Chapter Eight

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"His name is Wiccan, actually. Our mother is the Witch." Tommy narrowed his eyes, going to make a move towards Deathstroke only to find himself moving at a normal human's speed. He furrowed his brow, looking around until Slade tsked.

"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. See, I lined the room with power nullification agents while you heroes were off fighting my distraction. And if any of you make another move, I kill the boy and that would just be a waste for everyone involved." Slade grinned maliciously at Tommy's glare, pressing the blade more into Billy and drawing a few drops of blood. "Now, back up slowly or I slit his throat."

Tommy did as Slade commanded, glaring at the older man the entire time. "What do you want with Wiccan?" Dick asked, hands reaching for a bat-a-rang. 

"Who says I don't just want to kill him?" Everyone just raised an eyebrow and Slade nodded. "Fair enough, but its not what I want, its what my peers want with the boy. I am merely here to assure they get what they want. Now, Wiccan, take us to The Light."

Teddy scoffed. "He is practically brain dead, he can't hear you, let alone do what you want him too."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. You see, I injected him with a toxin of suggestion, so that he will listen to every command given to him. Now, take us to The Light."

Billy nodded his head blankly, his eyes glowing bright blue as he began to utter a spell. "IwanttotakeSladetoTheLightIwanttotakeSladetoTheLightIwanttotakeSladetoTheLight."

A whirlwind of blue energy surrounded the two of them before collapsing inward, revealing an empty bed where Billy used to lay. 

Tommy cursed, punching the wall behind him. "How do villains of this Earth know of Billy?"

Cassie shrugged helplessly. "Well, we did make quite the enterance."

Tommy and Teddy turned their glares on her, making her shrink back a little. Kate sighed, looking over at the Young Justice Squad for answers. "Tell us everything you know about The Light."

Wally began to bounce on his toes, turning excitedly to Dick and Conner. "Crash course time? Please say yes." Conner sighed dramatically, nodding his head yes at the same time Dick gave Wally an enthusiastic thumbs up. Wally hollered, running out of the room to who knows where to go set up for the crash course. He returned a moment later with an impatient expression. "C'mon, I set up in the lounge. Let's do this."

The two teams followed Wally to the lounge, eyeing the mountains of snacks piled on the table that Wally brushed off as 'fuel for Tommy and moi'. They all took up positions on the couches and the floor, the Young Avengers looking to the Young Justice gang expectantly.

Artemis sucked in a breath. "Okay, so, we don't know too much about The Light. What we do know is that they are an organization made up of villains who are plotting to control the world from behind the scenes. We don't know who is in The Light, yet, but know thanks to Deathstroke we know he is apart of it, meaning the League of Assassins is most likely involved somehow."

Wally nodded, his mouth full of chips. "I bet Lex Luthor is in on it. This just reeks of something he would want part of."

Eli looked thoughtful for moment before adding his two cents. "What about any of those wizards we fought earlier? Could they have anything to do with this?"

"Klarion might, I doubt any of the others would."

"Tell us more about Klarion." Kate leaned forward on the couch, popping a handful of chips in her mouth.

"Well, he sounds a bit like your Loki. He is a Lord Of Chaos, a powerful interdimensional being that likes to cause, well, chaos."

"Wait, he is an interdimensional being? Meaning he can travel between dimensions?" Teddy asked, putting the pieces together in his head. Dick nodded slowly, confirming what he just said. Teddy snarled, slamming his fist on the table and making the food jump slightly. "That little weasel!"

"What is it Teddy?"

"Klarion and Loki set this whole thing up, all to get Billy here." When everyone stared blankly at him, Teddy elaborated. "Loki manipulated Billy's powers back home to cause them to malfunction, sending us to this universe specifically where Klarion and The Light are, so they could use Billy's reality warping powers for their own benefit!"

"Why would Loki help a Chaos Lord from another realm?" Cassie asked, looking a little lost. "That doesn't make sense."

"Without Billy's powers back home, there is one less hero strong enough to take Loki on. Plus, he loves to cause chaos, so why wouldn't he do this?"

Kate growled, cracking her knuckles. "Ooh, when I get my hands on that Asgardian."

Tommy turned to the Young Justice squad, steely determination in his eyes. "Do you know where their base of operations is?"

The Young Justice gang exchanged looks among themselves, about to answer in the negative when another voice spoke up, startling the teens. "We do." All the teens looked over to see the Justice League standing there. How they didn't hear them approach is a mystery. Wonder Woman, the one who spoke, stepped forward and crouched next to Tommy with a smirk. "What do you say we go get your brother back?"

- - -

Queen Bee stared at the young teen in front of her, disgust written all over her features. She turned her gaze on her fellow Light members, narrowing her eyes. "He is a child. A broken child. What are we supposed to do with this?"

Lex Luthor smirked, looking over at Deathstroke and gesturing for the assassin to step forward. Slade did so, walking up to the blank faced Billy and whispering something in his ear. Billy's eyes glowed bright blue as his body was engulfed in energy, the air whipping around the villains as the watched in awe as Billy uttered a spell. "IwantTheLighttohavesuperpowersIwantTheLighttohavesuperpowersIwantTheLighttohavesuperpowers."

Lex looked down as his muscles began to grow larger and larger, his body floating off the ground. He grinned, looking over at his fellow Light members as they transformed as well. Queen Bee had fire shooting out of her hands and eyes, whereas Deathstroke looked the same but was controlling the shadows in the room with a malicious smile on his face. Vandal Savage had claws grow out of his fingers and his eyes shot out lasers. Ra's al Ghul was teleporting around the room with an unamused expression on his face.

Klarion whined, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout on his face. "No fair, everyone else got upgrades where I got nothing. Wiccan, give me an upgrade."

Billy's eyes glowed once more as he uttered a spell. "KlarionneedsnofamiliarKlarionneedsnofamiliarKlarionneedsnofamiliar."

Klarion grinned, feeling instantly stronger. He pat Billy on the head. "That's more like it. Good work, Wiccan."

Nobody noticed the single tear roll down Billy's cheek.

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