Chapter Three

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It took M'gann a moment to remember the guests from another universe, so no one really blamed her when she let out a startled shriek upon finding Tommy and Eli in the Mount Justice kitchen.

The two Young Avengers turned when they heard M'gann's cry, both of them forgetting momentarily about their breakfast making endeavor. Tommy chuckled when he saw M'gann with her hand over her racing heart, sauntering over to the Martian. "I'm sorry, did we scare you?"

"N-no, I'm alright." M'gann smiled weakly, looking up at Tommy. "What are you two up to?"

"Just making breakfast, do you want some?" Eli offered, gesturing to the pancake batter he was mixing up.

M'gann nodded, walking to the fridge to take out more ingredients. "You may want to quadruple the recipe, Wally likes to eat."

Tommy nodded sagely. "Gotta keep our metabolism going."

The three of them continued working on breakfast in silence, Eli making the batter for the pancakes as M'gann fried them up. Tommy was in charge of cooking the bacon and eggs, so they had a nice little assembly line going by the time the rest of their friends and teammates trickled in.

"You really spoil us, M'gann." Robin grinned at M'gann, spearing a pancake and shoveling into his mouth. He let out a sound of pure bliss. "This is delicious."

"I couldn't have done it without the help of Tommy and Eli." M'gann nodded at the two boys who responded by giving her a thumbs up, their mouths full of breakfast food. "So, Kaldur, what's on the agenda for today?"

Kaldur swallowed his mouthful of orange juice, looking over his team. "We need to find out if Red Tornado really was the mole or not. I figured -"

"Oh oh! Can we come along?" Tommy raised his hand, waving it wildly in the air.

"You were instructed to stay-"

"Pfft, we are in another dimension and you expect us not to explore? C'mon, be realistic. Besides, as long as Billy doesn't attempt to use his powers, what harm can we do?"


"It's true, he has a point. With your powers on the fritz we can't risk you using them and blowing a hole in this reality." Kate shrugged, turning to the Young Justice squad. "So, what's the deal with this Red Tornado?"


"Oh come on! Who are we going to tell? We aren't from around here, remember?" Kate waggled her eye brows suggestively, leaning on her hands as she eyed the other team. "So spill and we'll spill."

"What could you possibly spill that would be half as interesting as our android den mother attempting to kill us and possibly being a mole for an evil organization?" Wally snorted, realizing what he said a moment too late. "Crap."

"Yikes, that sounds rough." Cassie winced sympathetically.

"Yeah, it is." Robin glared at Wally, turning to look at the Young Avengers. "Your turn. What is so interesting about you guys?"

Tommy smirked as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed behind his head. "How about the fact that Billy and I aren't biologically related at all?"

"What? You have the same face!"

"Long story short, we are the reincarnated twin sons of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision, a mutant and an android. We aren't biologically related in this lifetime but our spirits are the same as the deceased children of the Scarlet Witch and Vision, making them our spiritual parents and us technically twins." Billy shrugged, taking a bite of his omelet. "Interesting enough for you?"

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