Accidents Happen

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Hello people! I'm stuck on mobile cause my computers being a butt. :/ Love you and Happy Holidays! -wordstravelfast

At Nathan's house:

Lizeth's POV:

The moment the bus stopped in front of Nathan's house I ran upstairs and say on the bed. I contemplated leaving until Nathan came and knocked on the door.

"It's open!"

Nathan swung open the door and swept me into his arms.

"Hey gorgeous."

His lips started to trail up my neck, making their way to my neck. I pressed my hands against his chest pushing him away. Nathan frowned at me confused,

"What's wrong?"


"Are you sure because you turned away from me on the bus and now you're pushing me away. Why won't you let me me kiss you?"

"I can't."


"I kissed Jay!" I blurted it out without thinking.

"I'm so sorry." He deserved to know. Jay made me feel special. Like Nathan used to.

"What do you mean you kissed him?"

"I went for a run and Jay saw me from the bus. He came out to make me get on and he kissed me and I kissed him back."

"Why would you do that?!"

"I love him."

What about me?! Or us? Don't you care?!"

"There is no us anymore Nathan! There hasn't been since you left! Of course I cared! I cared too much! If I hadn't cared so much I would've thought that you were just busy and I'd see you soon! You were hurting me and you didn't even know it!"

"How can you love him? You've met him how many times, like two?!"

"That's more than I've seen you in 3 years Nathan!"

(This is that bit where the excerpt comes in just to let you know so you're not as confused.)

"You promised you would come back! You promised me you wouldn't let me spend my entire life in this stupid town! But you know the last thing you promised me?! You promised me you would never lie to me!"

I reached out to slap him but I couldn't.

"Just do it. Hit me. I deserve it." He put his head down.

"No I keep my promises. I promised never to hurt you. But you wouldnt understand that."

I shoved my barely unpacked stuff back into their boxes. I picked them up and ran down the stairs. I left my Karen and Jess a note: ' I'll tell you where I went later. I don't know when I'll be back don't look for me. If Nathan comes asks don't tell him where I am and to leave me alone. I'm so sorry. I just need to be alone.' I left the note on the table and threw the boxes in the trunk of my car. I felt someone grab my wrist. "Go away." He just grabbed tighter."No you're not leaving now. I've finally gotten to see you again." I couldn't look him in the eye. "You should've seen me when you said you would. You're 3 years too late. And you can't even understand that I love someone else!" "But I'm trying to. Let me talk to you now." He looked at me hopefully.

"Just let me go. You've made my life hell since you left. Look at my wrist! I you'd just kept your promises this wouldn't have happened. I can't stay in this town."

I shoved my scarred and cut wrists in front of him.

"You have to stop this. You can't keep hurting yourself."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want! If you'd never hurt me maybe I wouldn't have felt so shitty that i would do this! Eveyday you've been gone, everyday that I thought of you but you didn't even remember me, there's a new cut. Eveytime you hurt me there's a cut."

He grabbed my wrists and just stared at them.

"I'm so sorry.If I knew this would've happened I wouldve never left."

"Don't even lie to me again! Youre not sorry! You never would've turned down the offer. It was your dream coming true. But it was just mine dying." I pulled my wrists away from him. He shuffled and looked at his feet.

"I wanted to come back for you. What was your dream?" I couldn't look at him.

" To stay with someone I trusted an loved for my whole life. To have someone actually care about me for once. But then they left. Then I gave up. My dream died when you left." I shove him away and got into my car. He got out of the way as I pulled out. I heard him screaming my name. I felt the tears running down my cheeks as he got farther away in the mirror. I saw him standing in the driveway. He was crying. Its probably the only thing stopping me from even seeing the other car coming.

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