Chapter One

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"Team, I have a mission for you." Batman started, calling upon his team of young proteges to stand before him and Zatara in the mission room. Once everyone was gathered, he began speaking once more. "Since the entire Justice League is needed to be seen fighting these plant creatures that have begun to spring up around the world, we need someone to shut down the plants at their source. That's where you come in."

"What exactly will we be doing?" Wally West, the Kid Flash, winced when Artemis Crock punched his arm. "Ow, what was that for?" Artemis said nothing, nodding with her head towards Batman.

"Zatara, if you will please locate the Injustice League." Zatara muttered a spell under his breath, gesturing towards the holographic map before a red dot appeared in the Bayous. "There is your location. You have your mission. Don't disappoint."

"We will not let you down." Kaldur, otherwise known as Aqualad, nodded, leading the charge towards Miss Martian's bioship.

The flight was silent as Dick Grayson, the boy wonder known as Robin, counted his shuriken, and Conner Kent, the Superboy, watched the passing scenery intently. Kid Flash decided to break this silence by leaning over to Kaldur, his mouth full of banana as he asked the Atlantean what was in the duffel bag next to his seat.

Kaldur patted the duffel bag, a smirk forming on his usually stoic face. "Plan B." Was all he would say, making Wally grunt and go back to eating his banana.

Miss Martian groaned, putting a hand to her forehead. Superboy turned from the window, concern lacing his words as he asked M'gann if she was alright. "Yeah, dizzy."

"Martians get airsick?" Robin quipped, half turned around in his seat.

"She does look a bit greener than usual." Wally muttered.

"Not me, her."

"I feel fine!" Artemis clarified quickly when all eyes landed on her.

"Not her the bioship! She's trying to shield us but-" M'gann's words were cut off as the bioship was thrown into terrible tailspins before getting abruptly hit from underneath. The ship crash landed in water, the cloaking mechanisms worn off due to the stress the ship was under. The bioship was grabbed from all sides by one of the giant plant monsters Batman had briefed the team on, instantly putting everyone on alert. Suddenly, a hole was ripped in the roof of the bioship and M'gann screamed out in pain, clutching her head. "Ugh! It's hurting her!"

Superboy grunted, leaping up and punching the assailant away. Water started to flood the ship, so M'gann opened a hatch in the bottom, disguising their getaway from their unseen attackers. The team swam through the bayou, emerging a short distance away on the muddy shore. They watched as the plant creature sunk the bioship, about to embark on their mission when they were blasted by concussive force of vertigo, bringing them to the ground in pain.

"Vertigo!" Wally spat, glaring up at the villian.

"Count Vertigo to you, peasant!"

Superboy stood up against the blast, aiming a punch at Count Vertigo only to be hit in the face by the fist of Black Adam. Aqualad saw his opportunity, using his water whips to blast back Count Vertigo and free his friends, commanding them through the mind link M'gann had set up using her telepathy.

Robin, Miss Martian, disappear! We will keep them busy, you two fulfill the mission objective.

Robin and Miss Martian ran off, leaving their friends to fight Count Vertigo and Black Adam. The fight was short lived, Count Vertigo easily subduing the team with his powers once more. Wutan the sorcerer showed up to imprison them in a mystical cage, flying them towards the headquarters that Miss Martian and Robin were heading to on foot.

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