Chapter Nine

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Wanda Maximoff paced the Avengers' mansion, wringing her hands nervously. She had been waiting for a phone call from either of her sons for days now and had yet to hear anything, which is odd. Normally they would've called to see how the rest of the mission went, or at least to see if she was alright.

But nothing.

It was making her worried, and a worried Scarlet Witch does no one any good.

Wanda jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to see Natasha Romanoff standing there with a concerned expression on her face. "Everything okay, Wanda?"

Wanda sighed, shaking her head in the negative. "I haven't heard from Billy or Tommy in almost a week. Ever since they left during the battle against Loki, its been radio silence. I've tried to reach out to them, but nothing." Wanda looked over at Natasha with a sad look. "Do you think I did something wrong?"

"I doubt it. You're a good mother, Wanda. The boys love you." Nat pulled Wanda in for a hug. "Have you tried searching for them on the astral plane?"

A light bulb went off over Wanda's head. "No, but I will now! If you'll excuse me."

"Of course. If you need anything, you know where to find me." Natasha watched Wanda rush off to her bedroom, turning to look out the window that overlooked the gardens. "Boys, for your sake and your mother's, I hope everything is okay..."

- - -

They were in the middle of planning their attack on Santa Prisca when Wanda made her appearance.

Spiritually, of course.

The Justice League weren't sure what was happening and the Young Justice squad was startled, but the Young Avengers were used to Wanda showing up like this. They just didn't expect her to show up in another dimension like this.

"Mom! You found us!" Tommy ran at his mother's astral form, hugging her as tightly as he could.

Wanda returned the hug, kissing Tommy's hair. "I was so worried about you two, Tommy." She looked up, noticing the lack of her other son. "Where is Billy?"

"Uh, about that..." Tommy filled Wanda in on what happened with Billy, from him ingesting the Joker venom to being captured by Deathstroke. Wanda looked outraged, rightfully so, and Tommy was quick to dispel her worries. "But mom, we found where they are keeping Billy so we are going to rescue him and hopefully you can bring us home?"

Wanda's rage turned into sorrow. "I wish I could, Tommy, but I don't even know where you are. In order for my magic to work, I need to know exactly where you are so I can be the most effective. Otherwise, I could make things worse."

Tommy nodded sadly. "Okay, I understand. I've got to get going, we need to rescue Billy now. I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Tommy. Tell Billy I love him too."

"Of course, bye mom." Wanda kissed Tommy's hair once more before disappearing, leaving Tommy looking distraught yet determined. He turned to his friends and the Justice League, a stern glare on his face. "We leave now. Billy's suffering ends now."

Everyone nodded and they departed for the bioship and the Batplane, boarding in silence.

Once they were in the air, Wally broke the silence. "Dude, your mom is so cool."

Tommy tried to keep up his cool façade but failed, his face breaking out into a grin. "I know, right? She is such a badass."

"Its a mystery how you and Billy turned out so lame." Kate teased, snickering when Tommy childishly stuck his tongue out at her.

"I went to prison, I am as cool as they come."

"Going to prison doesn't make you cool, it makes you a criminal."

Dick turned around in his seat, facing the Young Avengers. "That's like the third time you've mentioned going to prison. What did you do to get thrown into prison?"

Tommy smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I would, that's why I asked."

"He blew up his school."


"Not on purpose! It was when my powers were emerging and I got pissed at this guy for bullying this girl so I defended her and one thing led to another and...ka-boom!" Tommy made an explosion motion with his hands, his eyes going wide as he did so.

The rest of the flight was in silence as everyone mentally prepared for the fight ahead, the only talking was when M'gann announced she was placing the bioship in camouflage mode. Other than that, not a peep as they entered Santa Prisca airspace.

Kaldur looked out the window, down at the island below as they landed on the far side. He turned to his fellow teens and tapped his temple to signify they would be conversing through the mind link for the rest of the mission.

How do we know where to find Billy?

We search the whole island, duh.

Speed and KF, you guys got this while the rest of us wait for the Justice League?

Heck yeah, my man.

The two speedsters ran off inland as the others waited. Tommy and Wally split off and were just blurs of green and yellow as they searched the island from top to bottom, coming up empty as they returned to the others.

There was no sign of Billy. No sign of anyone, actually.

Impossible, they have to be here.

Are we sure Wonder Woman got the right island?

The Justice League landed, meeting up with the teenage heroes. Martian Manhunter, with the aid of M'gann, added the Justice League to the mental group chat.

So, KF and Speed just searched the island. No one's home.

It must be a trap, then. I know this is their base of operations.

What makes you so sure?

We have been hunting The Light for a long time, child. We are very sure.

Then where are they?

As if on cue, the ground began to shake. Figures began to fly down from the sky, among them a restrained Billy, landing a dozen yards away from the heroes with malicious grins on their faces.

"Why, we've been expecting you." The jacked up Lex Luthor drawled, cracking his knuckles as he eyed Superman.

Tommy, being Tommy, had to point out the obvious.

There they are.

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