Best Friends

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Lizeth POV:

"Can you help me on this one problem? Please? I'll love you forever!" I looked at him with a puppy dog face. "Fine, but you know you already do." He mocked annoyed. "Don't get cocky now, but yes I do love you. You're like my big brother." But you could be more... "Aww. You're the best little sister ever ." He engulfedj me in a huge bear hug, almost knocking me to the floor. "Nathan!" We sat there cracking up, "I heard that!" Jess called from her room. "Don't worry Jess! You're my favourite little sister!" I called back. "I love you too Liz!" Nathan finally explained the maths(no this isn't a spelling error) problem and I wrote down the answer. "Nathan, Jess, dinner!" Nathan's mum was yelling from the kitchen. "Ok mum! You staying?" Nathan looked at me hopefully, "Sorry I have to get home." "Ok I'll see you in the morning when I come to get you ok?" "Love you!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. I waved to Jess an his mum through the kitchen window, and started home. I searched for my key and opened the door, "Mum, Dad? Harry!" No parents home. Typical. They're probably working late. Or arguing on their way home. I heard Harry's paws coming down the stairs, "Hey boy!" I rubbed his head and rolled on the floor with him. I made some microwave soup and a cuppa and ran upstairs. Nathan's mum let Harry stay with me cause she knew my parents were never home. I sat on my bed and opened my Mac. I went on Tumblr and gave the rest of my soup to Harry. I wasn't that hungry. I reblogged some stuff and fell asleep in front of my computer.

Next Morning:

Lizeth's POV:

*BEEP BEEP* I felt around an slapped my alarm clock. "Are you up yet?!" Oh so Mum actually came home last night. "I'm coming!!" Harry jumped off the bed and scratched at the door. I heard my mum coming upstairs and scrambled to get out of bed right as the door opened. Mum looked at me and sighed, "Breakfast is on the table, I'm leaving in ten minutes and you better be down there." As she closed the door I yelled "Yes Mum!" in a cheeky way just to piss her off. I walked over to my wardrobe to find some decent clothes. I chose the Misfits shirt from when me and Nathan bought matching ones together. I grabbed a pair of dark purple skinny jeans and Nike high tops. I grabbed my favourite Superman fitted cap, it was Nathan's favourite and it fit him too. He always stole it but then gave it back and told me I looked five times better in it. I applied some light mascara and wing tip liner. I ran downstairs, "5 minutes! That's a new record!" with my mum yelling down the stairs. I sat down at the table and pulled out my iPhone (2009 version 3 I think) 'Good morning lovely :) -Nathan xx' He's so cute, 'I'm sleepy. :(' A few seconds later my phone pinged, 'I'll wake you up ;)' I felt my mum staring over my shoulder as I smiled at his response. "Put your phone away and eat." I sent one last text, 'It better not involve water ;) gtg my mum :(' before putting my phone in my pocket. I heard my phone ping again, "Don't even think about it. Now eat!" I forgot about my food and looked down at my plate, bacon, eggs, toast with marmite, and a cuppa. I ate the eggs and toast, but left the bacon, I like bacon but fat, even though when we went to the pool Nathan complimented me in a bikini and kept staring. But I'm fat enough as it is. (Liz isn't actually fat she's skinny in a healthy way not unhealthy skinny) "Eat you bacon." My mum gestured to the bacon as Nathan knocked on the door. "I got it!" I ran to the door as fast as possible without looking flushed or screwing up my hair. "Hey Liz." He smiled as I opened the door. "You look great." He kissed me on the cheek and have me a hug, "Thats what you say everyday." I whispered in his ear trying to be seductive. I felt him tense, "Its always true." I tried not to shudder as he whispered his lips just brushing my ear. "You ready?" "Aren't I the one who came to pick you up?" He looked at me winking. I pretended to swoon and ran to get my backpack. "Bye Mum!" I slammed the door before she could answer. Nathan grabbed my hand as we started crossing the street. "I recognise that outfit." We had been each other for Halloween except for my pants of course. "Nah. I just got it from a friend." We looked at each other seriously then started cracking up.. We continued on the way to school making small talk. When we got to school he released my hand and gave me a hug, "See you at lunch!" I tried not to react as he whispered in my ear again. "Ok! Love you!" "Love you too!" We walked towards the opposite ends of the hallways to our lockers. I could tell James was walking behind me. He's been trying to get me to go out with him since he joined Sylvia Young. I twisted my locker open, "What do you want James?" "You know what I want." "Then you know exactly what my answer is." I put my stuff away and slammed my locker closed in his face, and headed to vocals.

6 Hours Later:

Liz's POV:

I walked out of piano and headed for my locker. James grabbed me and pinned me against a locker by my wrists, twisting them. "What are you doing?" I tried not to wince as his grip tightened. "What are you doing Saturday?" "I'm busy." He lifted up my wrists and slammed them back down even harder. I cried out. "Oh really? Then what are you doing?" "That's none of your buisness." "Just go out with me once." "No, I like someone else." I was on the verge of tears now, "Why you'd rather fuck Nathan?" He pushed himself against me into the locker. "No he's my best friend. I promise. Please let go." "You sure that's it?" "Yes! Please just let go." "One of these days, he's not going to be here for you and you're going to come running to me." He released my wrists and I ran into Nathan's arms by my locker, crying into his chest. "What's wrong?" "James tried to ask me out again." Nathan held my face up my makeup was probably running, "Did he hurt you?" I nodded and held up my red wrists. He held them delicately and stared, "Do you want me to run home and grab the car today?" I nodded. "Ok. I'll be back soon, wait on the curb." He opened my locker and grabbed my stuff. I watched as he ran out the doors with both of our backpacks to get the car. I scanned the hall for James before continuing out the doors. I sat on the curb waiting for Nathan. James suddenly grabbed me up from the curb and shoved me against the wall. "Since you'd clearly rather fuck Nathan first, I figured I'd cover that base first. He smirked at me as he grinded his hips against mine. "Stop." He didn't listen and just pushed against me harder. "Please don't-" he kept grinding my hips into the brick wall, "-rape me (continued from previous sentence)" I saw Nathan's car around the corner coming closer. I kneed James in his crotch and ran to the car. "Just run back to your little boyfriend!" Nathan ran out and opened the back door for me. I ran straight for the back of the car and Nathan sat down next to me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my

forehead. "I shouldn't have left." "It's ok Nath-" He looked at me angrily breaking the hug, "No it's not ok!If I had been a few seconds later." He looked down leaving the rest fore to figure out. "He tried to rape me." "What?!" Nathan punched the head of the seat. "I'm so sorry Nathan." I started crying and he pulled me back close to him. I could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest, "Shh. It's not your fault. It's gonna be ok. He's not gonna get away with this. I'll take care of him." He lifted my head up by my chin and wiped away my tears and makeup. He kissed my nose and put his forehead against mine. I could feel his breath against my lips. He leaned in to kiss me as I leaned into the kiss a car came up behind us and honked loudly. Nathan pulled away before we kissed, his breath still fresh on my lips. I went around to the front and curled up in the passenger side as he got into the drivers seat.

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