"I-I'm in love with you Liz."

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,I got up and walked towards the kitchen to find James glaring at me.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's 10."


"Breakfast is at 9."

"Oh... I'll just go out and grab something."

"You're not going anywhere."

"What do you-"

His hand hit my cheek and I looked away.

"You're just a stupid little bitch who thinks she's above me but she isn't. Do you understand? You'll listen to my rules and do what I say. The doctors say I have anger management problems, even gave me a prescription, so I told them they were a bunch of old quacks."

"I wouldn't doubt them."

I saw his hands ball into fists and ran to my room before he could catch me.

"Don't act like you're so much ,better than Mr because you're not."

"I hate you!"

"You came to stay with me in th first place didn't you?"

"I thought you had gotten better!"

"I never had a problem!"

"You harassed me and you've been harassing me!"

"Then why did you want to come here?"

"It was my last resort! I'm leaving now!"

"No. You can't go anywhere."

"I'm not living with someone who hits me."

"Well you aren't leaving."

"Why do you want me to stay so badly?"

"Because I love you for God's sake!"

"Well you've got on weird way of showing it."

"I get angry, I'm sorry. I-just open the door, let me talk to you."

"Can you promise you won't hit me?"

"Yes, no just open the door."

I let out a sigh and slowly opened the door.

"Liz, I love you and I've loved you since I first saw you. I don't mean to hurt you or scar you, but you don't even notice or care about how I feel and it makes me so mad. You were always with Nathan and I thought if I could get to you, you might realize how good I could be to you."


"Let me finish. I'll let you leave, just please-let me kiss you once. I have to know that you really don't feel anything."

He put his hands on the sides of my face and tentatively pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back to my own surprise. It was different to see him like this, being nice I hadn't felt like someone honestly cared about me in so long.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Please say you felt something, I know I said I'd let you go and I will, but since you left Gloucester, I just-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I didn't know what I was doing anymore but it felt right. He pulled away and held me closely.

"I know I haven't been the best to you and I promise I'll try to get help. I know I have anger management and I'll start taking the tablets. I never meant to harass you so often, I just didn't know how to get your attention. I promise I can change."

"I'm staying, for now. And I'm going to help you get through this. What you did to me was terrible and I don't know if I'll ever forgive you for it, but I'll stay."

"I swear I won't hit you again, not ever again. I-Im in love with you Liz."

He let out a shaky breath before walking out the door.

"W-What do I do?" I sat down on my bed, with my head in my hands, I squeezed my eyes shut as tears began to escape.

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