nodding now as if he understood the world he remained silent. That was probably a good thing as soon a woman with hair like the reddest flames of a fire walked into the room. She was clad in all black with a familiar logo on her shoulder.

"I've told y'all before, I'm not working for you," I sighed, falling back against the pillows and flinching when she tossed me a travel mug of clear liquid.
"Current name: Isabella Edwards. Vampire, demigod, HYDRA escapee. You drink coconut water instead of blood and were born in 512 AD," the woman rattled off "Vigilante going by the name Femme Fatale. We have your file. You're lucky we found you before SHIELD did."

Rapidly, I blinked at the woman. She bore their logo on her shoulder, yet she didn't work for the organisation? Everything had turned on it's head and nothing made sense anymore.

"What's going on?" I demanded "Where am I?"
"Stark tower, now called Avengers Tower. We work with SHIELD, not for them. You lost almost 2 and a half litres of blood, how are you feeling?"
"Fine," I sighed, giving in when she kicked a bag towards me
"A guy in a wheelchair dropped this off for you. He said to let you know when you woke up that there is a bottle of ambrosia and clothes in there."

Sighing in relief the woman unhooked me from the various machines and I dug aroound in the bag until I found the ambrosia, the amber liquid was stored in a clear drink bottle. The first sip was like a tidal wave of reliefe, washing through my whole body. I closed my eyes as I drank some more and by the time I opened them again the woman had dissapeared again. Looking around, the raven haired god walked in from a door I hadn't even noticed before. When our eyes met his were clearly the same emeral green as his clothes.

"Where'd you disappear off too?" I asked, raising my eyebrow over my glasses
"Did lady Widow not tell you?" He asked, nodding towards the door as he sat back down on his bed "That door leads to a bathroom."
"Oh sweet Mary mother of all things holy," I burst out with

Picking up the bag I tried to look as dignified as possible, walking calmly to the bathroom when I really just wanted to run. It had already started getting cold, with dark snow clouds on the horizon. A nice hot shower and some clean, warm clothes were what I needed.

As the rather large room quickly filled with steam I opened my lungs to the thick, water filled air. It wasn't breathing, as such, because I couldn't take in oxygen, and was more of an intake of steam. When the hot water came I let a thick sigh leave my parted lips, the steam I had taken in leaving my body. Slowly, I felt my muscles begin to relax until my limbs felt like jelly and I sunk to the floor of the shower with my knees to my chest. That was when I started laughing again. This had to be the millionth or so time that I had saved a gods ass. I didn't even know who the man was exactly, just that he was a god.

Stepping out of the bathroom again I noticed that that man was still sitting on his bed. When I enterred he turned to me with his legs crossed one over the other.

"You know," I stated casually, as if the steam oozing out of the door frame hadn't just made my entrance epic "You never game me a name."
"I am Loki."

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