Chapter Two

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"I think he's waking up!" Teddy called from his spot next to Billy's cot in the Mount Justice infirmary.

Billy let out a low groan as the Young Avengers and Young Justice teams both gathered around him, the Justice League standing off to the edge of the room. Billy blinked his eyes open with a wince. "Why does it feel like the time we raided Kate's dad's alcohol cabinet?" He sat up slowly, holding his head. It took him a second to notice where he was and that his team was not alone. "Uh, what did I miss while I was out?"

"Billy, you teleported us to another dimension. This is the Justice League and their equivalent of us. Do you not remember inhaling all that venom after we landed here?" Kate asked, watching as Billy processed everything.

"Nice try, guys. I'm not strong enough to teleport across dimensions. I do remember inhaling all that gas after I did that Joker venom spell. What was that, by the way?"

"Its a toxin created by a psychopathic clown. You're lucky to be alive." Batman explained, startling Billy when he spoke.

"Who are you? Guys, seriously, stop fooling around. Where are we?"

"Earth...just not our Earth." Teddy sighed, taking Billy's hands in his. "You know I would never lie to you. We are in a different dimension, Billy. That spell you cast right after our last mission? It brought us here."

Billy's eyes went wide and he shook his head furiously. "No. Not possible. Not...possible?" He closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths before opening them again, noticeably calmer. "Okay, I will just take us home then. Can't be too hard, right?"


"Everyone, take my hands." Resigned, the Young Avengers did what Billy said and joined hands. Billy looked over at the Justice League and smiled. "Thank you for the hospitality, but we must be going." He closed his eyes for a brief second, opening them to reveal glowing blue orbs. "IwanttogohomeIwanttogohomeIwanttogohome."

Billy and the Young Avengers began to glow the same bright blue as Billy's eyes before the color started to fade back into Billy. Blue lightening suddenly encased Billy and he let go of his teammates hands with a startled scream, curling in on himself as the lightening intensified, blinding those in the room.


"What's happening?!" Artemis yelled to Kate as they shielded their eyes.

"His powers seem to be malfunctioning." Kate yelled back over Billy's pained screeching. "Normally he isn't hurt by his powers."

Zatara yelled out a spell and the lightening ceased. Everyone took their hands away from their eyes slowly, peering towards Billy. He laid on the cot, dazed as he let out an agonized moan.

Tommy was there in an instant, checking his brother over for injuries. When he deemed Billy okay, he turned to Batman. "What exactly does the Joker venom do?"

"Normally it makes people temporarily insane. But seeing as he is from a different universe and the Joker could have adjusted the toxin, the effects are unpredictable." Batman leaned over Billy, flashing a light in his eyes to check his pupils. "It seems to have messed with his brain, potentially disrupting his abilities."

"'Potentially'? I'd say it did a damn good job of disrupting his abilities!" Teddy snarled.

"Hey now, no need to get hostile." Superman interjected, stepping between Teddy and Batman. "We are just trying to help."

"Superman is right, Teddy, stand down. The Justice League and their team have been nothing but helpful since we arrived here." Eli put a hand on Teddy's arm, giving him a stern look. Teddy glared back for a second but calmed himself down, pushing past the Justice Leaguers to sit back down next to Billy.

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