Chapter Four

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Yellow Stone National Park

"How are we supposed to get underground?" Wally asked as the bioship flew over the park, landing next to a hot spring.

"I could-"

"No!" Billy shrunk back into his seat as all the other teen heroes snapped at him in unison.

"Just a suggestion." Billy muttered under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest as the two teams filed off the ship.

Everyone elected to ignore Billy, turning to Aqualad for further orders. "Turn off your communicators, the Justice League will soon be on alert of our little trip to Belle Reve." After everyone had turned off their communicators, Kaldur continued on. "Now, we need to find a way - not using Billy's powers - to get down into Morrow's lab so we can rescue Tornado."

"Rescue? After everything he did to us?" Conner snapped, clenching his fists by his side.

"We do not know if he was in control of himself and we must at least find that information out before we do anything rash." Kaldur narrowed his eyes at Conner. "So, as I was say-"

The hot spring next to the bioship erupted in an explosion of lava, startling the teams into running for cover.

"I don't know about your earth, but on ours hot springs don't do that!" Tommy yelped, dodging a splash of lava. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling about this." Artemis aimed her arrows at the opening of the hot spring as black smoke puffed out in clouds.

"You and me both." Kate agreed, getting into position next to her fellow archer.

The hot spring burst once more, but this time a figure emerged with the lava and smoke. A red android made its way up into the sky in a whirlwind, knocking the teens off their feet.

Is that your Red Tornado?

Billy, stay on the bioship!

But I can he-



As Billy made his way back to the bioship the others got themselves ready to confront the android.

Red Tornado made his way to the ground a couple yards away from the teens, his mechanical face contorted into an expression of rage.

"Children, you should not be here." He spoke in his usual monotone, summoning up a dozen tornadoes. "Now I must eliminate you."

He's a real charmer.

He grows on you.

I hope not literally.

...shut up and fight, Tommy.

Kate and Artemis both fired trick arrows at the android, electronic jamming arrows to be exact, hitting Red Tornado square on the chest. Tornado was stunned momentarily before shaking it off, sending his tornadoes towards the archers.

Wally, Tommy! A little help please!

On it!

The two speedsters were busy neutralizing the twisters by running in the opposite direction of the tornadoes rotations and so far it was working. Wally went running off to grab the two archers, pulling them from harm's way.


Robin and Patriot were both dodging the remaining tornadoes, heading straight for the android. "Foolish adolescents! I know all of your fighting styles, you cannot hope to best me."

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